Go Bernie!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
OK. Here it is. Biden is bragging to the CFR, on camera, that he used a billion dollar loan to get rid of the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden. The quid pro quo is front and center in Joe's account of his own actions.


lying hypocrites

Gary K

New member
The former vice president’s threat to withhold a loan guarantee from Ukraine involved financing that was entirely at the executive's discretion. And his threat was made in the service of the unified, official public policy of the United States. It did not involve legally mandated federal appropriations. Trump’s withholding of military assistance from Ukraine involved improper delay of congressionally authorized federal appropriations that were not at his discretion, and it contradicted unified, public, official policy of the United States.

Those two differences are huge.

In Biden’s case, the imperative to fire the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor came up from the ranks of the diplomatic corps. At all known levels of the U.S. government, there was unified agreement that the prosecutor impeded fighting corruption. Moreover, the corruption he enabled was directly harmful to the efficacy of the economic assistance the United States was offering to Ukraine. The prosecutor was lax on, or obstinately opposed to, investigating the very oligarchs who were in positions to misuse the aid for corrupt purposes. (The European community strongly agreed with this assessment of the prosecutor, by the way — a fact not ethically binding but still relevant to the intention behind forcing him out.)

-- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/o...ntirely-rancid

Well that's quite the spin. Too bad it's dishonest spin.

Biden's threat, from which he and his son would both be the only US benefactors, is in your eyes an ethical move. It actually calls for him to recuse himself from the entire process. It's called conflict of interest. But, who cares if a Democrat has conflicts of interest from which they benefit? They are above all such nonsense as that. Those rules are just so far below them they don't apply to Democrats.

Also, the prosecutor was innocent of the charge of corruption, but the company Hunter worked for was known to be the most corrupt company in all of Ukraine. But, who cares about little details like that? Certainly not you. That's just a small unimportant detail which is meaningless. Right? If the prosecutor was so corrupt why was he going after the most corrupt company in the nation? A corrupt person would have just stuck his hand into the revenue stream and done nothing. Ah, but who cares about actual behavior and what it signifies when spin can make reality appear otherwise to the morally challenged and the low information voters?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Also, the prosecutor was innocent of the charge of corruption, but the company Hunter worked for was known to be the most corrupt company in all of Ukraine.
Ukraine Found No Evidence Against Hunter Biden in Case Audit: Former Top Prosecutor

By Ilya Zhegulev

KIEV (Reuters) - An audit of thousands of old case files by Ukrainian prosecutors found no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hunter Biden, the former prosecutor general, who had launched the audit, told Reuters.

An audit of thousands of old case files by Ukrainian prosecutors found no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hunter Biden, the former prosecutor general, who had launched the audit, told Reuters. -- https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...cutors-finds-no-evidence-against-hunter-biden

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

[h=1]Terry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems prefer Biden stay 'in the basement'[/h]

EXCLUSIVE: Top Joe Biden surrogate Terry McAuliffe told a videoconference meeting of Virginia Democrats over the weekend that the former vice president should remain in his basement -- where he has famously campaigned remotely during the coronavirus pandemic -- and that Democratic officials are broadly "preferring" that Biden stay out of the limelight.

Fox News has obtained a video of McAuliffe's Norfolk comments, which came after Biden has made a series of gaffes in his already-limited public appearances as he social distanced from home -- including by declaring that African-Americans who support President Trump "ain’t black."
"People say all the time, 'Oh, we got to get the vice president out of the basement,'" McAuliffe told the "monthly breakfast" of the Norfolk City Democratic Committee. "He's fine in the basement. Two people see him a day: his two body people. That's it....



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