Trump's Love of Country, Constitution Will Win Him 2020

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump's Love of Country, Constitution Will Win Him 2020

If one takes seriously the proposals of the Democrats running against Donald Trump — the Green New Deal (which would require a tremendous expansion of the power of the federal government), Medicare for All (which would also involve an unprecedented increase in the federal budget), reparations for slavery and compensation for displaced native Americans, free college tuition, punitive taxation on billionaires and millionaires, and in general, a redistribution of wealth and resources — one ought to understand the election in 2020 to be a referendum on our constitutional system itself.

It is true. Democrats hate the Constitution.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump's Love of Country, Constitution Will Win Him 2020

If one takes seriously the proposals of the Democrats running against Donald Trump — the Green New Deal (which would require a tremendous expansion of the power of the federal government), Medicare for All (which would also involve an unprecedented increase in the federal budget), reparations for slavery and compensation for displaced native Americans, free college tuition, punitive taxation on billionaires and millionaires, and in general, a redistribution of wealth and resources — one ought to understand the election in 2020 to be a referendum on our constitutional system itself.

It is true. Democrats hate the Constitution.

This is something that no Democrat has.


Hey, Trump Girl, tell me what you think about:

1. The emoluments clause of the constitution?
2. The war powers clause of the constitution?
3. The 4th amendment?
4. How about the 1st amendment?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
"Trump's love of the constitution."

Republicans are beyond parody.

Nobody cares what a communist fake Catholic tool like you says. You are beneath contempt.

Hey, Trump Girl, tell me what you think about:

1. The emoluments clause of the constitution?
2. The war powers clause of the constitution?
3. The 4th amendment?
4. How about the 1st amendment?

I think you are a disgusting tool. That's what I think. I never thought that an anonymous person in a forum could turn my stomach but you do.


Serious question:

Do you even know what's in the constitution?

You think Trump does?

You know this dude doesn't like to read, right?

If it doesn't fit onto a single page, have his name on it and have illustrations, Trump doesn't bother with it.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Serious question:

Do you even know what's in the constitution?

You think Trump does?

You know this dude doesn't like to read, right?

If it doesn't fit onto a single page, have his name on it and have illustrations, Trump doesn't bother with it.

Your insults are being reported.
Your off topic derailments are being reported.

I won't have some sick lowlife who promotes Marxism question my knowledge of the Constitution.

As for Trump, he is a better person then you will ever be.


Your insults are being reported.
Your off topic derailments are being reported.

I won't have some sick lowlife who promotes Marxism question my knowledge of the Constitution.

As for Trump, he is a better person then you will ever be.

Do you know the constitution?

Please. Tell everyone what's in the emoluments clause. Go on. What's in the emoluments clause?

Is Trump following the emoluments clause of the constitution?

Do you love that part?

Does Trump?

Come on. Be honest.

We both know what the answer is. ;)


Here, I'll help you out.

Does Donald Trump follow the emoluments clause of the constitution?

"Lobbyists representing the Saudi government reserved blocks of rooms at President Trump’s Washington, D.C., hotel within a month of Trump’s election in 2016 — paying for an estimated 500 nights at the luxury hotel in just three months, according to organizers of the trips and documents obtained by The Washington Post.

At the time, these lobbyists were reserving large numbers of D.C.-area hotel rooms as part of an unorthodox campaign that offered U.S. military veterans a free trip to Washington — then sent them to Capitol Hill to lobby against a law the Saudis opposed, according to veterans and organizers."


How about the war powers clause of the constitution?

Does Donald Trump respect the right of congress to declare war? Does he recognize that it is congress, not the president, who gets to decide where troops go?


Would you look at that! The Saudi Arabians have been showering Donald Trump's hotels with cash, and it just so happens that he vetoed a resolution telling him to stop aiding Saudi Arabia in their illegal genocide in Yemen!

It's almost like we have an emoluments clause and the war powers clause of the constitution for a reason, and Donald Trump doesn't care about either!


Let's talk about the 4th amendment, our right against unreasonable searches and seizures. Has Donald Trump made any efforts to end the NSA spy program?

Lets talk about the 1st amendment, the right of the people to a free press. Is Julian Assange a free man right now?

Or let's talk about the right of the people to freedom of speech. What's Donald Trump's opinion on anti-BDS laws?


Here's one for you! How about the parts of the constitution that establish 3 co-equal branches of government, which are intended to serve as checks on the power of the others, including an independent judiciary branch?

How much does Donald Trump love that part?


"Trump's love of the constitution."


You and I both know that Donald Trump, the republican party and most of the democratic party don't give a single whit about the constitution.

You know who does care about the constitution?

Bernie Sanders.
