Trump is a pathological liar


Trump is a pathological liar
(in my view)
A pathological liar is someone who lies compulsively. While there appears to be many possible causes forpathological lying, it's not yet entirely understood why someone would lie this way. ... Compulsive lying is also a known trait of some personality disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder.27 Aug 2018

Pathological lying, also known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is the chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying.

Unlike telling the occasional white lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble, a pathological liar seems to lie for no apparent reason. This can make it frustrating or hard to know what to do if you believe you’ve met one.

Though pathological lying has been recognized for more than a century, there’s not yet a clear universal definition of the condition.

Some pathological lying may result from a mental condition, such as antisocial personality disorder (sometimes called sociopathy), while others appear to have no medical reason for the behavior.

This is a mental illness
,.,,.There is one person who we do not want to have a mental illness.

,.,.,That is the one who controls our army

.,;.,That is the one who controls our navy

,.;.,That is the one who controls our air force

,.'.;That is the one who has the executive order that can bring death

,.;,Is Trump the one-?

';.,I say No!!!!!!.........

;,'What say you-?



like marbles on glass


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
So is Barbarian. :idunno:

:mock: Trump haters.


like marbles on glass
'Sir' alert: This one word is a telltale sign Trump is being dishonest

Trump has told false "sir" stories on all manner of subjects: health care, the Middle East, the courts, unions and -- just last week -- both tariffs and social media. But no genre of Trump story is more reliably sir-heavy than his collection of suspiciously similar tales about macho men breaking into tears of gratitude in his presence.

In a speech in January, Trump painted a colorful picture of the "strong, tough" farmers, ranchers and builders who stood behind him in 2017 as he signed an executive order to rescind a water regulation. "Half of them were crying," he told the American Farm Bureau Federation, especially one man so tough he might not have cried even "when he was a baby."

"He was crying," Trump repeated. "He said, 'Sir, you gave me back my life. You gave me back my property.'"

Touching if true. Absolutely not true. The signing ceremony happened on camera. The video, still available on the White House's YouTube channel, shows that nobody standing behind Trump was crying. . .
