Supreme Court: Marriage



The status of marriage has been damaged more and more by heterosexual couples in this country for decades.

Through no-fault divorce and decriminalizing cohabitation and adultery laws; but do you fix an invaluable institution that is in need of repair by redefining it? (i.e. making it something other than one man and one woman).


Hello ACW,

I think Daniel is saying the government shouldn't recognize anyone as married at all. I could be wrong; Daniel may correct me.

It's been well established that Danny is an anarchist.

Anyway - what's stopping a man now from living as if he's married to his sister, or six of his neighbors?

In our current morally depraved society nothing. Prior to the "Do your own thing" mentality that our nation has embraced, cultural mores' would play a huge role in what is and isn't acceptable, i.e. sin was hidden in a closet where it's supposed to be.


Well-known member
Through no-fault divorce and decriminalizing cohabitation and adultery laws; but do you fix an invaluable institution that is in need of repair by redefining it? (i.e. making it something other than one man and one woman).

No, of course not.

You fix it by undoing the damage that was done to it in the first place.


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Exception Clause for Divorce


Supreme Court: Marriage

How ironic that many of those who demand a return to traditional marriage voted for Donald Trump - the least monogamous president in history!


Supreme Court: Marriage

How ironic that many of those who demand a return to traditional marriage voted for Donald Trump - the least monogamous president in history!
How'd you like to be in eternity having to tell everyone that you voted for him? :greedy: Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14


Enyart: “We…have pro-abort audio—two minutes where a pro-abort admits that abortion is killing…” The Grinch who Stole the 9/11 Compensation | Jun 12, 2019

It’s not enough to admit that you’re a sinner. :devil: You also must: :scripto: admit that you’re a sinner, :scripto: give a damn and then :scripto: repent (Mt 13:3, Acts 2:37, 38). :plain:

Second so-called
marriage is not marriage at all. :dizzy: It was :listen: not acknowledged in heaven. It was instead defined as adultery (Ro 7:2,3). :poly:

The original intent of marriage was: one man for one woman for life (Gen. 2:18–24). :straight: Paul wished that men were like him (1 Co 7:7).

“You don’t know God by Bible study.” ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 14:21


“A reddit administrator comes on and the next thing you see is, ‘You’ve been banned’….You ask a question and these are the thought police…”

The debate site that you recommend, Theology Online bans, :banned: too.

Too bad they aren’t pro-free speech (Jn 8:36).

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

[Woman at the well and multiple husbands] “Jesus acknowledged reality.”

As a bad example (Eph 4:14, 2 Pe 2:1). :doh: He also said, “Ye are gods (Jn 10:34).” :hammer:

The Nephilim “took wives for themselves”. Do you think that those so-called
marriages were acknowledged in heaven? :dizzy:

“If God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly” (2 Pe 2:4–7). :burnlib:

Paul said :poly: that second so-called
marriage is adultery. :banana: (Ro 7:2,3). Jesus affirmed marriage as: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3) :listen: in case you were looking for another loophole (He 13:4).

What did you do to your wife? :granite: Ro 14:12


[Enyart and singleness, Paul said re-marriage no big deal. He had the right to take a wife.]

Paul had a wife. He was either abandoned by her for becoming a Christian or widowed.

He discussed the advantages of remaining single “(1 Co 7:1, 8, 32–35): For the most part, a single person is free to devote all his or her attention to the work of the Lord, having no need to share time with a spouse or children….It depends totally on God’s perfect plan for each believer.” Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Apostles had the right to take their (not someone else’s :hammer:) family with them (9:5–6). Ibid, 1 Co.

Paul remained single to share the gospel.

[Trump’s wife Melania]

False (2 Pe 2:1). :dizzy: Trump :greedy: has a wife. Her name is Ivana. :plain: When he or she dies, then he will be free (Ro 7:2,3) to marry in the Lord (1 Co 7:39).

The kings of the earth and the harlot religion have an alliance :listen: and you are a part of it.

Why marvel :bow: at Enyart? :banana: Re 17:7. You’re no Paul. :rolleyes:
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[God, marriage, family] You fix it by undoing the damage that was done to it in the first place.

We can’t unscramble eggs (Deut 24:4). :stuck: There are one or two fine servants of the Lord who promote: God, marriage and family. :poly: The rest burn with lust :listen: like Enyart who plays fast and loose :banana: with the teachings of Paul (1 Co 7:9).

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage | Joseph Webb

Marriage Permanence

Permanence of Marriage Until Death | Walking by the Spirit Always


Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce...
No such thing. :dizzy: If your spouse is still alive, you :banana: are still marriage to him/her (Ro 7:2,3). In our culture people make it up as they go along; :freak: but, the records are in heaven (1 Pe 4:5). :poly: Enjoy yourself :listen: on this side of the grave (He 11:25). :popcorn: