Pennsylvania Goes 3 for 3 in Special Elections

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Republican State Leadership Committee

Republican Tim Bonner delivered an important victory in Pennsylvania HD-8 tonight in a special election. Conservative values and good policy will continue to win in the PA legislature!

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Republican State Leadership Committee

.@HillaryClinton won PA HD-18 in 2016 by 9%, but tonight Republican @KC4StateRep won! This is a huge GOP win in a special election – sign of great things to come for @realdonaldtrump and @GOP candidates up-and-down the ballot in November. Congrats K.C.!

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Republican State Leadership Committee

Family man, baseball coach, and strong conservative, Eric Davanzo was chosen tonight by the people of Pennsylvania HD-58 to represent them. Congrats on the win, Eric – excited to see what you do with @PAHouseGOP!