Another Fox commentator finally sickened by Trump racism

The Barbarian

President Trump Calls Fox News ‘Fake News’ for Citing Unfavorable Poll Numbers
Donald Trump accused Fox News anchor Bret Baier of pushing “fake news” Monday night after the anchor cited figures from his network’s own polling that shows former Vice President Joe Biden leading the president in several battleground states. “Something weird going on at Fox,” Trump tweeted, claiming that his campaign’s internal polls “show us leading in all 17 Swing States,” despite leaked evidence to the contrary. The president also disputed that he spent 30 hours with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, as the network repeatedly stated in promotional messages for its exclusive interview. “More Fake News @BretBaier,” Trump tweeted, using an epithet that he casually uses against every major news organization in America but has rarely, if ever, used to describe Fox News.

Donald J. Trump


.@FoxNews Polls are always bad for me. They were against Crooked Hillary also. Something weird going on at Fox. Our polls show us leading in all 17 Swing States. For the record, I didn’t spend 30 hours with @abcnews, but rather a tiny fraction of that. More Fake News @BretBaier
6:49 PM - Jun 17, 2019

President Trump’s first internal campaign poll showed him trailing far behind Democratic front-runner and former Vice President Joe Biden in key battleground states, his campaign confirmed to ABC News in a report published Friday.

The data revealed Biden had a double-digit 55 percent to 39 percent lead in Pennsylvania, a 51-41 percent lead in Wisconsin and a 7 point lead in Florida. Trump was shown to be ahead by only 2 points in Texas, which has a strong Republican base.

The poll was conducted between March 15 and March 28, ABC News reported.

In May, Trump’s campaign denied initial reports of the data’s existence. 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted May 21 that the “#FakeNewsMedia … continue to lie with polling to fit their narrative.”

Gary K

New member
LOL. AOC is white. She is of the same ethnicity as George Zimmerman and the socialists and socialist press claimed he was white. So, so is AOC.

Japanese internment camps were created by a Democrat president and they didn't disappear due to public censure. They disappeared due to the end of WW2. As usual it was the Democrats destroying liberty and the Constitution, but who wants to let a good chance to bash conservatives and Trump just because telling the truth isn't convenient?

The Barbarian

LOL. AOC is white. She is of the same ethnicity as George Zimmerman and the socialists and socialist press claimed he was white. So, so is AOC.

Yeah, "Hispanic" is a culture, not a race. Thought you knew. So technically, in AOC's case, Trump is a bigot; he's a racist about the others.

Japanese internment camps were created by a Democrat president

Not surprising. Most racists were democrats in those days. That didn't really reverse until the 1960s, when most racists switched to the republican party. Nixon's strategist, Kevin Phillips, explains:

All the talk about Republicans making inroads into the Negro vote is persiflage. Even ‘Jake the Snake’ [Senator Jacob K. Javitsj only gets 20 per cent. From now on, the Re publicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 per cent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that . . . but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and be come Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrange ment with the local Democrats.

So Trump, when locking kids up in cages with concrete floors to sleep on, and no way to clean themselves, is just playing to the base. Kevin Phillips would approve.

Gary K

New member
Ah, yes, the great switch by the racist Democrats as they passed the civil rights act of 1964. The switch that never happened. The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act for 57 days they were so dead set against it. Odd, isn't it that those racists turned around and stopped all that racist thinking on the proverbial dime? Racists born and raised just suddenly got religion and stopped being racists over night. Just like Robert Byrd, Hillary's mentor, who said long after the 60s that the KKK people he associated with were "good people". Byrd, a leading Democrat during his days in the Senate also opposed both Thurgood Marshall's and Clarence Thomas' appointments to the Senate so he never really got past his racist views, no matter what the left tries to say about him. In 2001 Byrd talked on national tv about "white *******". So, these claims about rehabilitation were just that: claims. In reality he never changed, he just changed his rhetoric, most of the time.

Gary K

New member
If Trump is a bigot then so are all Democrats and the entire corporate press for they consistently called Zimmerman something he isn't. They denigrated his ethnicity by not acknowledging his ethnicity and by mis-identifying his ancestry. It's all just word games and whatever the political agenda is at the time. AOC is a minority. Zimmerman is not. Yeah, right.

Trump never mentioned race. He mentioned anti-American politics and attitudes. That is not racism. It has nothing to do with race as there are pro-American blacks, hispanics, asians, etc.... He didn't say they needed to leave so he was not addressing race. His comments were specifically addressing hatred of the US and that is not confined to any one race, ethnicity, color of skin, shape of eyes, etc.... It is a political belief, not a belief that is exclusively tied to any one race. Or are you, anna, rusha, ab, th, horn, etc... all minorities and belong to a monoculture based on race alone? You know, because if you're black, hispanic, asian, etc... you are incapable of thinking any differently than another minority. That's your argument in totality. It's such an obvious logical fallacy it's ridiculous but yet you socialists spout it constantly.

Gary K

New member
Let's look at a Democrat policy and see if racism has disappeared from the Democrat policy.

Let's look at Affirmative action and it's effects on how minorities are treated. Affirmative action tells black students they can pass college courses with same grades white students get even though their test and homework scores are lower. Let's examine that idea. It is based upon the idea that black students can't compete academically with white students. That very idea is racist for it says the entire black race isn't as intelligent as the white race. What we end up with is affluent white college administrators and politicians telling black students that they aren't capable of doing the same level of academic work as a white student thus they will get the same grades as a white student even though they, as a direct result of the policy, will learn less. It's been proven time and time again that most students will do no more than is expected of them. They will do what is required to pass/graduate/achieve_a_certain_grade, therefore black students are placed in a position in which they are encouraged to learn less than a white student is. That is racist in both thought and in result. Affirmative action is something pushed by Democrats and they scream "racism" if anyone opposes it. Yet I've just shown that it is pure racism.

There never has been a so called switch in the Democrat party from racist to non-racist. They still push racist ideas on a regular basis, they just scream racist if anyone opposes them and the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, other wise known as the mockingbird media, supports them right down the line proving that they are just as racist themselves.

The Barbarian

Ah, yes, the great switch by the racist Democrats as they passed the civil rights act of 1964. The switch that never happened.

In two decades, the south went from solidly democrat to solidly republican, for no other reason than the civil rights act. That's what Kevin Phillips was talking about.

The reason black voters swung from the republicans to the democrats was for the same reasons. No point in denying the fact.

The Barbarian

One issue in Affirmative Action is that SATs are very useful in predicting how successful a white student will be in college, but they are not as useful in predicting the success of black students. Turns out, HS GPA is a better predictor than SATs.

Who Will Succeed in College? When The SAT Predicts Black Students' Performance
African American students feel greater than usual concern over whether the Student Aptitude Test (SAT) gives a true reading of academic aptitude but have little understanding of when the SAT does and does not predict the grades they will achieve in college. Clearer insights about predictive validity issues for them may come from several nontraditional studies based on academic and psychosocial data. While educational underachievement prior to test-taking (Bracey, 1993; Horn Carroll, 1997; Smith & Choy, 1995a, 1995b; Young & Smith, 1997) and issues activated during test taking are important (Jencks Phillips, 1998; Steele Aronson, 1995; Watson, 1972), this discussion focuses on the consequences of a given test score for future success in college. Data from several sources provide analyses of predictive validity by dominant race of the college and by gender. Analyzing SAT correlates sheds new light on the problem of predictive validity in minority populations.'_Performance

Texas, for example, found that it was very effective to guarantee state school acceptance to any Texas student graduating in the top 10% of his or her class. The number of successful black and Hispanic college students rose rapidly. So rapidly that it bothered some people. The ultimate "solution" was to allow state schools to set tuition at whatever level they wished.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yeah, you've tried peddling this lie in the past and it's been shown that you were lying.

Guess you thought people would forget what you are :idunno:


New member
"Japanese internment camps were created by a Democrat president and they didn't disappear due to public censure. They disappeared due to the end of WW2. As usual it was the Democrats destroying liberty and the Constitution, but who wants to let a good chance to bash conservatives and Trump just because telling the truth isn't convenient?"

The Japanese on the West Coast were thought to be a threat in World War II, because among the Japanese population there were a few who were loyal to Japan.

The German population in the U.S. was too large to put in prison camps.

But do not get lured into discussions about racism because the Political Left at this point in time is using Identity Politics to divide Americans and increase that division perhaps to the point of widespread violence.

Identity Politics comes out of Frankfurt School Transformational Marxism. Marxism is fundamentally anti-Christian. Reading this particular forum on TOL sometimes makes you wonder if it is a Christian forum.

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and
fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et
al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain)

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change"

While still in Germany the Frankfurt School Marxists made use of the theories of Freud in their form of Marxism, which set out to do away with the Culture of the West which hindered the establishment of a Marxist totalitarian culture and government.

Then, after they moved to the U.S. they made use of American Personality and Social Psychology.

And so Transformational Marxism became psychologized.

The ideas of Social Psychologists, Personality Theorists and Clinical Psychologists like Kurt Lewin, Abraham H. Maslow, and Carl R. Rogers, from more mainstream psychology, contributed to the work of changing the culture. And, in addition, the Frankfurt School had its own psychologists and psychiatrists, who were influenced by psychoanalysis, such as Eric Fromm, and Wilhelm Reich.

Georg Lukács, 1885-1971, was one of the original Founders of the Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxism. He understood that Protestant Christianity, in its spiritual transformation of the individual, and the Culture that Protestant Christianity created, prevented Marxism from taking over Western Europe and the United States. So Marxism must get rid of that Protestant Christianity and that Culture it created.

Though Lukács himself did not develop a specific method for the abolition of that Culture which grew out of the Northern Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, Theodore Wiesengrund Adorno, 1903-1969, with other Frankfurters in the U.S. did lay the foundation for the Identity Politics now being used by Marxists to combat that Western dominant culture from the Renaissance-Reformation which Lukács had identified.

The Northern Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were important for the development of that Culture which Lukacs understood to be a major hinder to the takeover of Western Europe and the U.S. by Marxism because that Northern Renaissance created the scholarship which enabled the Reformation to began in Northern Europe. For example, Desiderius Erasmus, 1466-1536, was from Holland. Erasmus created the Textus Receptus, which made the original Greek of the New Testament again available to translate into the common languages of Europe, including English in about 1526 by William Tyndale. Before Erasmuc created the Textus Rceptus, the Bible was only available to most people in the form of the Latin Vulgate of Jerome.

"Fortunately, Horkheimer and Adorno’s approach began to change in 1939-1940, when they began to develop a vast research project on anti-Semitism, ultimately sponsored by the American Jewish Committee."

"Adorno and Horkheimer organized, as mentioned above, a vast research project on anti-Semitism, which resulted in several books published as a series, “Studies in Prejudice.” The best known is The Authoritarian Personality (1948), written, in part, by Adorno, which showed that anti-Semitism is intimately associated with certain character structures, such as blind submission to authority, violent aggressive attitude toward the “other,” and rigid stereotypical thinking. Leo Löwenthal and Norbert Guterman wrote the second book of the series, Prophets of Deceit (1949), dealing with American anti-Semitic agitators such as Father Coughlin, Gerald L. K. Smith, and a few others. Curiously enough, there is hardly a mention, in this context, of the most influential—by far!—American anti-Semite, namely Henry Ford, author of The International Jew (1921), who not only had a big impact in the United States, but whose book became a favorite of a German fascist named Adolf Schickelgruber. "

Note that the "theory" which Adorno and Horkheimer created around their interest in anti-semiticism looks a lot like a theory within American Personality and Social Psychology. In fact, in the fifties, this theory was accepted by many people then working in American Personality and Social Psychology. At that time one of the most referenced topics in the Social and Personality Psychology peer review journals was the F Scale, which Adorno and his associates used in their paper and pencil questionnaire study of anti-semiticism and the Authoritarian Personality.

The Barbarian

Marxim is the greatest of the Protestant heresies. Without Calvin, there would be no Masxism.

Calvin was not a heretic, as deeply in error as he was, but Marx carried the idea of determinism to its ultimate heretical conclusion, the rejection of God Himself.

Karl Marx as Religious Eschatologist
Communism was the great goal, the vision, the desideratum, the ultimate end that would make the sufferings of mankind throughout history worthwhile. History was the history of suffering, of class struggle, of the exploitation of man by man. In the same way as the return of the Messiah, in Christian theology, will put an end to history and establish a new heaven and a new earth, so the establishment of communism would put an end to human history.

And just as for postmillennial Christians, man, led by God's prophets and saints, will establish a Kingdom of God on Earth (for premillennials, Jesus will have many human assistants in setting up such a kingdom), so, for Marx and other schools of communists, mankind, led by a vanguard of secular saints, will establish a secularized Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

In messianic religious movements, the millennium is invariably established by a mighty, violent upheaval, an Armageddon, a great apocalyptic war between good and evil. After this titanic conflict, a millennium, a new age of peace and harmony, of the reign of justice, will be installed upon the earth.

Marx emphatically rejected those utopian socialists who sought to arrive at communism through a gradual and evolutionary process, through a steady advancement of the good. Instead, Marx harked back to the apocalyptics, the postmillennial coercive German and Dutch Anabaptists of the 16th century, to the millennial sects during the English Civil War, and to the various groups of premillennial Christians who foresaw a bloody Armageddon at the Last Days, before the millennium could be established.

This is why Lenin and Stalin went after liberalism and biological evolution with such a fury.

The Barbarian

'It feels like 1930 Berlin': Holocaust survivor says Trump's America reminds him of the years leading up to Nazi domination in Germany

Germania Rodriguez For
A Holocaust survivor says the rise of president Donald Trump is reminiscent of the years that led to the Nazi takeover of Germany.

Stephen Jacobs, 79, told Newsweek there's a 'real problem growing' in the U.S, where he has lived since shortly after being freed from the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945.

The renowned architect said the current climate in the U.S. feels like '1929 or 1930 Berlin', when economic, political and social resentments were brewing, eventually leading to the brutal, right-wing rule of Adolf Hitler, who got to power by promising Germans to bring their country back to its its pre-World-War-I glory.

Jacobs said he's noticed a shift in public discourse, and worries about the fact that people now feel free to say things that 'couldn't be said five years ago.'