Poll: Trump More Trustworthy Than Media on Coronavirus

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Well, if it's such a "booming economy" then you shouldn't mind lockdown measures to contain the spread of a pandemic then.

That's like telling Arnold Schwarzenegger, if you are so healthy then you shouldn't mind if we cut off your oxygen for a day.

lol. Thats how STUPID you are Mr. Chips. The healthiest economy cannot withstand something that can destroy it. The strongest man on the planet cannot withstand having a diesel truck dropped on his head you dunce.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's like telling Arnold Schwarzenegger, if you are so healthy then you shouldn't mind if we cut off your oxygen for a day.

lol. Thats how STUPID you are Mr. Chips. The healthiest economy cannot withstand something that can destroy it. The strongest man on the planet cannot withstand having a diesel truck dropped on his head you dunce.

Well, no, it really isn't but it isn't altogether surprising that you'd use such a ridiculous analogy either. The economy will suffer and is suffering because of the pandemic and the measures needed to curtail its spread. It's not being destroyed by it.
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Hall of Fame
Being that she was permabanned under her previous ID for making this same lie, it’s fairly obvious she is only here to troll.

So much for civil dialogue...

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Sigh. So much for taking TOL in a more civil and positive direction...

I have Trump Gurl on ignore. I can assure you that the forum is, in fact, more civil and positive for me now. Use the ignore feature. I highly recommend it!


Hall of Fame
I don’t appreciate being called a baby murderer. It’s a lie. That makes her a liar. Her response was quoted by AB, btw.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I don’t appreciate being called a baby murderer. It’s a lie. That makes her a liar. Her response was quoted by AB, btw.

You mean you have Trump Gurl on ignore but you saw her post in AB's quote? If so, Arthur Brain I would encourage you not to quote Trump Gurl's posts when replying to her, or at least delete her slander when you do.

Better yet, I would encourage you to put her on ignore as well, and let's make this a much more pleasant experience for ourselves!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rusha is one of the staunchest anti abortion posters on this site.

right - that's the facade she used to hide behind

lately she's been lauding the virtue and morality of evil abortionistas like Cuomo and Obama, Hillary, etc

she's not fooling anybody anymore

except morons like you

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don’t appreciate being called a baby murderer. It’s a lie. That makes her a liar. Her response was quoted by AB, btw.

Anyone who knows you knows that you're unwavering and as staunch an opponent of abortion as it gets. If people are reduced to lying about it it only reflects back on them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You mean you have Trump Gurl on ignore but you saw her post in AB's quote? If so, Arthur Brain I would encourage you not to quote Trump Gurl's posts when replying to her, or at least delete her slander when you do.

Better yet, I would encourage you to put her on ignore as well, and let's make this a much more pleasant experience for ourselves!

Well, after being called a stalking rapist by said poster in deranged fashion it may be an idea. Not gonna get anything but fawning Trump drivel and the like anyway...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What she is, is an unwavering and staunch supporter of pro-abortion politicians. What planet are you on.

Look at her signature: It says "Any Dem Will Do."

The stupidity of that, along with the utter devotion to pro-abortion policies, speaks for itself.

She just praised the "morality" who celebrated a new law allowing the killing of full grown babies after they are born: Cuomo.

You leftists, you are all diseased in the minds. You can't even see reality right in front of you. You have now provenbeyong all shadow of a doubt that you are a total faced liar and an idiot.

If you think Republicans are going to magically make abortion illegal or overturn current laws then you're just as ignorant on the score as you are with Trump. Trump isn't going to change anything. He'll make token gestures here and there that won't amount to anything but that'll be it and it's not sincere anyway. He was adamantly pro choice years ago and suddenly he's changed his tune? Yeah, sure. It won't serve his political self serving interest. Being called names by you is like being criticised by a gnat.

That is exactly how you behaved. You and someone else tagged team and stalked. He was banned thank God. So were you, for a while. You are sick

Well, no. You are. This is a forum, a debating one at that. If you can't handle two people disagreeing with you on a thread then wow are you thin skinned and why are you even here if you can't handle that? You like to dish out all sorts of puerile name calling but cry foul when things aren't going your way? What you said was indefensible, pathetic and to be charitable when I'm not obliged to be - just pitiful.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Well, after being called a stalking rapist by said poster in deranged fashion it may be an idea. Not gonna get anything but fawning Trump drivel and the like anyway...

I have found that it has removed a huge amount of negative energy from my interactions here... :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trump isn't going to change anything.

He's made massive changes to the judiciary in just three years. Imagine the difference he'll make in another five. At least one more Supreme Court Justice and untold hundreds of lower court appointments.

This is a forum, a debating one at that.

Nope, it isn't

It's a discussion group

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Originally posted by Arthur Brain
Rusha is one of the staunchest anti abortion posters on this site.
right - that's the facade she used to hide behind

lately she's been lauding the virtue and morality of evil abortionistas like Cuomo and Obama, Hillary, etc

she's not fooling anybody anymore

I think that covers that. With 100% purity she supports abortion politicians. As her signature says, "Any Dem Will Do." That says it all. For those of you who were duped into thinking otherwise, you were duped into thinking otherwise

Her accusations are absurd. She's on a vacation for that.

My final word on this: In the American legal system, a murderer and their accomplice are charged and sentenced equally. The Law does not care if you pulled the trigger, or you stood next to the person who pulled the trigger and condoned the act. In the eyes of the law you are equally guilty.

Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being, and to those whose knee jerk response is to say it is legal and therefore it is not murder, I say stuff that garbage you know where. The "It was legal" excuse did not work for the Nazis and it does not work here.

Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being, and in the America legal tradition, it does not matter if you are the one operating the vacuum hose, or you are the one who made it possible to do. All involved are guilty. A vote to keep it legal is enabling its practice. There is nothing absurd about that. It is simple logic.

My accusation was not absurd. It was based on how the Law views murderers and their accomplices.

Posting in this forum has been an eye opening experience. Not only are liberals pure evil and willing to tell any lie, but even conservatives will often disengage their brains as well. From what I can see, only one person got this whole thing right.


Poll: Trump More Trustworthy Than Media on Coronavirus

Trump's daily COVIR-19 appearances have been increasingly taking on the appearance of those of his political rallies that he was so fond of staging!

The media has the responsibility for televising real news - once this President starts bashing reporters, the networks and those Democratic governors for which he holds personal animosity, that crosses the line and they should immediately terminate his coverage for that day!

Trump can either act presidential before the cameras or he can revert to name-calling and lose his audience!