Liberals always know better than We the people.. Iran deal... Ocare..


New member
Yeh, those liberals always know better than We the people.. whether we are speaking of the Iran deal... Obamacare.. the environment... the economy... you name it

The White House and the libs in Congress SEE that the American people do NOT want the Iran deal proposed by the arch liberal Jn Kerry (and other America haters)

but do they CARE one smidgeon what the American people want?

No, they are liberals, remember... Liberals know best.. Americans are just a bunch of losers who are dumb enough to work for $8.00 hr.. (even though said regular folks, unlike the govenrment, know how to BUDGET said income, so that their lives are not the catastrophe the libs make things out to be... [the gov could learn from such folks, but as we all know

THEY NEVER DO!!!! (so fun to spend others' money...)

The libs have contempt for we the little people... think we are dumb enough to.. spend time with our children & other such nonsense..rather than spend time lobbying for [fill in the blanks cause] in WA, too dumb to realize that we endanger the environment and therefore should just off ourselves for the sake of the planet... (never mind that many science have debunked the seriousness of climate change).

They push for the state being the parents of our children b/c we are inept..

They push for gov-controlled healthcare, even if it ruins our healthcare, ruins our finances... or makes healthcare unaffordable for many..

How much more of this are we going to take?

and the Iran thing is the most dangerous thing of all...

Vote the bums OUT!
