Biden/Harris 2020

The Barbarian

Apparently, all the faked posters were pulled down after it got out and people started publicly laughing at him. I've seen 16-year-olds do stuff like this, but even they were doing it as a joke, not to try to fool anyone. And he's offended when people laugh at him.


like marbles on glass
So what's wrong with this photo?


The Barbarian

The Supreme Court, correctly ruling that the Constitution is much more important than the flag, made such desecrations perfectly legal. That flag and these:

Are all perfectly legal. If you want to desecrate the flag with your political/social/religious ideology, it's your choice as a free American. But the rest of us will draw conclusions about your patriotism or lack of it.


like marbles on glass
Are all perfectly legal. If you want to desecrate the flag with your political/social/religious ideology, it's your choice as a free American. But the rest of us will draw conclusions about your patriotism or lack of it.

It says volumes when the Trump campaign gives the thin blue line flag pride of place over the American flag. They know exactly what they're doing.


like marbles on glass
In the 1950s, “The Thin Blue Line” was the title of a short-lived television show about the Los Angeles Police Department, masterminded by the chief, William H. Parker, who took advantage of Hollywood’s proximity to make public relations a key part of his tenure. He also opened up the department’s files to the writers of “Dragnet.”

Parker was known for unambiguous racism. He said some immigrants were “not far removed from the wild tribes of Mexico” and compared black residents participating in the 1965 Watts Riots—which stemmed in part from anger over his own department’s mistreatment—to “monkeys in a zoo.”

Parker used the phrase “thin blue line” constantly in his speeches. The phrase was further popularized by the novels of Joseph Wambaugh, himself a former police officer in Los Angeles, and it typified Parker’s philosophy: Having served in the military, he wanted to end corruption and professionalize the police force.

In his view, the police “protected Western civilization from communists, progressive politicians, minorities, anybody who agitated for something that didn’t fit his very narrow scheme,” said Alisa Kramer, who wrote a 2007 dissertation on Parker’s tenure. “There are a lot of parallels between Parker and Trump; Parker had no understanding of the complexities of poverty and racism.”

There's more than one meaning to the thin blue line flag, it doesn't just mean someone is a cop or supports cops. Just like the okay sign was co-opted as a white power sign (and sod will howl laughing about this too) what started as a internet hoax from the place sod likes to visit became *wink wink* an actual symbol - so they could jerk people around by using it ironically/non-ironically/ironically. So they'll laugh abut the 'hoax' - and then white supremacists will get themselves in photos making the okay sign, cops have used the okay sign with right-wing protesters, and then they take advantage of plausible deniability. Same with the blue line flag. Plausibility says it shows support for cops, but it's also a dog whistle to the white supremacists and they know it, they just aren't likely to own up to it.


New member
It says volumes when the Trump campaign gives the thin blue line flag pride of place over the American flag. They know exactly what they're doing.
They know exactly that the (Thin Blue Line) represents support of Police in law and order.

I love seeing this flag displayed, in the face of the commie, leftist anarchist, you know any?