JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 1/30-2/1/09:


Well-known member
As people, try to feel.
Sorry for themselves, they want.
All the attention, on them.
Nobody else, nor nothing else.
They feel, they need to have.
The power, to manipulate others.
Into feeling, sorry for them.
But you know, it makes them.
Only look and feel bad.
More they, do it!


Well-known member
God also, feels bad.
When He may, see people being lonely.
As they feel, that they need to draw.
Attention to themselves. Before you make
Judgement on them. Ever did that yourselves?
Finding yourselves in their situation?
I have, done that, as more times.
Then I could, ever really counted.
Because, we want attention too!


Well-known member
God wants us, to really pray for those. That want
To feel bad, for themselves.
Because, they need friends.
Or maybe, they have nothing better to do.
You know, you have been that way, before.
So it is best, to pray for them.
Feel sorry for them.
Because you were, in their shoes before!