ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


Well-known member
I tell you, to seek God's Truth is to get Jesus' teachings.

To find God's Truth is to obey what Jesus says.

If you join the Catholic religion, you are not obeying God and will not know His Truth.

Romans 14:4
Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

God's Truth

New member
Romans 14:4
Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

Paul is not telling people not to speak God's Truth.

Oh and, did you just judge me?


Well-known member
Paul is not telling people not to speak God's Truth.

Oh and, did you just judge me?

Truth is good - but the presentation of truth must be done with wisdom so as to not cause unnecessary conflict and so that you don't cause others to stumble needlessly. Depending upon the nature of the truth, the person in question, and the conditions - it maybe better to hold your tongue and choose peace over being right. Not all truth is equal, and even the most important of truths must be handled properly. Indeed - the more important the truth the more important that it is presented with care.

What Paul is saying is that these denominations - as we now call them - are nothing. They aren't important - and it is foolish to think that following one Christian teacher vs another is any better. So long as you are doing God's will - this is but a triviality.

And I did not judge you - not in the sense of condemnation at any rate. I'm sure you are sharing honest heartfelt thoughts accumulated through your own experience, prayer, and study.

God's Truth

New member
Truth is good - but the presentation of truth must be done with wisdom so as to not cause unnecessary conflict and so that you don't cause others to stumble needlessly. Depending upon the nature of the truth, the person in question, and the conditions - it maybe better to hold your tongue and choose peace over being right.
You are not speaking God's Truth; you are merely falsely judging me. Why didn't you hold your tongue? You make yourself look like a hypocrite.

I am not going to stop speaking God's Truth, no matter who does not like it.

The Word of God says not to let what I know is good to be spoken of as evil. I am speaking from love, but you want me to stop telling others the Truth. You would rather that they never hear it.

Peace is knowing truth. 2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

Romans 14:16 Therefore do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil.

I have been spoken badly to by Catholics, and others. Where were you then? Why haven't you stood up for me for speaking the truth?

You are a false judge.

Not all truth is equal, and even the most important of truths must be handled properly. Indeed - the more important the truth the more important that it is presented with care.

What Paul is saying is that these denominations - as we now call them - are nothing. They aren't important - and it is foolish to think that following one Christian teacher vs another is any better. So long as you are doing God's will - this is but a triviality.
You make no sense. God's Truth is important, and it can be found.

And I did not judge you - not in the sense of condemnation at any rate. I'm sure you are sharing honest heartfelt thoughts accumulated through your own experience, prayer, and study.

You have judged.

You are an unrighteous judge.

God's Truth

New member
Protestant is nothing and Catholic is nothing - all that matters is Christ.

1 Cor 1:11-13 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas[a]”; still another, “I follow Christ.”

13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?​

Yet it is important to find a church family where you feel you can best serve God and grow in him. God Bless you on your journey.

You contradict yourself.


Well-known member
You contradict yourself.

I haven't contradicted myself. Both statements are true - no denomination means anything in of itself before God. So long as you are doing God's will - the specific preacher or tradition that you follow is trivial.

A good church is important for one's growth and ministry - but good churches maybe found under any number of denominations, including Catholic. No - not every doctrine is correct, but no church has it all right.


Well-known member
You are not speaking God's Truth; you are merely falsely judging me. Why didn't you hold your tongue? You make yourself look like a hypocrite.

I am sorry if I have upset you - but let me assure you I have not judged (aka condemned) you in the slightest. I have no intention of any such thing - especially not simply because we don't agree on every point of our theologies.

I do not know your position - but I do not believe that what is important for salvation or as a servant of God is to have the perfect set of beliefs. Rather - it is what one does, how one lives their life, that is important to God.

God's Truth

New member
I am sorry if I have upset you - but let me assure you I have not judged (aka condemned) you in the slightest. I have no intention of any such thing - especially not simply because we don't agree on every point of our theologies.

I do not know your position - but I do not believe that what is important for salvation or as a servant of God is to have the perfect set of beliefs. Rather - it is what one does, how one lives their life, that is important to God.

You are wrong. God's Truth matters.
You are wrong too when you say you have not judged me.

God's Truth

New member
I haven't contradicted myself. Both statements are true - no denomination means anything in of itself before God. So long as you are doing God's will - the specific preacher or tradition that you follow is trivial.
If you are in a denomination that teaches something against God---then you are NOT doing God's will.

A good church is important for one's growth and ministry - but good churches maybe found under any number of denominations, including Catholic. No - not every doctrine is correct, but no church has it all right.

You do contract yourself.


Well-known member
GT - please do not take disagreement as a personal attack or condemnation. To the contrary - is not correction a form of love?

If you place so much importance on truth - then you must recognize that none of us has the perfect truth. That is withheld until we are reunited with God. Recognizing this, you know that you are subject to error and so are others - and there is no way around this. As such, do not take disagreement personally nor fear that just because someone disagrees with you that therefore one of you is in danger of hell.

1 Cor 13:8-13 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.​

God's Truth

New member
GT - please do not take disagreement as a personal attack or condemnation. To the contrary - is not correction a form of love?

If you place so much importance on truth - then you must recognize that none of us has the perfect truth. That is withheld until we are reunited with God. Recognizing this, you know that you are subject to error and so are others - and there is no way around this. As such, do not take disagreement personally nor fear that just because someone disagrees with you that therefore one of you is in danger of hell.

1 Cor 13:8-13 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.​

You are badly mistaken, God's Truth can be found.

You came on and falsely judged me, and made yourself a hypocrite.

You also contradict yourself.

Sheila B

One of the hardest things for me on this journey is losing all of my protestant friends, some I have known for decades, some I was very close to, some I called my own family.

I had hundreds of friends and many best friends. This week I said goodbye to the last two friends I have left...they just could not accept my choice and instead began to become hostile.

As a protestant, fellowship is a large part of our life. I ate, breathed and talked with these brothers and sisters of mine. To leave it all was enormously upsetting.

I have no family, and now no old friends. I sacrificed my home and set out on this journey to the Church knowing it would demand all. Not only has it indeed demanded all, it has taken more than all. When I had nothing left but my thoughts, it almost took them through doubt. Having gone through homelessnes and been hungry and freezing on many an occassion in the last year I still held on...and on.

But I tell you this, seeking the truth and the true church has brought me closer to Christ and I feel a sense of deep peace and security. I know these little sacrifices of mine are nothing, absolutely nothing. My life is but a wisp of vapour, one half footstep on an eternal walk.

I am grateful the grace of God has kept me and allowed me to start the long journey home.
God bless you.

I sure can relate to this! I was faced with maybe losing my husband and daughter. She would have left with him in a minute. But, my husband was a Berean Christian... more noble and searched the scriptures to see if these things were so... and eventually joined me. Our daughter, no. She remained estranged for 4 years and only a pilgrimage to the Holy Land got us back on track and we're as close as ever. But still... the lack of unity is a barrier...


I sure can relate to this! I was faced with maybe losing my husband and daughter. She would have left with him in a minute. But, my husband was a Berean Christian... more noble and searched the scriptures to see if these things were so... and eventually joined me. Our daughter, no. She remained estranged for 4 years and only a pilgrimage to the Holy Land got us back on track and we're as close as ever. But still... the lack of unity is a barrier...
That's beautiful. My prayers are with you :)