Clean of False Doctrine:


New member
What is the Sin?? --- Sin is the Falling / “( Falling )” for false doctrines. - That is the only sin anyone can do!! – If one does not “Fall” for false doctrines, he cannot be seen by God for the things he does. --- What does it take to get that through your heads?? --- Don’t worry; -- I don’t really care if you don’t; - it’s your Power to accept the Truth, not mine!! - I just have to show you the Truth that condemns you; which is to say, - “Proving You All Wrong”, - Or “Reaping The Corrupt Fruits”!! --- Revelation 14:18-19 KJV --------///--- This is my Sharp Sword made into a Sharp Sickle!!!!

Come on, deny this!! – Doctrines are the only things you can be condemned for. - There are no carnal doings that condemn anyone, only the doctrines, or lies that convince you to ( Do Them )!!! – The one Doctrine that ( Cleanses One ) from all other Doctrines is the “Doctrine of the Gospel”. The Gospel slays the fool, and Resurrects a New Creature that has ( Never ) accepted any false doctrines, and that New Creature is Jesus the Christ that is Baptized into the Spiritually Dead Carcass’ Enlarged Mind, that belongs to Jesus the Christ. --- Your Carcass is not delivered from the Lies of Satan or the Devil, but the New Person of Christ to you, and in you, is the New Eternal Life your dead carcass has received. --- ( Prove that wrong “Geniuses”, and slay me!!! – NO!! – You won’t even try!!!

What are the Devil’s Devices?? – All the Devil’s Lies, are the only devices the Devil has; nothing more!!! --- God planted Good and evil fruits before you to choose by Doctrines, and you all have chosen all the false doctrines that say you are clean by ( Not Doing ) the Sins!!

Now Geniuses; -- go ( “Study” ) like all Geniuses must do in your world, and Prove me wrong!!!

Paul – 110812