30 Days,


A beginning to end mass shootings.

Patrick Crusius, 21, the eco-terrorist has admitted to the Aug. 3rd 2019 shooting in El Paso Texas, he is seen on TV, and anyone who has read his manifesto can easily detect he is not incapacitated by insanity.

The solution is simple. On September 3rd at 10:30 AM Patrick Crusius is put to death on pay per view with the proceeds going to the victims.

After just a couple of these executions these senseless murders will abate.

This is a just outcome as it gives Mr. Crusius plenty of time to repent.

The Barbarian

A beginning to end mass shootings.

Patrick Crusius, 21, the eco-terrorist has admitted to the Aug. 3rd 2019 shooting in El Paso Texas, he is seen on TV, and anyone who has read his manifesto can easily detect he is not incapacitated by insanity.

The solution is simple. On September 3rd at 10:30 AM Patrick Crusius is put to death on pay per view with the proceeds going to the victims.

After just a couple of these executions these senseless murders will abate.

This is a just outcome as it gives Mr. Crusius plenty of time to repent.

There's a problem, which might not seem important to you; across the United States there are dozens of people who are alive today only because after being wrongly condemned to death for crimes they didn't commit, they were able to play the appeals process long enough for someone to prove they were innocent.

How many of them would you be willing to kill, in order to more swiftly kill murderers?

I'd like to know how many you think would be acceptable. Maybe a percentage?