Trump to declare National Emergency to build wall

Kit the Coyote

New member
It's a real headache for the republicans. First headache is that the wall is opposed by a large majority of Americans.

Second headache is that it's going to end up in the courts for a long time, so Americans won't forget about it soon.

Third headache is the thought of Elizabeth Warren able to bypass Congress by declaring emergencies.

And keep in mind, George W. Bush's border fence? It's still mostly unbuilt. Legal tangles with emminent domain, Treaties with Mexico on flooding and structures on the Rio Grande, and so on.

Should be interesting.

You can add the headache that this trend towards trying to bypass Congress started with President Obama and his 'pen and phone' comment. The Republicans were all over him for usurping power but that seems tame in comparison. This is a dangerous trend for American politics.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You can add the headache that this trend towards trying to bypass Congress started with President Obama and his 'pen and phone' comment. The Republicans were all over him for usurping power but that seems tame in comparison. This is a dangerous trend for American politics.

looks like we'll just have to be sure we never have another democrat president :)

The Barbarian

republicans are inherently trustworthy

Ask Ivanna, Marla, and Melania, whom a certain republican betrayed, one after the other.

Ask the many banks, contractors, and workers who will never get their money a certain republican owes them.

Ask the thousands people who trusted a certain republican enough to enroll in his fake "University" scam. Eventually, he gave in and paid back millions to the people he scammed.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ask Ivanna, Marla, and Melania, whom a certain republican betrayed, one after the other.

Ask the many banks, contractors, and workers who will never get their money a certain republican owes them.

Ask the thousands people who trusted a certain republican enough to enroll in his fake "University" scam. Eventually, he gave in and paid back millions to the people he scammed.

iirc, he wasn't a republican back then :chuckle:

The Barbarian

iirc, he wasn't a republican back then :chuckle:

He was just acting like one. Incidentally, today he just admitted that he didn't need to build the wall right now, which completely undercut his claim that it's an emergency.

"Look, the only national emergency is, our president is an idiot."
Ann Coulter.



Trump to declare National Emergency to build wall

A classic case of "do as I say, not as I do!"



"The only national emergency is that our President is an idiot!"
- Ann Coulture


If your friends who campaigned for you think you're an "idiot," what are your enemies saying?
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Advocates to stop gun violence would disagree with you.

Guns are not violent. People are violent.

I have a constitutional right to own a gun.
Illegal Aliens have no right to sneak into the country.

There are billions of gun regulations on the books already... ...too many. Your post is false.