Please forgive my ignorance but I do not know if there are any Muslims in Syria.


I do not know that anyone would want to tell me. I do not believe we should go there. I do not believe that we are going there. I have not recommended that we do.

It's not time to take apart Syria. I do not believe that this is something that we should do. But I am honest in saying that I do not know if there are any Muslims there. Why this matters is in the United States of America there was the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and Osama Bin Laden was not tried as a Muslim though fear of Islam has existed or abounded. With our borders, going somewhere else when we need to share the love of Christ in the gospel with our Muslim neighbors (I am a Jew though I was born here in the United States of America; I am a proselyte). If I were the President of the United States of America I would not want any Muslims serving with me.




New member
There are many Muslims in Syria as well as the rest of the world. There is nothing wrong with the Muslim people. As an American Soldier I enjoy their company among our ranks. They’re good people. You must understand why there is conflict in not only Syria or even Middle East but the rest of the World. It goes beyond Religion.


I don't think we would want a President that is so nutty that he does not even know that there are Muslims in Syria, nor can figure out how to use a bathroom door lock.
Should a child be taught how to use a bathroom door lock or would he just know how?
There are many Muslims in Syria as well as the rest of the world. There is nothing wrong with the Muslim people. As an American Soldier I enjoy their company among our ranks. They’re good people. You must understand why there is conflict in not only Syria or even Middle East but the rest of the World. It goes beyond Religion.
I must confess that I am unfamiliar with people saying there are Muslims who are American Soldiers or among their ranks. I am a Citizen of the United States of America and a proselyte to Israel, a convert to Judaism, a former Christian and Messianic, who has debated an Imam in a Mosque. Osama Bin Laden was not tried as a Muslim. I did not join the Military because I could not kill anyone. It is against God's Law to do so. I have chosen the tribe of Levi. My Uncle is Ex-Military, of the United States of America Air Force. Conflict in the world should not exist. Where it does exist it may need to be understood, even temporarily. I have spoken with and shared the gospel with Muslims, as with the Imam in the Mosque. Hospitable, a Mosque not a nation within a nation (not Indian), School(s), a home of a Christian Elder, online, etc.... in our country not violent and about our hospitality and this is England as well. Canada? Not sure.



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I must confess that I am unfamiliar with people saying there are Muslims who are American Soldiers or among their ranks.

Actually, someone who is mentally ill, someone such as yourself, wouldn't be expected to be familiar with almost anything. Know what I mean? Probably not.


Actually, someone who is mentally ill, someone such as yourself, wouldn't be expected to be familiar with almost anything. Know what I mean? Probably not.

I do not know why you say that I am mentally ill. Interesting statement.

I do not know what you mean.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......There is nothing wrong with the Muslim people...;....

There was nothing wrong with your average Nazi farmer or factory worker either.

But the Nazi Party under its leadership was a great evil with evil goals and plans, and so is Islam. Islam is an ideology of oppression and conquest. The fact that some lukewarm doofuses who adhere to it are fun to hang out with is irrelevant. Those in our ranks are dupe of the enemy within, or worse, active agents. Two words: "Fort Hood". He was a soldier of Allah, or so his business card said. Yah, a great guy to hang out with I'm sure