Is Trump the antichrist?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trumpers never defend trump. Its impossible! So they attack Clinton and Obama. UMMMM READ THE PAPERS!!! THEY ARE NOT PRESIDENT> Ya might as well bring up Woodrow Wilson!

Clinton is not President because of Trump :)

His greatest accomplishment so far, soon to be eclipsed by his preventing a Biden/Harris administration :)

That is all Trump has are lies!

Hmm the fake media must have used a puppet that looked like Biden. Trump! HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE?????

There is an old saying, " fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me!"

Do you know anyone that went from liberal Democrat to conservative Republican overnight? Trump did! Conservative and liberal are just masks Trump wears to satisfy his greed. when-hillary-and-donald-were-friends.html Trump has no beliefs, values or integrity. He will say anything that benefits him at the moment. tr Trump believes in only two things himself and his greed. Even his own daughter is only an object to him. But that is to be expected! All women are only whores to Trump! EzhEtXzTXlRakGRQW4QAOGjv8Ekw
BTW how can you defend Trump's embracing the Russians after they put bounties on our soldiers????
You wrote, "Clinton is not President because of Trump :)

His greatest accomplishment so far, soon to be eclipsed by his preventing a Biden/Harris administration" hmm so his ONLY accomplishment was getting elected with help from his master Putin.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes. WHAT IS YOUR POINT???? Hmm because the leeadr of China is evil no American can be evil??? Take a critical thinking class.

just asking questions:

Kovind is the President of India, a country in which 4500 children starve to death every single day.

Do you hate him?

Jinping is the President of China, a country in which one and a half million ethnic Uighers are interned in re-education camps for the crime of being muslim - men, women, children, newborns and frail elderly.

Do you hate him?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
OK so you were just aasking questions that have nothing to do with the thread.

It was an on-topic response to your declaration that you hated Trump.

I was curious to see if you hated other world leaders and gave you the two leaders of countries that dwarf the US, and reasons that one might have to hate them.

It appears that your hatred for world leaders is confined to Trump.

Are you an American?
Yes, but the first thing you will learn in a critical thinking class is the one debates the topic not your opponent. For example. 1. Manson is a liar. 2. Manson said that 1+1=2. 3. Therefore 1+1 does not = 2 is a stupid argument. If I am or am not an Americam ( or for that matter if you are an American ) has NOTHING to do with the topic. I strongly suggest that you take a basic logic class.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


We've had the curious phenomenon here of foreigners with severe cases of TDS. It makes more sense when I encounter an American who is crippled by it. I never understood how anybody could have such a strong emotional attachment to another country's leader.

But you seem to be enjoying yours so have fun :wave2:


Hall of Fame
You wrote, "Clinton is not President because of Trump :)

His greatest accomplishment so far, soon to be eclipsed by his preventing a Biden/Harris administration" hmm so his ONLY accomplishment was getting elected with help from his master Putin.

His only •accomplishment• thus far is the death of close to 200,000 Americans via the Coronavirus ...

If he has his way, he will follow up by taking away health coverage from millions. Only 2 million dead is not enough by his standards ...