Saving Christ and futile self proclaiming Christs.


Saving Christ and futile self proclaiming Christs.
In my 55 years of Christ following life I have experienced many healers who claimed their commission from Christ. But I was long puzzled seeing plenty healings but no regeneration. Even the healers themselves fell to pride, sin and sickness.
Later maturing I knew better that those who don’t preach repentance are not from Christ but from degenerating Devil, the pride. They might save bodies from disease and mind from evil spirits, but can’t save soul from pride-disintegration.

These healers claim that Christ appeared to them to save them from suicide or terminal sickness and empowered them to heal others. I had believed them seeing their miraculous powers. Though I was immediately dismayed by their rising pride. When I preach my usual message of repentance they reject. Even they report that their Christ is censuring me for preaching repentance and he threatened to take away my power if I preach repentance to them.

I was puzzled but latter understood that a repentance rejecting Christ is not real Christ but destructive proud Devil. He may take away my worldly power if Father allows, but not my spiritual power as Jew-god Jehovah killed Christ but couldn’t take away his real life, rather unwittingly elevated it. A Christ-follower must be ready to take that punishment from any Devil any moment as he knows that heavenly Father allows everything for real good of His children.

Some may object that Devil can’t heal or drive away evil spirits. No! In Hindu and Muslim religions many healing and exorcising in their gods’ names occur. But there follows no love-regeneration to heal sin-disintegration of soul as I got from Christ and real saints get. Rather those Devil-got improvements lead to worse conditions. Our pride-caused soul-disintegration derived infirmities make us humble and repentant. Then we turn to love-humility God to be integrated, not before. If that infirmity is removed artificially by medical or spirit force it will stop repentance-regeneration. So the improved medical science is accelerating humanity’s degeneration now. If a haughty poor is made rich by external means, will he not be haughtier to infect others too? The same is true if a unrepentant one sick due to his sin-weakness is healed by medicine or miracle. He is sure to fall to greater sickness, if not terminal.

Some may ask “then should we not help poor or heal the sick?” Certainly! It is a must to increase our love by love-works to get love-integrity salvation. But exemplified repentance must be taught first to love them really. If a luxurious preacher or healer helps that way, his own pernicious example will be highlighted, not humility and repentance. That is sure to harm him and the helped one by pride inspiration. The level of luxury here and 1st world is much different. Here a preacher in stylish apparel will be really harmful, though appreciated by vain people.

Devils’ power stems from his previous heaven inherited very strong integrity. Though he hacks away at that love-integrity in self and others by pride-culture it takes much time to vanish. So he can do works beyond human capacity for a long time until he disintegrates totally by dissolution of internal love-bond.

Some may question “Why Christ lets Devil to impersonate him?” Answer is that, some Christ-following saints in heaven later falling from Christian humility and repentance try to get worshipped that way as gods(fallen angels) do. Bad angels were also so. Since they were connected to Christ they use Christ’s name and the power got from Christ. Nor Father neither Christ stops them, for bringing them to repentance by letting them to realize the futility and harm of their own wrong actions. So Father has given devils this world. Repressing them will never change them, as parents don’t repress children giving them freedom to err and learn from it.

Another thing about repentance is that preaching it verbally may induce resistance to it. Best is to preach it by exemplified life as Christ and John Baptist done. As we mature in love we mature in repentance. Please see <How I came to know Heavenly Father as ideal love-repentance.> Lastly I confess that this post might contradict some of my previous posts. But we are always a pilgrim to truth in eternity. When we arrive at greater truths, lesser truths must be discarded.