Political Thoughts


New member

You will have to educate me here. How much upkeep does an afro need, as opposed to hair-straightening?

It would seem that the afro is the perfect, low-upkeep hair. Just fluff it out when necessary with an afro comb, and that's it.

God-designed perfection.

And beautiful.


New member
Modi has made a serious mistake in removing Kashmir's autonomy.

For this will only inflame Muslim sentiment against Hindu India, and so result in more terrorism.

There was no need for Modi's move. Kashmir's status quo was sustainable.

But he could have been frightened by Trump's recent claim that he would mediate between India and Pakistan with regard to Kashmir.

For Modi could have feared that Trump would side with Pakistan, because of its willingness to bring the Taliban into peace negotiations in Afghanistan.

So Modi could have wanted to head that off at the pass by simply absorbing Kashmir completely into India.

But this will never happen, just as the U.S. could never defeat the Taliban.

The Muslims do not "absorb" into countries of other religions.

Just look at the problems that the (atheist) CCP regime is having in trying to absorb the Uighurs.

Also, Muslim regions are not easily destroyed militarily in countries of other religions.

Just look at the problems that the (Buddhist) Myanmar regime is having in trying to destroy the Muslims in northwestern Myanmar.

The Muslims in these regions should be given autonomy, after plebiscites proving that this is what they want.

Anything less is tyranny.

Utter tyranny.


New member
Facial recognition poses the gravest threat to privacy ever invented by man.

For it can be used, by corporations and governments, to track innocent people without their permission.

This is already happening with license-plate reading cameras posted at intersections and on police cruisers.

For this information is sold to corporations for advertisement purposes, and stored in government databases for future criminal investigations, without any input from the people whose cars are being surveilled.

This must stop. It is Orwellian.

Some people claim that we should not worry, because the government cannot use the info without a warrant.

But this is false, just as the government already uses all of our internet and cellphone info without a warrant, through the 702 loophole.

Also, we are foolish to think that our current government will last forever. For the Bible shows that the future Antichrist (the individual-man aspect of Revelation's "beast") will, by the power of Satan himself (the dragon), ultimately take hegemony over all nations (Revelation 13:4-18, Revelation 12:9).

And he will no doubt use facial recognition to track everyone, even those who have foresworn cellphones and cars in order to keep from being surveilled.


New member
Identity politics is a vile, reverse-racism against whites. For it tells them that they must feel ashamed and evil because of their color of their skin, even when they have done nothing wrong.

It could be part of what is inspiring some unhinged white people to wrongly commit mass murder against non-whites, thinking that they are doing so in self-defense, in the self-defense of the white race.

But people must never commit any violence against other people, even in self-defense (Matthew 5:39). Just wait for Jesus Christ's return from heaven, when the meek (of all races) will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5, Revelation 5:9).

Identity politics is extremely dangerous, for it makes race a key issue, when it is not an issue at all to God, who has made all races of one blood (Acts 17:26).

Identity politics must be eradicated immediately, for the safety of the country.


New member
South Korea is taking advantage of the U.S.'s promise to defend it against its enemies.

For without the U.S. watching over it, South Korea would not be flogging the comfort women issue against Japan, resulting in the break of relations between them, thereby weakening the Northeastern Asian Alliance of Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. against the three evil tyrannies of Russia, China, and North Korea.

South Korea and Japan are acting like two chickens fighting over a worm, while three evil wolves stand over them, ready to devour them.

Wake up!

Put aside minor disagreements, especially ones which have already been settled, and focus on the larger picture.

Do not take advantage of the U.S.'s commitment to you, which is put forward at the threat to the lives of tens of thousands of U.S. military personnel.

Make peace!

Your bickering is pathetic, and dangerous.

It only weakens you before your real enemies.


Hall of Fame
Good point. Black people could simply prefer not to have afros. No problem with that.

But the question is why do almost all black people now no longer have afros when it is still their God-given hair, and so it the most convenient for them to simply stick with, instead of torturing their hair until it lies down straight?

What is so great about straight hair?

Why does anyone change their looks? I can only give you my perspective as a woman. Convenience. Boredom. Peer pressure.

Hair is an easy fix. The shorter, the easier. IF my choice was to deal with the unruliness of an afro OR shave my head, I would do the latter. Why should any black person be expected to accept something about themselves that is so easy to change?


New member
Hair is an easy fix. The shorter, the easier. IF my choice was to deal with the unruliness of an afro OR shave my head, I would do the latter.

How is an afro unruly?

Also, how is having to constantly shave one's head easier than simply having an afro?


Hall of Fame
How is an afro unruly?

The hair is weaker, more prone to damage and less ruly. The hair needs more attention and care. Some people don’t mind that.

Also, how is having to constantly shave one's head easier than simply having an afro?

Simple. You only have to wash and dry your head. In fact, as we discuss this, the idea of being bald becomes more appealing.


New member
The hair is weaker, more prone to damage and less ruly.

But how is an afro less ruly than any other hair?

That is, almost all hair can simply be combed into position, including afros, which seem more ruly than some other types of hair, in that afros do not fall out of position unless you press strongly on them, for example. And then you can simply fluff them back out in an instant with an afro comb.

An afro seems like the easiest hair of all to have.

The hair needs more attention and care.


[Re: Shaving afros into baldness]

You only have to wash and dry your head.

Not until after you have shaved your head every day, which is much more trouble than simply having an afro, which does not have to be washed more than once a week, for example.

God does not make junk. And He made afros to be the lovely, natural hair of hundreds of millions of people.

So the afro needs to make a comeback, like in the 70s, and like how beards (again, lovely, natural hair designed by God) have made a comeback for all races in our present time, even after beards were basically banned in the West for something like a century. (They were big in the 19th century.)


New member
Russia and China are trying to foment a war between South Korea and Japan.

The way they are doing this is by flying dangerous military planes right down the line between South Korea and Japan in the Sea of Japan, which includes some tiny, microscopic islands which both South Korea and Japan claim to be their territory.

So then both South Korea and Japan are forced to scramble fighter jets to defend their territory's airspace against incursions by Russia and China.

But if that airspace is claimed by both South Korea and Japan at the same time, this could lead to them having dog fights against each other for invading each other's airspace.

Both South Korea and Japan simply need to ignore the Russian and Chinese flybys down the line between them. Look the other way. Recognize that they are just meaningless provocations which pose no real threat to the safety of the South Korean or Japanese people.

Just ignore the stupid antics of bullies simply trying to start fights between allies, allies which must stand together, along with the U.S., against the three tyrants of Northeast Asia, who oppress even their own people, not allowing them to have democracy, while South Korea and Japan are true democracies.


New member
The U.S. had made a terrible mistake is planning to bury its nuclear waste in the Permian Basin.

For one thing, this is the most active drilling site in the U.S.

Imagine a fracker mistakenly drilling down into a nuclear container, so that its contents come spewing forth onto the surface.

Also, frackers do a lot of underground, sideways drilling. So even if a nuke-waste site is well-fenced, frackers could mistakenly drill sideways from outside the fence into a nuclear container.

Also, the U.S. is saying that the Permian Basin is only a temporary site, so that the nuke waste will be buried only in shallow graves.

But this makes the Permian Basin a rich target for U.S. state enemies or terrorists to use nuclear bombs to land on the surface there and blow up the shallow graves, spewing millions of tons of radiation into the sky to be blown eastward across the South, destroying half of the U.S.

Most U.S. nuke waste is currently stashed at nuke plants along the eastern seaboard. This spreads out the danger, and also would mean that any one plant targeted would have its radiation blown eastward into the Atlantic, where it would pose much less danger.

Please, please abandon the insane idea of concentrating all of the U.S.'s nuke waste in shallow graves in the Permian Basin.

It would seem that only an outright enemy of the U.S. could have come up with a more dangerous proposal.


New member
The lovely People of Thailand need U.S. help in getting rid of Thailand's military dictatorship, which is not only oppressing and murdering Thai, democratic opponents of the regime, but is also friendly with the CCP tyranny.

The U.S. needs to employ its unrivalled electronic intel capabilities to compromise and bring down those who are smothering the Freedom that all the Thais deserve.

This will not only help the Thais themselves, but also the U.S., which can then help friendly, democratic leaders to arise and bring Thailand into alliance against Asian tyranny.


New member
India has created a volcano in Kashmir.

For it has suppressed it in unprecedented ways for the past two weeks, cutting off all of its cell phone service, internet service, landline service, and even filling all of its streets with barbed wire and Indian soldiers, keeping the innocent Kashmiris locked up in their houses with no one to talk to and nowhere to go.

As if this will make them think: "Oh, gee, I guess we have no liberty at all under Indian rule, so we might as well just lay down and die."

No, it will make them think: "Oh, so this is what India has planned for us: utter subjugation. We better then all fight to the very death, every last one of us, if we are ever given the chance to do so."

India can't keep the Kashmiris locked up in their houses forever. It will have to let them out eventually. And they will then all come out like lava exploding from a volcano bottled up for too long.

What a serious mistake India has made. How could it be so foolish?

If it wanted to absorb Muslim Kashmir into Hindu India, it could have only done so only very gradually, over decades, by allowing Hindus to move into Kashmir, invest in Kashmir, become employers in Kashmir, raising the economic development of Kashmir until the Muslim Kashmiris became more and more well-off, more and more interested in carnal, economic matters, and less and less interested in abstract, religious concepts.

But this would have required long patience on India's part, and it would have had to have begun decades ago, as soon as Kashmir was occupied by India. Now it is too late. It will now take a century or more for the Kashmiris to gain any trust in India and Hindus, or to want to become absorbed into the Indian economy or state.


New member
China has blanketed all of Africa with Huawei offices and agents, which are now helping African dictators to electronically spy on and destroy their domestic, democratic rivals.

But how can this be? How can China, which is always fulminating against any interference in its internal affairs, now be interfering in the internal affairs of African nations?

Also, how can China be supporting dictators over those who want democracy?

Is it because dictators are easier to control? I.e., just get some dirt on them and then blackmail them into selling you their natural resources for cheap, and buying your weapons for a dear price.

But this is unsustainable. All dictatorship is destined to fail eventually. Even the Roman Empire eventually collapsed into ruin.

This is because dictatorship always leads to upper-level corruption. (Absolute power corrupts absolutely.)

And corruption leads to weakness: mistakes of judgment by top leaders, looking out only for their and their cronies' own economic and political interests: the People themselves be damned.

But then the People eventually get fed up. They eventually demand Freedom. And if these demands are suppressed, they only grow in intensity until they explode in violence, bringing down the tyrants in an all-out Revolution.

History is replete with examples of this. How can it be ignored?

Because tyrants always think: "I am different. I am smarter than any leader that has come before. I know better than anyone. I know better than the People what it best for them."

But this is all a self-delusion, a desperate attempt to justify the continued repression of the People, and the raking in of the wealthy lifestyle that comes from the fruits of their labors.

It is all a mirage. For it will all end only in outright revolt, from border to border within the tyrant's domain.


New member
Has South Korea fallen under a lunatic spell?

For it has said that it will soon deny its faithful ally Japan intelligence regarding their very dangerous enemy North Korea's nuclear, missile, and rocket tests.

How can this be? Could there be some compromise on the part of S.K.'s leader?

God forbid.

May He help both South Korea and Japan to realize that their current (recent) enmity must be blown away by the realization of how serious the threat which is posed not only by North Korea against them, but also by Russia and China, who are all literally hell-bent together in taking over all of Northeast Asia and bringing it under their vile tyranny.


New member
Creepy Google has made a deal with evil China to lay an undersea internet cable from Hong Kong to L.A.

No doubt U.S. intel will be denied any access to this cable, while the CCP will be allowed to monitor and record everything on it.

This would be in line with how Google refuses to do any work for the U.S. military, while it works with China's military.

How could Google be so evil? (Always use Bing instead.)

Could it be because of the ultimate, spiritual powers which are currently behind both Google and the CCP (Ephesians 6:12)?

This would be why Google shadow-bans Biblical Christian content on all of its sites, such as the Biblical teaching that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:26-27), and that abortion is murder because even unborn children have consciousness (Luke 1:41) and can be filled with God's Holy Spirit (Luke 1:15).

May God help us against Google and evil China.


New member
More needs to be learned about why Nikakhtar resigned her federal U.S. position judging whether Huawei should be allowed (or not) to buy particular U.S. tech products.

For, was she threatened in some way by Chinese agents in the U.S. working for Huawei or the CCP?

For they are now working all across the U.S., continually, trying to intimidate anyone who would in any way go against, or even speak against, the interests of the CCP.

And most of these Chinese agents are only part-time stringers who are legally (or illegally) residing in the U.S. and receiving monthly "dividends" or "pension" payments from Chinese "corporations" located in mainland China.

These part-time stringer-agents can be young Chinese women who work full-time in U.S. office buildings for U.S. corporations.

And they can be old, retired Chinese men living in the U.S.

There could be tens of thousands of them now in the U.S., all at the beck and call of the CCP at a moment's notice.

May God help FBI counter-intel to be able to discover and track all of them, so that U.S. citizens who do not support the CCP might be able live their lives in the U.S. freely, without ever being intimidated by CCP agents who are now operating so widely in the U.S., whether as "tourists" or as "residents".


New member
The U.S. is withdrawing thousands of troops from Afghanistan, the unwinnable war that has gone on for 18 years, the longest war in U.S. history.

It's like Vietnam: unwinnable without sending millions of U.S. troops into the country, and they would then have to occupy the country forever.

But this is not sustainable. For the U.S. debt is rising higher and higher to astronomical levels, which can ultimately end up in nothing but an eventual declaration of bankruptcy. (Which is much more serious for nations as opposed to mere corporations.)


Afghanistan is: "A Bridge Too Far".

The U.S. leaving only some troops there will end up (in a few years) like Vietnam did: with helicopters evacuating U.S. personnel from the U.S. embassy's rooftop as the Taliban takes full control of the capital.

This will be terrible for the Afghans who are not Taliban zealots. For the Taliban will put them all into slavery under the its sick, Muslim tyranny.

But non-zealot Afghans need to emigrate now, wherever they can. And the U.S. should help them to do so as much as possible.

For the Afghans are a vigorous, active, intelligent people who will seek out employment in the U.S. wherever they can, and will contribute greatly to U.S. vitality.

Let them in. As many as so desire.


Also, the U.S. already accepts Muslim (or nominally Muslim) tyrannies when the only alternative would be horrible for the U.S. (i.e. radical, Muslim terrorist regimes all set to attack U.S. interests wherever they can).

Egypt and Saudi Arabia come to mind as moderate (i.e. non-terrorist) Muslim tyrannies which the U.S. supports.

Perhaps the U.S. could manage to persuade a future, all-Taliban Afghanistan to keep Muslim terrorists from operating against the U.S. from Afghan territory.

Then the U.S. could (sadly) accept the subjugation of the remaining, non-zealot Afghans under the Taliban tyranny, just as it accepts the subjugation of all Egyptians and Saudis under tyranny.


New member
Iran's launchpad burns.

Could this be because of a cyberattack on the computers controlling the launch?

If so, could this be a portent of the U.S. and Israel's power to thwart Iranian hostility without having to make kinetic attacks against Iranian territory?

This would be a rough justice, for Iran is a master of cyberattacks against other nations who are its enemies.


There is no way to stop U.S. and Israeli cyberattacks. For they are the most advanced in the world.

And they do not have to penetrate encrypted messaging systems such as Telegram. For all they have to do is penetrate the individual cellphones of targeted people. Then, as soon as these people read the unencrypted messages on their own phones, so does the U.S. and Israel.

That is, there is no way for anyone to be able to read any unencrypted message on their phone without U.S. and Israeli intel also reading it, over their shoulder as it were.

But even if you are on the side of the U.S. and Israel, be careful that you do not post anything which could cause you to be doxxed to the CCP (by a rogue agent who does not realize what he is doing, or who has been compromised or threatened by CCP agents operating in his country).


New member
How could Saudi Arabia have left Abqaiq so completely undefended against missile attacks?

I mean, my God, how can you put 7 of your 10 oil eggs in one basket, and leave it so helpless?

This does not make any sense.

Also, it does not make any sense that the missiles struck from the west-northwest.

For this would mean that they were launched from far-northern Saudi Arabia itself, which would point to a false-flag op.

Who would want to start a war between the U.S. (Saudi's defender) and Iran (the purported attacker)?

Also, what recent news would be so hot as to require such a massive distraction from that news?


The Saudis can defend Abqaiq from ballistic missiles by placing four Patriot batteries around it.

And they can defend it from cruise missiles by building tall "sky fences" all around it, consisting of rebar meshes with only-two-foot-square openings, and rising some 300 feet into the sky.