Talk talk, saying nothing!!


New member
What is it with the Lost?? – They will talk about anything and everything, and condemn everything that pertains to the Truth; and they ( Always have ). - You can read about these ( Same Spirits ) from the beginning of the Scriptures to the end of the Scriptures. They never change. They’re always ready to express how wise they are with their total foolish nonsense that has nothing to do with God, in any way. - They’ll say the word “Jesus”, or “God” to make it sound impressive, but any child can see through their phony hypocrisy. -- The expression of the Love of God, or Jesus, is the expression of one’s ( Love ) of the Word of God / Truth (( AS IS )), without changing it to fit their foolish off the wall topics. The Truth / the Word of God says what it says, and it can’t mean anything else than what the Truth ( Says ), such as, Acts 2:38 KJV – “Just ask Jesus to come into your heart”!! – It doesn’t mean that!!

Genesis 4:10 KJV – “The ( voice ) of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground”. ----//-- Those with the total lack of Knowledge, have no idea what the Truth is saying there while the Letter is saying what it says. But the fool will take the Letter of the Word every time over the (( Truth ))!!!! - The Truth of the ( SPIRIT ) is saying something else, but the Foolish ( hate filled fools ) will never hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches, (( Just the Letter of it ))!!!!

Who is it that constantly talks and talks about everything, and never speaks of anything that is (((( revealed to him )))) by the Spirit of Truth????? – All the phony so called ~christians~ talk as though they know something, and give Scriptures that don’t apply to anything they have spoken about. – ((( Some guy killing himself )))!! – The flesh dies!!!!! – it’s the ( Soul ) that counts for (( Anything ))!! – It’s the Fool that counts the flesh to be something of anything, and never truly caring anything about the Souls of others!! – ((( LISTEN )))>>- Matthew 23:13 KJV ----//-- That ( Spirit ) has been around from the beginning of time. ( Try the Serpent at the Tree of Knowledge )!! – He is still there having the form of nations now, and you do nothing to pull a single Soul out of the damnation of Hell!!!!! --- Jude 1:23 KJV ----//-- But who cares about the Truth, ((( when we have your personal stories to hear )))??--??--??
How can you be of the Truth, and the Truth ( not reveal ) ( something ) to you? - Is the Truth not a Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ???? – And you call yourselves ( Christians )??? – Prove that you’re a Christian!!!!! – You don’t even know how that’s done, while condemning the very thing that is The Spirit of Truth / Jesus Christ / God!!!!

Paul – 080212