Bernie Sanders Is About to Become President


This is not saying anything. :nono: What are you wanting to say? So, I am Bernie's age and what does that tell you? Try to think for a change, rather then being vague.

Bernie Sanders is massively popular among people under the age of 45 (especially under 30) and massively unpopular among people over the age of 65.

He's essentially saying #OKBoomer.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If you read the Catechism, the Catechism basically says the following:

1. Property ownership is a human right.
2. Centralized State planning of the economy must be rejected.
3. The State can and should intervene in the economy for the common good.

I don't disagree with any of those propositions.

All of those propositions are consistent with market socialism.

why number 3 trad? Why should the state intervene and what is the common good?
btw. good seeing you posting again. I am no longer regular here:)


This is literally what the Catechism says:

The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism.' She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of 'capitalism,' individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor.
Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for 'there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market.'
Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended" (CCC 2425).

So what this is saying is:

1. People have private property rights.
2. An economy run solely by central planning is bad.
3. An economy where the market dictates everything is also bad.
4. Authoritarianism and atheism are also bad.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Bernie Sanders is massively popular among people under the age of 45 (especially under 30) and massively unpopular among people over the age of 65.

He's essentially saying #OKBoomer.
I was addressing usernames vagueness.
You do know Sanders is not a boomer? We are both silent generation, so that source contends:wave:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is literally what the Catechism says:

The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism.' She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of 'capitalism,' individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor.
Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for 'there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market.'
Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended" (CCC 2425).

So what this is saying is:

1. People have private property rights.
2. An economy run solely by central planning is bad.
3. An economy where the market dictates everything is also bad.
4. Authoritarianism and atheism are also bad.

OK, that is the Catholic church and one area i FIND AGREEMENT with the Church. I was asking if you saw any flaws with libertarians?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This is literally what the Catechism says:

The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism.' She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of 'capitalism,' individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor.
Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for 'there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market.'
Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended" (CCC 2425).

The parts I put in blue font are the parts that "Trump Gurl" does not understand and chooses to completely ignore.


The parts I put in blue font are the parts that "Trump Gurl" does not understand and chooses to completely ignore.

The problem here is that there are different senses of the word "socialism" when it's used by different people. When the Catechism says "socialism," it's clearly talking about authoritarianism + complete centralized state planning of the economy vis-à-vis the soviet union. In the "bad" sense it also means collective ownership of all property.

But that's not all that socialism does or has to mean. At the end of the day, what socialism means is worker ownership of the means of production (in other words, socialism means "not capitalism"). There are various ways that workers can own the means of production.

Distributism is arguably a Catholic version of socialism. They just don't call themselves socialists.


This is also a problem when it comes to capitalism. People like her think that "capitalism" just means "markets." That's not what capitalism means when a socialist criticizes capitalism.


Hall of Fame
The Democrats have not been able to put forth a viable candidate. Biden blew it; he is not a viable candidate because he is too old! So is Mike Bloomberg. So is Bernie. Mr and Mrs average American realise this; no one wants to put a corpse in the White House!

Any candidate who is running against what is currently in office would be a 100% improvement ...


Any candidate who is running against what is currently in office would be a 100% improvement ...

How would four more years of Donald Trump be different from four years of Bloomberg?

If anything, Bloomberg might actually be worse.


Hall of Fame
How would four more years of Donald Trump be different from four years of Bloomberg?

If anything, Bloomberg might actually be worse.

Well, Bloomberg IS sane. Being an improvement, BTW, is not an endorsement of the candidate. Trump IS an immediate threat to our national security as are every member of the GOP who supports him.

Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
Bernie Sanders has won the popular vote in Iowa (albeit marginally losing the delegate count). He won New Hampshire outright. And he is projected to win Nevada by 20 points or more. Before Nevada, polling consistently showed him neck and neck with Joe Biden. With the momentum from his three state winning streak, he's probably going to win South Carolina as well.

If he wins all four states, an overwhelming Super Tuesday victory is almost assured. And if that happens, it's game over. Bernie Sanders is going to become the democratic nominee.

Nate Silver has Bernie Sanders at a 47% chance to win the democratic nomination outright.

Donald Trump's days in office are numbered.

For you Trumpists who don't remember why Donald Trump won in 2016, let me remind you. He didn't win because he played to the Republican base. If anything, he went against Republican orthodoxy. He promised universal healthcare coverage. Once he got in office, he raised the idea of just putting everyone on Medicare (his cabinet quickly talked him out of that). He promised that he wouldn't cut social security, medicare and Medicaid. He promised a trillion dollar infrastructure bill. He promised to end the disastrous trade deals (read outsourcing bills) that have hollowed out the middle of the country. He promised to end the disastrous regime change wars overseas.

Donald Trump won because he won the Rust Belt by a slim margin by getting former two times Obama voters to vote for him.

And he has broken almost every single promise that he made.

When Bernie Sanders campaigns in the Rust Belt, he is going to promise those out of work coal minors and factory workers medicare for all, a federal job guarantee, a $15 minimum wage. And he's going to be tougher on trade than Donald Trump is.

Donald Trump won because he ran as a populist and promised Rust Belt voters hope and change. Hillary Clinton did not.

He is going to get crushed by an actual populist.

Those out of work coal miners and factory workers voted for hope and change in 2008. They voted for it again in 2016. And they'll do it again in 2020.

Donald Trump is probably going to win the hardcore Republican states. I don't doubt that. But he's going to lose the Rust Belt. He'll probably even lose Texas. And he'll lose the race.



The Berean

Well-known member
How so? What makes you say that?

I'm not a Trump supporter nor will I vote for him this November. Trump always seemed like a clownish, buffoonish type of personality to me. I remember him from the early 1980's. He's always been this loud obnoxious guy that people kind of shrug off as Trump being Trump. Underneath most people probably didn't take him seriously This is why he was buddies with all those entertainment stars for decades. He's not dumb by any means but I never get the sense that he thinks about things on a very deep level at all. He just blusters long enough to get his way. Bloomberg seems far more calculating and somewhat sinister to me. People hammer Trump for his "racism" yet Bloomberg has said many similar things about people of color. Also, as NYC mayor Bloomberg unleashed the police (stop and frisk) on minority areas in the name of "being tough on crime'. Bloomberg eventually apologized for his stop and frisk policies (which was eventually deemed unconstitutional) but only after he ran for president. His apologies ring hollow.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The Berean I agree, I don't like Bloomberg either for the reasons you listed and more. Oh well, I think the point is moot anyway. Everyone could see that Bloomberg was eviscerated in the last debate, so I don't think he stands a realistic chance of getting the Democratic nomination, no matter how many hundreds of millions of his own dollars he spends to promote himself.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
- 40% of Americans struggle to afford basics
- 29% have debt > savings
- 78% of full-time workers live paycheck-to-paycheck
- 500k medical bankruptcies annually
- Hospital costs are surging
- Wages aren't keeping up with premiums
- 87 mil underinsured