the apocalypse


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a feminist
A Catholic
a supreme court justice wants you to pay for abortions regardless of your beliefs. Thanks to Obama we have to deal with this feminist for years to come. Don't forget those who voted for democrats. The Democratic Party has put four pro abortion justices on the court. They believe in killing babies. Do you?


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a democratic party
A Transformation
a catholic is turned into a baby killer. Biden. Sotomayor. Pelosi. Cuomo. Feminists control the Democratic Party. Abortion is at the top of their agenda. Marxists, when they are not rioting, also support the Democratic Party. Where else can they go? Inside the Church. Watch how the bishops agree with the Democrats. Can you say climate change?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That is baby killing.

I remember trying very very hard and long to get quip to understand that - that the same child 5 minutes apart is deemed either disposable or deserving of the protection of the state depending on where it resides. He struggled with a lack of understanding.


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a vote for
A Supporter of Abortion
a baby killer makes. Aiding and abetting the killing of babies makes you a baby killer. Your vote for anyone in the Democratic Party makes you culpable. Democrats, controlled by feminists, are keeping abortion legal. So is your vote for any of them. It's your choice.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There is a lot of struggling going on here.

A lot of it is because we're speaking different languages. People like quip, artie, annabananahead and others are speaking the language of emotion, the language of "emotional reasoning". To them the facts that matter are their emotions.

The development of their reasoning abilities is stunted, it is delayed, it is retarded.


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a respect for
A Life
a color matters not. A life in the womb does matter. If you can't get this right, you can't get anything right. You might even start worrying about climate change. Get your priorities straight. Start with what is important. Life. Vote like it matters.


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a vote for
A Life
a matter of import. Vote for life. Vote for law and order. Vote for religious freedom. Vote for freedom of speech. Vote for freedom. Vote for a court that respects life. Vote for what matters. Vote to protect life, marriage, and family. Vote to protect the child. Don't let the village raise the child.


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a respect for property
A Respect for Life
a respect for authority. Respect for others is more likely when a father is around. Fathers have a way of demanding respect for themselves as well as for others. With a father there are consequences. You will be held responsible and accountable. You need to learn this stuff at home. That is why the family matters. That is why marriage matters. That is why life matters.


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a village not
A Father
a family is necessary. Don't let the village raise your child. Don't let Portland raise your child. Don't let Seattle raise your child. A father is a necessary ingredient. The Church teaches the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. Fight for the Church that protects the child. Save the Church from those who talk about climate change. Save your life.


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a death
A Chastisement
a consequence. Thou doth protest too much. It is a time to reflect on what is important. Protect the young and old. The vulnerable. Respect the baby in the womb. Respect those who came before you. Silence allows the cancer to spread. We are being held responsible for our silence. You can suffer now or you can suffer later. You will suffer.



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a protest
A Process
a necessary ingredient for chaos. A marxist playbook. Religion is the enemy. It protects life, marriage, and family. It protects freedom. Don't let the village raise your child. There is no room for religion in the village. No room for God. The Church alone teaches the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. The laity alone can protect the Church from wolves in sheep's clothing. Do your job.


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a planned parenthood
A Black Baby
a life that doesn't matter. Planned Parenthood is killing black babies. Don't they matter? Where is the protest? The same people who support Planned Parenthood are the same people who support climate change and Black Lives Matter. They can't get anything right. They are too busy protecting the protesters. How can you trust them?


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a necessary ingredient
A Black Father

a matter not considered. Where are the black fathers? Don't they matter? Only the Church teaches the sanctity of life, marriage, and family. No wonder She is being attacked from without and from within. The family is the enemy of marxism. The Church is the enemy of marxism. Don't let the village raise your child.


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a respect for authority
A Father
a family must have a father. Don't let the village raise your child. Don't get rid of the baby. Don't get rid of the father. A father in the home is the best thing for your baby. Don't let the feminists distort your thinking. The teachings of the Church protect the child. The Church teaches the sanctity of life, marriage, and family.