Hilary was never meant to be President of the USA because she is an atheist who has r


Which has nothing to do with the qualifications to lead or be president of the United States. The simple phrase, in the church, makes this consideration illegal as a qualification for president as the Constitution forbids religious tests for office.

It is not a test, though it does say who a good leader would be. There is more to it. In the church meaning government is not the church. Although members of the church can be in government.

The Horn

If you think only male Christians should be allowed to be president , take it up with congress and ask for an amendment which prohibits others from being our Prez . But it conflicts the the part of the Constitution stating there shall be no religious test for public office . Fat chance .


If you think only male Christians should be allowed to be president , take it up with congress and ask for an amendment which prohibits others from being our Prez . But it conflicts the the part of the Constitution stating there shall be no religious test for public office . Fat chance .
How about a Torah Observant Jew?



I have heard since that there is nothing preventing a woman from becoming the President.

well, except for intelligent voters :eek:

Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote.
- President Grover Cleveland

"Ok dossier" and President Grover Cleveland - "great" minds with a 19thC view of the world think alike!

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/grover_cleveland