Obama's Legacy

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The disaster called "Donald Trump" is a legacy of Barack Obama.

Indeed it is - the incredibly foolish precedent of electing an unqualified and inexperienced candidate to the Presidency, based primarily on the color of his skin was a mistake of historic proportions, opening the door to the incredible position in which we found ourselves in 2016 - a choice between two unqualified and inexperienced candidates.

And then, this last cycle, the Democrats narrow their field down to a 79 year old socialist who has just recently had a heart attack and a 78 year old with obvious signs of dementia.

I can't tell what's real and what's from The Onion anymore. :dizzy:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
3 year old Mekhi James

Not high on fentanyl
Not high on meth
Not committing felonious counterfeiting.
Not resisting arrest.

Still dead.

His life doesn't matter.


Active member
BLM has opened up strong discourse on police brutality and the crimes they commit with impunity. The age of recording everything has seriously exposed some of our PDs. The case of Breonna Taylor was an egregious example, a no knock warrant executed on the wrong house followed by shooting a woman in her bed eight times. Only one cop was fired, no charges levied, and the cop was only fired after weeks of nationwide protest.

Aurora PD had earlier this year killed young Elijah McClain, having EMTs inject the autistic 16 year old with ketamine, resulting in cardiac arrest. His last words are haunting, “I’m just different” “I don’t have a gun, I don’t do those things” “you’re all beautiful” “I’m sorry”. He played violin at the animal shelter in his free time, so a few days ago a violin vigil was held in his name. It was forcibly dispersed by that same PD. the same PD which had 2 cops in the span of 4 months passed out drunk in their cruisers last year. One of whom it was their second offense.

Baltimore, a city I’ve lived by for many years, had to throw out 20000 drug cases because the cops couldnt stop getting caught planting drugs on innocent people. Of course, almost all the victims of this police violence have been black, in that instance.


Active member
BLM is a Marxist anti-American organization funded by Soros and other.

pou really are a sorry ignorant fool.

Why did Elijah McClain deserve to die? Why did Breonna Taylor deserve to die? How is a demand for justice in their brutal deaths Marxist?