The Mueller Report is in. No further indictments.

The Barbarian

How dumb were the Republicans that they could not convict her?
I think you have knowledge that Trey Gowdy didn't have. And yet you let her get away with it. :chuckle:

Gowdy is an extremely competent prosecutor, with an impressive record of convictions. But he's not a magician. He did his level best with the evidence he had. It just wasn't enough.

The Barbarian

Notice he didn't touch this with a ten foot pole...

The folly of trying for regime change in countries with no tradition of rule by law, should be obvious. Libya was a disaster, not because we helped them overthrow a psychopathic rapist, but because we supposed that would be followed by some kind of stable democracy.

Perhaps the lesson will keep us from doing something stupid with Venezuela or Iran. Actually, Iran is where it is, because decades ago, we interfered in a legitimately-elected government, and overthrew it.

The Barbarian

LOL!!!!! The state of New York answers to the government in Washington. Or didn't you know? If Washington wants to stick its nose in New Yorks business, they can.

Apparently not:
The so-called "separate sovereigns exception" provides that a person can be tried twice for the same offense if the prosecutions occur in state and federal courts. The rationale is that the states and the federal government are different sovereigns.

However, the Supreme Court recently agreed to re-hear the arguments, which could lead to an overturning of a previous SCOTUS decision. Not likely, but possible. That would explain why Mueller is not doing any more indictments for the time being. If there are no federal indictments, then the state courts would be free to indict any criminals who were not indicted by Mueller, even if the SCOTUS overturns precedent.

And Trump would be unable to issue pardons.

Maybe Mueller already figured things out before we did.


Well-known member
Michael Tracey: Trump-Russia Hoax as Big a Fraud as Iraqi WMD
Dale Steinreich

…and interestingly, it was promoted by many, if not most, of the same usual suspects: David Frum, Bill Kristol, etc., who have all gone completely unscathed since Iraq and will almost certainly continue as such.



The Mueller Report is in. No further indictments.

Given that his President fired Jeff Sessions the day after the 2018 Interims in favour of an Attorney General who had not "recused" himself, what role is Barr serving for the White House that his predecessor was unable to perform!

It would appear that the designated role of this new Attorney General is to characterize the meaning of the Mueller Report without actually releasing the Report itself - preventing the rest of us from coming to our own conclusions based on the facts!

Lindsay Graham has stated publically that he has no interest in inviting Mueller to testify before his Senate Committee and today Mitch McConnell refused to allow the Senate to vote on a motion supporting the release of the Report - despite a unanimous 435-0 bipartisan vote in the House!

The Barbarian

But nothing on collusion with Russia. :idunno:

You did know, that there is no statute for "collusion", right? There is however, one for conspiracy, which is where it's going, now.

It appears that the initial impression that Mueller didn't indict for federal crimes also punishable under state law, was to avoid any claims of double jeopardy, was correct.

And New York, among possible others, has everything relevant from Mueller.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You did know, that there is no statute for "collusion", right? There is however, one for conspiracy, which is where it's going, now.

It appears that the initial impression that Mueller didn't indict for federal crimes also punishable under state law, was to avoid any claims of double jeopardy, was correct.

And New York, among possible others, has everything relevant from Mueller.

:mock: Desperate Barbarian.


The Mueller Report is in. No further indictments.

In June 2018 Barr submitted a 17 page unsolicited criticism of the Mueller Investigation, which in itself should disqualify him from the role as serving as the nation's sole conduit when it comes to interpreting the Report!

Jeff Sessions would never have been replaced by this President, unless he had wanted an Attorney General who was prepared to follow his "marching orders" when it came to the release of the Mueller Report!
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Mueller Report is in. No further indictments.

In June 2018 Barr submitted a 17 page unsolicited criticism of the Mueller Investigation, which in itself should disqualify him from the role as serving as the nation's sole conduit when it comes to interpreting the Report!

So according to you anyone who expresses his opinion under the First Amendment is disqualified from serving as AG!

You have no respect for the First Amendment but that doesn't come as a surprise because the Dems these days think that the US Constitution is outdated.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
There is however, one for conspiracy, which is where it's going, now.

Attorney General Bill Barr quoted the Muller report:

"As the report states: '[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.' "

Muller's report concerning the facts of the investigation will be searched in vain for any evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities.


So according to you anyone who expresses his opinion under the First Amendment is disqualified from serving as AG!

You have no respect for the First Amendment but that doesn't come as a surprise because the Dems these days think that the US Constitution is outdated.
Barr can express his 1st Amendment Rights to is heart's content, but many also interpreted it as a self-serving audition to show this President that here was a candidate for Attorney General who was sympathetic to Trump's opposition to the Mueller Investigation!

Once Barr made his opposition to the Mueller Investigation public, he lost all credibility that he could serve as an impartial, unbiased interpreter of he Report's contents.

Jeff Sessions was replaced for 1 and only 1 reason - by following DOJ guidelines he had chosen to do the honorable thing and recuse himself, while this President was only interested in an Attorney General whose primary qualification was a willingness to protect the White House from Mueller!

Given that "Shugart" would be first in line to denounce a Democratic president for committing "Executive overreach" if he/she were to arbitrarily attempt to circumvent the role of Congress by invoking a "national emergency," his lecture concerning the US Constitution is hypocritical at best!


Barr can express his 1st Amendment Rights to is heart's content, but many also interpreted it as a self-serving audition to show this President that here was a candidate for Attorney General who was sympathetic to Trump's opposition to the Mueller Investigation!

Once Barr made his opposition to the Mueller Investigation public, he lost all credibility that he could serve as an impartial, unbiased interpreter of he Report's contents.

Jeff Sessions was replaced for 1 and only 1 reason - by following DOJ guidelines he had chosen to do the honorable thing and recuse himself, while this President was only interested in an Attorney General whose primary qualification was a willingness to protect the White House from Mueller!

Given that "Shugart" would be first in line to denounce a Democratic president for committing "Executive overreach" if he/she were to arbitrarily attempt to circumvent the role of Congress by invoking a "national emergency," his lecture concerning the US Constitution is hypocritical at best!

Thread Title: The Mueller Report is in. No further indictments.

Your post: Gobbldeygook