the apocalypse


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a nuclear family
A Religious Teaching
a threat to marxism. No father in the home is not a problem for the marxists who started Black Lives Matter. Religion is. Life, marriage, and family are not on their agenda. LGBTQ is. Transgenderism in schools is now real. Parents beware.


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a peaceful demonstration
A Protest
a chance to attack police without getting arrested. Throw bricks. Start fires. Break things. Tear down statues. Changing the hearts and minds of law abiding citizens. It's all about freedom. Don't get left out. Start one in your neighborhood. It's fun. It's the marxist way.


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a trinity
A Family
a father, a mother, and a child. A trinity in Their Image. The family is sacred. It is somehow a threat to marxism. Life, marriage, and family are under attack from marxists everywhere. The Church is also under attack for teaching the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. Stand up and defend the Church. Religious freedom. Freedom of speech.


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a statue
A Church
a teaching of the truth about life, marriage, and family. Protecting the child with a mother and a father. Protecting our freedoms. Religious freedom. Freedom of speech. You have to fight for them. The Church is being attacked from without and within. You must defend Her. You cannot rely on the priest or the bishop. Not even the pope.


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a correction
A Chastisement
a punishment or a penalty for not following the rules. Bad people don't like rules. That is why we need police to enforce them. That is why bad people do not want police. Most want law and order. We will lose it if we don't support those who promote law and order.


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a marxist
A Threat To Religion
a modernist, a communist, a socialist, a liberal. They all support abortion and divorce. Their priorities are climate change and racism. Their enemy is the Church that supports life, marriage, and the family. Religious freedom is being threatened. So is freedom of speech. It is your job to defend both. Get to work.


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a father
A Necessary Ingredient
a man in the home might tell you that you don't have to riot, throw bricks, start fires, or pull down statues. If you really want what the marxists promote, find an airport and get on a plane to Russia, China, or Venezuela. They are already where you want to be.


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a black life
A Trained Marxist
a founder of 'Black Lives Matter' and promoter of the LGBTQ cause. This is not about racism. It is about transgenderism. A direct attack on the nuclear family. Our belief in life, marriage, and family makes them uncomfortable. We have to give up our religion, our beliefs, and our free speech just to make them comfortable.


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a victim
A Grievance
a reason to protest, a marxist opportunity for chaos. If you feel like a victim, get over it and try to take care of the things you can change. Start with yourself and your immediate environment. After that you can work on the real important things like climate change.


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a statue
A History
a chance to remember from where we came. A perspective on what works and what doesn't. Like having a father. Today most families are without a father. It is a fact that children do better with a father. Today the Church that teaches the importance of marriage and family is under attack from those who promote marxism. They are called liberals.


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a modernist
A Progressive
a humanist, a socialist, a liberal. All very nice names for a marxist who has no use for religion, life, marriage, and family. They are trained to take advantage of racial protests. They wear masks and have backpacks containing paint, bricks, and accelerants. They are all concerned about climate change. Why aren't you?


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a black life
A Baby In The Womb
a matter of fact. 40% of abortions are black. No one is protesting Planned Parenthood. Respect for life starts in the womb. Respect for family starts with a father. Respect for marriage starts with religion and the bible. If you don't get that in church, where are you going to get it? It all matters.


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a respect for life
A Necessary Ingredient
a common value that can lead to a civilized society. We will not escape the consequences of killing millions of babies. We will pay the price. You won't have to worry about climate change anymore. Hopefully you will start to worry about what is really important.


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a gun
A Vote for Law and Order
a common defense against those who don't respect the property of others. Many had to die protecting the freedom we have. Even more had to die to take away the freedom of all in the marxist countries of Russia and China. The marxist is the enemy and the gun is the only thing they respect.


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a home
A Family
a basic unit of society. Historically a father defends the home and the family. Without the father it is more likely that the village will raise the child just as Karl Marx would have it. That makes the Church the enemy of the marxist since She alone teaches the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. Today the laity must defend the Church from the enemies within.


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a more perfect union
A Common Defense
a constitution to secure liberty. Freedom of speech. Religious freedom. These freedoms are being challenged by the marxists. Nothing new here except the leaders in the Church are talking about climate change instead of the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. That is the real problem.


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a court
A Decision
a religious freedom. A victory for the Church. No thanks to two thirds of the feminists on the court. They believe in abortion. They believe we should help pay for the killing of babies. No better than marxists who oppose the teachings of the Church regarding life, marriage, and family. We must continue the fight for religious freedom.