Bernie Sanders Is About to Become President

Well the Republicans already have the current dictator of Russia in their corner, so why not?

You know, were that even true, methinks it's better than having every homo, trannie, Hollywood perv, atheist, antichrist, just make that any riffraff, whatsoever, that sucks Satan's kneecaps, in YOUR corner. And what an amazing coincidence that Putin travels with a Bible, champions the Russian church, and believes marriage is between men and women, since the dawn of civilization, by the way, does not share your vision that God created Adam and Steve, conflicted over what their poop chute was designed for. Just the thought of such a filthy habit fills me with disgust!

Tell you what, if it's liberal Democrat, anymore, it's got to be from hell. As a matter of fact, if Putin were on the ticket, he'd have my vote, before the likes of any in your Democrat parade of dead souls and reprobate, twisted degenerates, from the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah, that are, in fact, traitors to and a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God! You all must have had a wake, when Pete Buttgig dropped out. What a missed opportunity, somebody that could go toe-to-toe with Putin, in drag?

Actually, it baffles me there's even this lying Putin narrative. If it's still the Cold War, if Putin is the Communist menace (that Hillary, nonetheless, saw fit to lavish 20% of U.S. uranium on), how is it you have a commie like Bernie, the Bolshevik Elmer Fudd, as a viable candidate? Is there anything that can escape the narcissism and hypocrisy of the diseased liberal mind?


Bernie Sanders Is About to Become President

Given that many of Sander's ideas are finally coming of age, Biden's resurgence in South Carolina and Super Tuesday may be too large of an advantage to overcome!

If Bloomberg decides to bankroll Biden with his $billions, than provides JB with another decided advantage, particularly if the coronavirus precludes further political rallies and/or debates!

Biden lost his initial lead because of his lacklustre performance in live settings - if those kinds of settings are now eliminated from the campaigns, then the prospects of him stumbling again in unscripted situations have greatly diminished!


You know, were that even true, methinks it's better than having every homo, trannie, Hollywood perv, atheist, antichrist, just make that any riffraff, whatsoever, that sucks Satan's kneecaps, in YOUR corner. And what an amazing coincidence that Putin travels with a Bible, champions the Russian church, and believes marriage is between men and women, since the dawn of civilization, by the way, does not share your vision that God created Adam and Steve, conflicted over what their poop chute was designed for. Just the thought of such a filthy habit fills me with disgust!

Tell you what, if it's liberal Democrat, anymore, it's got to be from hell. As a matter of fact, if Putin were on the ticket, he'd have my vote, before the likes of any in your Democrat parade of dead souls and reprobate, twisted degenerates, from the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah, that are, in fact, traitors to and a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God! You all must have had a wake, when Pete Buttgig dropped out. What a missed opportunity, somebody that could go toe-to-toe with Putin, in drag?

Actually, it baffles me there's even this lying Putin narrative. If it's still the Cold War, if Putin is the Communist menace (that Hillary, nonetheless, saw fit to lavish 20% of U.S. uranium on), how is it you have a commie like Bernie, the Bolshevik Elmer Fudd, as a viable candidate? Is there anything that can escape the narcissism and hypocrisy of the diseased liberal mind?

With supporters having a mindset like this, who needs enemies!

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Greatest poster ever
Putin travels with a Bible, champions the Russian church, and believes marriage is between men and women...

Perhaps you are unaware of the fact that Putin is a KJB agent, warmed over from the Cold War days of the Soviet Union! He rose rapidly through the ranks of the KGB due to his cunning and ruthlessness. As the ruling dictator of Russia, he has had numerous journalists, political opponents, critics of his regime, and spies working for Western governments murdered! He has also amassed a personal fortune worth many billions of dollars, which is apparently easy to do when you are the dictator of a major country and can plunder its wealth for yourself! But, because he "travels with a Bible, champions the Russian church, and believes marriage is between men and women," he is A-Okay in your book! Quite clever how these KGB agents operate, no?

As a matter of fact, if Putin were on the ticket, he'd have my vote...Actually, it baffles me there's even this lying Putin narrative.

Well now, doesn't this just take the cake? Mr. "WonderfulLordJesus," the right-wing conservative Republican anti-commie extraordinaire, would give his vote to a KGB agent! And he is "baffled" that "there's even this lying Putin narrative"! Well, Mr. "WonderfulLordJesus," it has apparently escaped your notice that one of your own deplorables, a senator from South Carolina, had the following to say about "this lying Putin narrative":

Graham said, "any documents coming out of the Ukraine against any American –Republican or Democrat – need to be looked at by the intelligence services. Because Russia is playing us all like a fiddle." Source:

What does the deplorable Sen. Lindsey Graham know that you don't? Quite a bit, apparently!

Now, Mr. "WonderfulLordJesus," do you have any other tidbits of stupidity that you would like to post so that I can rip them to utter shreds? Please and thank you!
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Its virtually impossible to beat a sitting POTUS in a strong economy

Besides, Bernie's 107 years old.
That may have had been a source of comfort for conservatives on February 23rd, but yesterday (March 9th) the DOW fell over 2000 points - the largest one day drop in its history!

Apparently the prospect of this President spending over 3 hours playing golf at his Palm Springs course during early stages of a world coronavirus crisis wasn't enough to convince the market that White House isn't AWOL!