US company makes Trump $3.3B border offer: Quick turnaround on 218 miles of steel fen


US company makes Trump $3.3B border offer: Quick turnaround on 218 miles of steel fence, roads, and tech

QUOTE: A U.S. construction company is making a formal, unsolicited offer to Trump administration officials in Washington this week to build 218 miles of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border for $3.3 billion and have the entire job completed in 13 months.

MY COMMENT: Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year - an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates - according to a recent study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Add to that the human toll of murder and rapes and crime. Who could say no to this deal.
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Will it take more deaths or disaster for Washington to fix immigration and border security?

QUOTE: A national security and humanitarian crisis exists at the U.S.-Mexico border — but, for Democrats, it is not critical enough to join with Republicans to fix broken border control and immigration systems. Instead of seeking compromise and solutions, Democrats seek to thwart the law and give more attention, aid and comfort to illegals than citizens. “Sanctuary cities” and providing social services have only encouraged illegal immigration, overburdened local governments, and prevented Americans from enjoying the benefits of services they pay for but cannot access. We are at a near-systemwide meltdown at the southern border.

ME: Democrats' Trump Derangement Syndrome is killing Americans, literally