Nori's Pick for 5-8-09

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
MaryContrary gets my POTD for the following post:

GeneCosta said:
Go with whatever decision she wanted - abortion, adoption, or child caring - because I'm not a selfish ideologue.

icilian fenner said:
If I thought she was going to do anything I considered wrong, then I'd explain it as gently and tactfully as I could - but it would be in her hands, in the end, as it is her legal right.

Persephone66 said:
I would stand by her decision, whatever it may be.

Punisher1984 said:
As to the fate of the fetus - I'll leave that one to the pregnant woman...

This attitude really bothers me. I hate to sound harsh here but...what the heck good would you guys be to any woman in such a situation? I would want my guy to have a strong opinion on what to do here, based at least on what he perceived as the right thing to do. I would want him to want to do the right thing. And I would want him to want me to do the right thing. Now I'd expect him to present that opinion with love, of course. But having no opinion, no input, no part in the decision...well, he'd be completely useless to me. I'd wonder right about then what the heck I ever hooked up with him for in the first place.
Seriously, guys. What the heck good is a guy who's just going to pat you on the head and agree with whatever you decide to do regardless of whether, say, it's completely wrong or utterly irrational? What do you think is the point of having a partner in the first place?

Speaking as a woman I think the best thing for the husband caught in this situation to do for his wife is be strong, be loving, be present and be a source of wisdom and rationality.
My husband would know what is the right thing to do in this situation without having to mull it over or go soul searching. And he'd present that to me when called upon to do so. And he'd stand up for what's right. And he'd try to convince me to do so as well. All while be strong, loving, present, wise and rational for me. Don't you know that I would ask him first thing what we should do? And that I'd be looking for all the above in his response?
That what I married for. I could have driven down to the mall and picked out somebody to pat me on the head, smile and nod on cue pretty easily. Why would I want that, though? Especially in a situation like that?

Mary, you've said more than I could with this post. I have a really hard time with people saying that abortion is a woman's choice (And, for those who don't know, yes. I'm a woman.). It's the woman's choice to have the child or to abort the child. But, a man is usually involved somewhere in the pregnancy process. The woman can either choose to kill the man's child or she can choose to really screw up his life (if he doesn't want a child) by forcing him to pay child support for eighteen years.

Personally, I think that if the father of the child is willing to raise the child or finds someone who is willing to raise the child, the woman should not be allowed to abort the child (Just forget the fact that I believe that abortion should be illegal, anyway.). What is nine months of inconvenience when compared to killing her unborn child?
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