Now Depicting Coalminers with Dirty Faces Is Racist


New member
Liberal madness keeps getting worse:

Now Depicting Coalminers with Dirty Faces Is Racist

The bizarre hysteria evoked in liberals by anything that reminds them of blackface destroyed the lucrative career of Megyn Kelly. Now a Phoenix restaurant could be in trouble, once it is identified. A militant moonbat named Rashaad Thomas holds forth on AZ Central about a picture of some coalminers in a pub after work that hangs on the wall. He says the coal on their faces reminds him of blackface, so the picture must be removed.

Rashaad Thomas is of course a person of politically preferred pigmentation. He has been raised in a world that rewards him lavishly for seeing racism everywhere and squawking loudly about it, even when everyone knows that it is not there. Even so, this is quite a stretch:

Viewers cannot determine the intention of an artist’s work. Art also exposes society’s blind spots. Blackface is only a glimpse of a larger issue. The larger issue is the lack of representation of marginalized people and their voices in Phoenix. …

At the downtown Phoenix restaurant, my concern that the photograph of men in blackface was a threat to me and my face and voice were ignored.

Actually, his screeching voice was not ignored. He admits that the owner listened to his demented complaint and then went on Google to confirm that the picture had nothing whatsoever to do with privileged black people and how oppressed they think they are.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"politically preferred pigmentation" :darwinsm:

i wonder how he'd react to a picture of black chalk miners? :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"... my concern that the photograph of men in blackface was a threat to me ..."

i hope the comments section had at least one voice pointing out that he is clearly insane and should be institutionalized


Well-known member
The radical left has done their own cause a lot of harm. Rather than dealing with actual problems, such as real racism, and the socioeconomic problems of a large part of American society, they've chosen to chase after symbols, statues, and political correctness. Not to mention their attacks on freedom of speech. The net result will be that nothing real will change.


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The radical left has done their own cause a lot of harm. Rather than dealing with actual problems, such as real racism, and the socioeconomic problems of a large part of American society, they've chosen to chase after symbols, statues, and political correctness. Not to mention their attacks on freedom of speech. The net result will be that nothing real will change.

What would you say is their (those whom you call "the radical left") cause?