There is a God, and you have one


Well-known member
You have a God
1) You did not make yourself, therefore, you have a God (Creator)
2) You have purpose, you did not get to randomly pick meaning and purpose, it is common to all men, therefore, you have a God (Purpose in the universe).
3) You do not love without first being loved, therefore God exists (first lover)
4) You do things you know you are not supposed to do. The problem of guilt is
not just because of idiosyncratic consequence, but in seeing said consequence harm another: Therefore, you have a God (conscious of morality that isn't random, it is connected to love and purpose)
5) You see beauty in the universe. Because you value it as beauty, you have a God (appreciation is design and purpose)
6) You have and experience pleasure, therefore you have a God (it can only come from purpose, design, meaning, and love, there is no way to have pleasure without these. Any one lacking is no longer pleasure).
7) You contemplate, therefore you have a God (there is no ability to reason and make sense without it reflexively existing in the universe. It necessarily must be found outside of ourselves for us to have it because we CANNOT have what the universe cannot give. If we have it, it is because it exists, therefore, we have a God.
8) Denial (Agnostic, Atheism) is untenable specifically because a) you are not God b) have nothing you've originated but are the product of, and c) cannot deny your own qualities.

None of it makes sense without something other than you being the originator of you, your thoughts, and your values. A denial of that is a denial also of ANY of your own valued life qualities that you did not originate on your own. You KNOW you did nor originate them, therefore, you acknowledge there is another source to your life and values and can no longer ignorantly call yourself an agnostic or atheist.