Experts question coronavirus panic


Well, to be fair he'd already enacted lock down measures before his own infection came to be known and I'm not a fan of Johnson in saying that.
Now its being reported that Johnson's pregnant fiancee has COVIR-19 - meanwhile although the Governor of Florida belatedly locked-down the state, churches remain exempt from the ban on allowing people to congregate in groups!



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now its being reported that Johnson's pregnant fiancee has COVIR-19 - meanwhile although the Governor of Florida belatedly locked-down the state, churches remain exempt from the ban on allowing people to congregate in groups!

Is that actually true?

Gary K

New member


ZeroHedge - Pseudoscience - Fake News - Right Bias - Conservative - Libertarian - Not Credible


Overall, we rate Zero Hedge an extreme right biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.

In a quote from the above New Yorker article they summarize the political stance of the blog, which Lokey told Bloomberg is:
Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader.
John Kerry= dunce.
Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft.”

A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. Below is just a small sample of the numerous failed fact checks by Zero Hedge.

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It would appear that I'm in good company when I assert that "ZeroHedge" is a less than reputable source!

This only proves one thing. That you are an idiot. I'll demonstrate why.

Every "fact checker" you have quoted has very close ties to, and receives either all their funding or the vast majority of their funding, from radical leftist organizations or individuals. Thus, your so called great sources are one sided political hacks. Had you done any research into these organizations to find out whether or not they are honest and do their "research" without bias you would have known that. The very fact that you either don't know that, or don't care if these sources are completely biased in support of one side of the political spectrum, says you're surrendering all critical thinking abilities that you must use to discover truth for yourself and are taking other people's word for what is true.

Most of these organizations admit that their definition of "truth" is subjective, i.e. whatever they want "truth" to be, rather than actually doing research to find out if their position is verifiable when looking at both sides of the issue at hand. Their idea of "truth" is whatever fits their own political agenda.

All of this means your behavior fits the definition of an idiot to a tee.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This only proves one thing. That you are an idiot. I'll demonstrate why.

Every "fact checker" you have quoted has very close ties to, and receives either all their funding or the vast majority of their funding, from radical leftist organizations or individuals. Thus, your so called great sources are one sided political hacks. Had you done any research into these organizations to find out whether or not they are honest and do their "research" without bias you would have known that. The very fact that you either don't know that, or don't care if these sources are completely biased in support of one side of the political spectrum, says you're surrendering all critical thinking abilities that you must use to discover truth for yourself and are taking other people's word for what is true.

Most of these organizations admit that their definition of "truth" is subjective, i.e. whatever they want "truth" to be, rather than actually doing research to find out if their position is verifiable when looking at both sides of the issue at hand. Their idea of "truth" is whatever fits their own political agenda.

All of this means your behavior fits the definition of an idiot to a tee.

Snopes lost me with their defense of Nathan Philips' claim of being a Vietnam Vet

I still use Politifact, but like everything, approach it with caution

Gary K

New member
Who funds "Zero Hedge"?

As far as I know, individuals, not large organizations dedicated to one political agenda or the other. Since it is not on your list of sites to read based solely upon what someone else says about them not your own reading and investigating your opinion that Zerohedge isn't reliable carries very little weight. When you take another person's word that a third person isn't reliable you're listening to gossip and not doing your own thinking.

The other reason Zerohedge is reliable is that they publish information from multiple points of view, and their reports are verifiable using a bunch of other sources, including the government's own financial reports and multiple financial analysts and economists, who have done their own investigating and independently confirmed what Zerohedge publishes. They are not using circular reasoning like many leftists sites do.

By that I mean that one leftist site will publish something and quote someone who reports the same thing and quotes someone else. By the time you get done tracing their sources the last person's reporting is using the first article you are investigating as their source. In other words, they are using the same source for all their reporting but making it appear as if their report is verified from multiple sources when it's not. It all flows from the exact same source. They use their "sources" to create the illusion of multiple streams of thought but that is not the reality.

The criticisms of the mockingbird media are based upon deceit. Look at their reporting that the coronavirus is a bioweapon. They were the first news site to report this. The mockingbird media went crazy saying zerohedge was nuts. Well, it is a pretty well accepted thought now that zerohedge's reporting was 100% accurate. This is typical of the mockingbird medias criticisms of zerohedge. They scream foul at what is actually proven truth. They do it because zerohedge contradicts the mockingbird media's chosen narrative. And that is what real reporting is. It's looking at an issue from all sides and just reporting facts, not just an accepted narrative.

I have read zerohedge for years and for the first year or two would research everything they published to see if it was true. I don't give my trust to another person/organization easily. But after I verified their reporting time after time after for a year or more I began accepting the truth of their reporting. Now I only investigate stuff I don't know about to see if they are telling the truth on that subject. And I haven't caught them in a lie yet. Their reporting is very solid and truthful.

Gary K

New member
Snopes lost me with their defense of Nathan Philips' claim of being a Vietnam Vet

I still use Politifact, but like everything, approach it with caution

Snopes has been known to be owned by George Soros for years.

Politifact is now owned by the Poynter Institute which is funded solely by far left organizations and individuals. In other words, they are left wing political hacks.


sez the guy whose whole life revolves around an irrational obsessive hatred of another country's leader :chuckle:

Please do not stalk another TOL member. If you do not agree with a TOL member, do not follow that member around the TOL forum engaging them in every thread (even unrelated to the disagreement). If we determine you are a forum stalker we will ban you.
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Well-known member
Snopes lost me with their defense of Nathan Philips' claim of being a Vietnam Vet

I still use Politifact, but like everything, approach it with caution

Their site (at least now) does not defend his claim. It does questions whether he ever made that claim.


sez the guy whose whole life revolves around an irrational obsessive hatred of another country's leader :chuckle:

Please do not stalk another TOL member. If you do not agree with a TOL member, do not follow that member around the TOL forum engaging them in every thread (even unrelated to the disagreement). If we determine you are a forum stalker we will ban you.


i wonder if you actually believe this or if you're just trying to poison the conversation :think:

iow, are you a retard or a troll?

inquiring minds want to know!

Please do not stalk another TOL member. If you do not agree with a TOL member, do not follow that member around the TOL forum engaging them in every thread (even unrelated to the disagreement). If we determine you are a forum stalker we will ban you.


freeloader hurt your feelings by calling you a mean name?

yes, your inexplicable irrational obsessive hatred for conservatives is almost as powerful as your inexplicable irrational obsessive hatred for another nation's leader

when you were a child, did a conservative steal your lunch money?

knock you down on the playground?

take your best gal from you?

Please do not stalk another TOL member. If you do not agree with a TOL member, do not follow that member around the TOL forum engaging them in every thread (even unrelated to the disagreement). If we determine you are a forum stalker we will ban you.