Hot preacher Zakir Naik is deadly for his Muslim fans and humanity.



In our Muslim mission in Muslim dominated Islampur subdivision they often quote Christianity bashing Naik to jeer at us. One of our relapsed converted Muslim quoted Naik “If Christ can prove himself as son of God, I shall become Christian today” to stress on the impossibility of it. That relapsed convert is now near suicide due to tragedies one after another. Please pray for him.

Well! Without Holy Spirit no one can know that and proud Jihadist supporting Nair is far from it. Of course majority Christians dogmatically mouth that Christ is God’s son. But Holy Spirit unconnected they also don’t realize it by the heart. If by Holy Spirit they become more like heavenly Father, most responsible and loving, they can realize the son ship of Christ. But Naik’s god is no father but cruelest hell-torturer and war ordering despot. Alas! That is also derived from catholic made spurious Revelation which they made to support their atrocities. No wonder that Naik often defeats his old testament and Revelation believing Christian preacher adversaries in public debate. If one stands on contradictory things he is sure to fall!

Naik promised to become a christian if Christ proves himself. May be if Christ proves himself as Muhammad or David proved himself by sword, he might do it. But that will be a fake Christ and fake Christianity like the world-following Christianity here. If to be a Christian means Christ-like then it is impossible. I after 50 years’ following have realized myself worse than Judas, who lived with Christ three years. I or you couldn’t have followed pauper and maligned Christ in that time. Violence supporter, luxurious and rich Naik is opposite of Christ, even less than Judas.

He criticizes USA and Christianity as the greatest terrorist and support Muslim terrorists who attack it. On that score Allah is the greatest terrorist to!! He ignores that his education, dress, vocabulary, money, health etc, is derived directly and indirectly from Christians and USA. If they didn’t invent modern science, medicines, petroleum and paid them money for it, they would have remained wretched poor and small in number. Of course heaven-rejecter humanity is ingrate. Christians having received science, technology and everything from Christ and humble heavenly Father is ingrate to them also. They infect and reinforce this vice in others too. So it is natural that others benefited by them will be ingrate to them also.
Some people may contradict that science came from Christ. They rather say that science came because they rejected Christianity, as science-supporter Dr. Naik says too. In a way it is true. Catholic made hell-terrorizing bible and Christianity is enemy of the freedom of love-gospel Christ taught, stifling reason and research. But when during reformation this terror-paralyzing Christianity was dispelled in some enlightened mind, they knew the true love-sharing motto of Christ and gospel. So they shared their inventions and ideas to all, exponentially increasing it. Though the established terrorizing Christianity tried to stifle this, weakened then they couldn’t succeed.

This Christian sharing, accepting, and refining improved science and technology rapidly. Other nonChristian nations had many inventers too. But not knowing Christ‘s teaching of sharing, they selfishly hid their knowledge without sharing. It got lost on their death. Their more terrorizing religions too stifled free thinking and research as witch-craft. So modern science and technology came only in reformation enlightened Europe as Christ’s preaching of freedom and sharing was followed by sane intellectuals avoiding bigotry.

But the problem is that the Christ’s highest teaching of repentance for our love-heaven (which is bigger than earth as sun is) rejection is ignored. Actually we have fallen here in animal body warring against Love-God (Revelations12,7-12 and Indian Purans). So that war entered within us and followed us here in earth to push us to soul-disintegrating violent-hell. So every gift of God including science and technology is turning enemy to suicidal us.

Those, who pamper ego of heaven-rejecter suicidal humanity, become popular in every sphere as they help in soul’s hate-disintegration. Suicidal humanity seeks that most, openly or subconsciously. Our souls’ parts are integrated together by love (God) to create our personality (soul). Pride and its derivative hate, greed etc, destroy internal love-bond to disintegrate and destroy soul. We need teachers of love-correction and repentance to become integrated, not of our pride’s justification. But they are always ignored, if not persecuted and teachers justifying our deep suicidal pride are acclaimed. So Christ said “woe to you if applauded”. Not only such acclaimed Hindu and Muslim preachers but many false popular preachers of Christianity falls in this group, especially prosperity preachers.

Whole humanity is possessed by the suicide spirit called Devil, the pride. When each of us accepted him in our soul’s birth-place heaven like Adam and Eve, we started our rush to compulsive death. But a few of us struggle for life and Christ comes to guide them back to life, as in my case. To these disciples Christ said “Let the dead bury the dead” meaning the whole humanity.

The world’s best analogy is the concentration camp for extermination. Devil is paying them most in this world who guides most to extermination (spiritual) with the killed one’s suicidal eager cooperation. Those are so much infatuated with the pride-devil that they die with devil’s praise when killed by Devil, as Hitler’s many fans did when killed by him. Those spiritually dead are soul-disintegrated when their body disintegrates, as they hold on to body only. But a few alive by uniting with Christ and Father are not disintegrated by body disintegration as they don’t hold on to body only. So Christ and saints can conquer death.

As Billy graham and many Christian sages said that such souls are in all humanity even out of Christian churches, I also realize that. But those who categorically believe in a despotic war-monger anti-love God like Allah (really Jehovah and hell-torturing Revelation god) can never be so saved. These gods are really pride-devils as their cruelty, jealousy and greed for worship proves. Only Christ’s Love-God is real God as love only can create and bring up.

So the proud faith-save believing mad fans of Naik like preachers and populist Christian preachers are guided by their unconverted suicidal urge to soul-disintegration. Muslims go faster to destruction as their faith tells to do anti-love Jihad which Naik espouses. But other religions including Christians’ faith-save doctrine lead them to futile scripture reading, adoration and rituals etc. that leads to slower death. But if any obey Christ to do love-works, he is constantly humbled by failures, as humanity is love-rejecter. But he gets Holy Spirit to be fruitful as Gandhi was. But the defects in those fruits make him humble and repentant as Gandhi, Christ and heavenly Father is. If repentance guides all our activities and faculties then we can be saved, otherwise not.

But those earnest world-follower Christians assuming that their false faith is sure to save, is in total danger like faith-save believing Muslims. Their worldly activities give them some sense of success while Christ-following gives very small as it takes long to get spiritual fruits. So their ego is reinforced not bruised. Germany following Luther, who equated Jacob as trash and elevated humbug Paul, had false successes following the world, bringing world wars. So Christ (the love-repentance and humility of Father) unconnected humanity is going to it, by adoring the false religious preachers like Naik, prosperity preachers, scientists and technologists preparing compulsively their A-bomb holocaust.