Testament, Testify:


New member
Everything a person says or writes is his testament, and that testament, testifies of him. He is what he says and writes, that is his witness as to who he is. – A person is his testimonies. We see who and what a person is by their testimonies / testaments / ( FRUITS )!! – By a person’s testimonies / testaments, we know him, because a person’s testaments, testify, or bear witness of the person, and we shall know them by their fruits. -- A person partakes of spiritual fruits; ( Evil fruits in this case ), consuming them, and then plants the seeds in whatever dirt he can find that will grow his foolish tree. -- However, God the Father gave His Testament or Testimony through Moses and the Prophets; and we know Him by the things that God gave us, and they testify of Him. – Jesus, the Son of God, died and was Resurrected, and through His Apostles, gave us His Testament, or Testimony. – We know Him by His Fruits; for they Testify of Him. – Jesus’ Fruits, or Testimonies, bear Witness of Him, and we know Him. -- Jesus is His Testament, as we are our testament / testimonies. - Our testimonies testify of us, for our testament is our Fruits that bear witness of us!! ->>-- John 5:39 KJV – “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life: and they are they which testify of Me”. ---------///--- We know who you are, by your testimonies, or testaments / fruits. They bear witness of who and what you are. --- (( Mitt doesn’t need to Testify any longer ))!!
I have no further need to respond to such foolishness that witnesses who you are, if you can’t testify righteously, and Godly. One cannot respond to darkness, or evil fruit / evil testimonies. - Evil can only respond in Hatred toward any Good Fruit. – ( Darkness cannot shine ). - Evil cannot plant Good Fruit, as evil cannot shine or love Good Fruit. – Hatred is all that evil can sow. - ( Look at your Politics )!! - Politics has nothing to do with God. -- God’s Testament, testifies of His Government and Kingdom; ( not yours.)!

Now Geniuses, you take this and prove it wrong, for it is who and what I am!! >>-- Proverbs 23:6-7 KJV ----

Paul – 102012


New member
don't listen to what they say
watch what they do

Their doings are not their "testimony" or their "fruits". it's what they teach and say that comdemns one, not necessarily what they do. - Even Paul was worried, but understood that the things of his flesh weren't going to be counted against him, "Because" he was a Christian!! -- 1 John 1:7 KJV --

Paul -- 102012