Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One does not need a medical degree to do research on a specific aspect of biology. It is called the Information Age for a reason. They are called books, you should try them sometime but then you are a person who is afraid to publish his life's passion.

The question occurred to me so I did a little research and found that yes that particular sex act is only possible due to very specific features of mammal biology. From an evolutionary viewpoint that is understandable but if you believe in an intelligent designer then you have to accept that it was designed that way.

You avoided the question of course by resorting to the free will argument that really doesn't answer it.

It is again relying too much on stereotypes. You might be shocked to find out that not all gay couples engage in anal sex. A survey done a few years ago found it was somewhere close to half do not. I'll see if I can find it again to get the exact figures.

There are also well-adjusted intelligent homosexuals, usually the type to marry and form a household, that will be no different than good heterosexual parents in restricting sex to the bedroom and seeing that their kids receive a good upbringing and education on sexual matters.

Other studies have found that the outcomes of children raised in same-sex households are not statistically different than children raised in opposite-sex households. Those studies were a key part of the evidence in the court cases leading up to Obergefell v Hodges.

I understand that you seem incapable of believing there are well-adjusted homosexuals out there who can make good parents or teachers but that does not alter the fact that there are.

Just a heads up Kit. When aCW mentions 'Alwight', he was a well regarded poster here who was straight. aCW is once again using lying sleaze when he mentions anal cancer and he's deliberately tried to paint him as homosexual. Given the garbage he's flung in your direction I'm sure it'll come as no surprise but you ought to know just the same. This "man" will sink to any level.

Kit the Coyote

New member
One must have a perverse interest in the anus in order to do research which results in the conclusion that

"Eliminating some nerves and moving a few key components a few inches to the right or left would render pleasure from the act impossible. A few more nerves in the right places would render it intensely painful."

A normal person rarely thinks about the anus, other than the fact that it's a muscle designed to expel human waste.

Your lack of curiosity is noted. The information comes from no perverse sources but from publicly available biology and human sexuality texts.

I get creeped out pretty easy when males start talking about how pleasurable anal sex can be, hence I quickly change the subject so that I don't have to run to a nearby toilet to vomit.

I suspected you might be which is why I deliberately avoided talking about how pleasurable anal sex could be. That and I have no direct experience to discuss it anyway. I focused instead on the very basic biology without any details and how easily it could be unpleasurable.

But it seems your stomach is so sensitive you can't even deal with that vanilla discussion. I do note that your sensitive stomach has managed to let you once again avoid answering the question while attacking the messenger.

As I showed you in the first point that Linda Harvey made in the article: the key is that these people are proud and unrepentant about their behavior, i.e. they're not struggling with same sex desires and are attempting to overcome them. As you saw in my most recent scenario with Arthur Brain, never will they (or their allies) tell children that homosexuality is morally wrong and that it's an extremely harmful behavior, as well as being psychologically and spiritually damaging.

And herein lies the reason why I said it was pointless to go on with this discussion. Since you are incapable of accepting that there are LGBT people who do not fit your stereotypes and can be good parents and teachers and productive members of society, it is pointless to discuss this with you.

Remember how you stated that as long as the parent[s) of 10 year old boy are ok with it then he should be allowed to dress up like a girl and dance provocatively at parades where all kinds of sexual depravity takes place? Remember how you also stated that the parents of children who are sexually and gender confused shouldn't be allowed to seek psychological/spiritual help from a trained and licensed therapist so that their sexually/gender confused child won't have to go through the living hell that homosexuality is?

I remember you distorting my comments on those subject to lie about what I said. Another reason why this discussion is proving pointless.

I told the late alwight the atheist (who admitted that he had anal cancer, and disappeared shortly thereafter) that "the anus is to a homosexual relationship what the vagina is to a heterosexual relationship".

I thought you said the thought of anal sex made you violently ill? Since you clearly state that is the case, you hardly count as an authority on the subject.

When the anus is used as a sex object, very very bad things happen (especially when men are at the receiving end). Of course you and I and the rest of the world wouldn't be here if our parents didn't engage in traditional sex.

Regarding those male homosexuals who don't engage in buggery: paraphrasing the words of my good friend Sandy (aka Rusha): "...then they're not 'real' homosexuals".

Same as above, I really don't find you a credible authority on who is a true Scotsman.

It doesn't take a study to show that faux parents who subject their adopted children to immoral ideology and the child molesting LGBTQ movement's lifestyle, are going to turn out as messed up as "daddy and daddy".

Again until you realize that there are well adjusted LGBT people who don't fit your stereotypes and make good parents and role models, it is pointless to talk on this subject.

Speaking of what causes homosexual desires and that they can be changed: When (and if) Arthur Brain returns, I want to share an article by the NYT's where Robert Spitzer and Irving Bieber debated.

Robert Spitzer is a name I've run across in my research, I hope you are not going to use refer to work that the author himself has repudiated?

Kit the Coyote

New member
Just a heads up Kit. When aCW mentions 'Alwight', he was a well regarded poster here who was straight. aCW is once again using lying sleaze when he mentions anal cancer and he's deliberately tried to paint him as homosexual. Given the garbage he's flung in your direction I'm sure it'll come as no surprise but you ought to know just the same. This "man" will sink to any level.

I've noted his ability to ignore what I actually say and substitute what he wants me to have said, it is not surprizing. Of course by his unshakable view of the things, I don't exist. It is a wonder he can see my texts and reply to them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've noted his ability to ignore what I actually say and substitute what he wants me to have said, it is not surprizing. Of course by his unshakable view of the things, I don't exist. It is a wonder he can see my texts and reply to them.

It's a shame you weren't about when Alwight was here because aCW tried the exact same stuff and was disassembled like jenga blocks. You won't get any reason with aCW and even he might be regretting his asinine comments in regards to Alwight but stick around Kit. There's plenty crap conversations to have elsewhere on the forum. I should know, I've started some...



In "Save the drama for your momma" news:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I told the late alwight the atheist (who admitted that he had anal cancer, and disappeared shortly thereafter) that "the anus is to a homosexual relationship what the vagina is to a heterosexual relationship".

When did Alwight admit to having "anal cancer"? You are pathetic. If it was bowel cancer then it's a common form and nothing to do with the likes of what you're implying.

Al wrote a post talking about how ill he was with a bowel related cancer somewhere in the middle of Part 4. He stated that it wasn't homosexual related. I then talked briefly about 'gay bowel syndrome'. You obviously missed it because you were on one of your TOL tours trying to convince someone that you're straight.

Al did a lot of harm here on TOL defending homosexual behavior and pushing the LGBTQ agenda. While I hope that Al rests in eternal peace, he won't unless he repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Being that Al was an avowed atheist, he would have had to had a major change in his heart to do so.

I peeked at Mikey Cadry's thread; funny I didn't see those statements from others that profess to be Christian.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Al wrote a post talking about how ill he was with a bowel related cancer somewhere in the middle of Part 4. He stated that it wasn't homosexual related. I then talked briefly about 'gay bowel syndrome'. You obviously missed it because you were on one of your TOL tours trying to convince someone that you're straight.

Al did a lot of harm here on TOL defending homosexual behavior and pushing the LGBTQ agenda. While I hope that Al rests in eternal peace, he won't unless he repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Being that Al was an avowed atheist, he would have had to had a major change in his heart to do so.

I peeked at Mikey Cadry's thread; funny I didn't see those statements from others that profess to be Christian.

Bollocks. You knew fine well what you were doing and you can lie to yourself as much as you want but it ain't gonna fly with anyone else. You tried to paint Alwight as a homosexual and what you really need to do is just get to grips with your own homosexuality and quit projecting your self loathing onto others. It's beyond pathetic now. Be thankful that you're not at risk of prosecution for it, deal with it and get a life outside of this moronic blog that you've cranked on with for seven years?! Or...go avail yourself of the therapy you venerate so much and see how that works out for you.

Either way, stop pretending to be a straight man because you aren't and it's bloody obvious.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One must have a perverse interest in the anus in order to do research which results in the conclusion that

"Eliminating some nerves and moving a few key components a few inches to the right or left would render pleasure from the act impossible. A few more nerves in the right places would render it intensely painful."

A normal person rarely thinks about the anus, other than the fact that it's a muscle designed to expel human waste.

Your lack of curiosity is noted...

As is your expose' on the pleasures of anal sex.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I get creeped out pretty easy when males start talking about how pleasurable anal sex can be, hence I quickly change the subject so that I don't have to run to a nearby toilet to vomit.

I suspected you might be which is why I deliberately avoided talking about how pleasurable anal sex could be. That and I have no direct experience to discuss it anyway. I focused instead on the very basic biology without any details and how easily it could be unpleasurable.

There's no doubt in my mind that the "could be" in your statement should be dropped and replaced with "is". I just get the feeling that I'm chatting with someone who hasn't been totally honest about himself. but then if you're going to support a absolutely filthy behavior and child molesting/indoctrinating movement, lack of honesty is no big thing is it Kit?

But it seems your stomach is so sensitive you can't even deal with that vanilla discussion. I do note that your sensitive stomach has managed to let you once again avoid answering the question while attacking the messenger.

I post information on what homosexuals do in the confines of their sodomy chambers, public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc., that's tough enough for me to stomach.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I showed you in the first point that Linda Harvey made in the article: the key is that these people are proud and unrepentant about their behavior, i.e. they're not struggling with same sex desires and are attempting to overcome them. As you saw in my most recent scenario with Arthur Brain, never will they (or their allies) tell children that homosexuality is morally wrong and that it's an extremely harmful behavior, as well as being psychologically and spiritually damaging.

And herein lies the reason why I said it was pointless to go on with this discussion. Since you are incapable of accepting that there are LGBT people who do not fit your stereotypes and can be good parents and teachers and productive members of society, it is pointless to discuss this with you.

(And I thought that Arthur Brain was mentally slow). Again, those that are proud and unrepentant about their homosexuality fit into the same category as those who don't play the daddy and daddy game. I am not "stereotyping" anyone (although LGBTQ culture does speak for itself): all those that are proud and unrepentant about their homosexuality fit snugly into the same category.

If you would like to take a shot at the scenario that I presented to Arthur Brain a few posts ago, please do so, as I would love to make my point again:

"Dear Uncle Kit. I'm a 15 year old boy adopted at birth by two homosexual men. I'm very unhappy for numerous reasons: They are constantly fighting, having sex with other men, going to HIV/AIDS clinics to check the status of their health, etc. etc. etc. When I was 8 years old a friend of theirs (who founded the Human Rights Campaign) was allowed to babysit me on numerous occasions and he repeatedly raped me. I'm finding myself with same sex desires and am suicidal because I don't want to end up like those men.

An older friend who was overly mothered and had an abusive father, and had homosexual desires because of it, went to see a therapist at "The American Association of Christian Counselors" and through spiritual and psychological therapy, he was able to understand and eventually overcome his same sex desires. He married a beautiful Christian woman and they have two beautiful children together.

I want what my friend has Uncle Kit, will you give me a ride to see the therapist that belongs to "The American Association of Christian counselors"

so that I can be like my friend and lead a healthy and spiritually happy life?

Uncle Kit replies:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Remember how you stated that as long as the parent[s) of 10 year old boy are ok with it then he should be allowed to dress up like a girl and dance provocatively at parades where all kinds of sexual depravity takes place? Remember how you also stated that the parents of children who are sexually and gender confused shouldn't be allowed to seek psychological/spiritual help from a trained and licensed therapist so that their sexually/gender confused child won't have to go through the living hell that homosexuality is?

I remember you distorting my comments on those subject to lie about what I said. Another reason why this discussion is proving pointless.

So you're against children being taken to 'gay pride parades' and indoctrinated in all aspects of society by being told that homosexuality is just like heterosexuality, and you approve of parents taking their sexually/gender confused child to a licensed therapist to help overcome their homosexual desires?

If you said that, I missed it.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It doesn't take a study to show that faux parents who subject their adopted children to immoral ideology and the child molesting LGBTQ movement's lifestyle, are going to turn out as messed up as "daddy and daddy".

Again until you realize that there are well adjusted LGBT people who don't fit your stereotypes and make good parents and role models, it is pointless to talk on this subject.

They are proud that they engage in sexual perversion and will not tell children that homosexuality is immoral. Hardly "good parents and role models".

Kit the Coyote

New member
As is your expose' on the pleasures of anal sex.

Hard to note something that doesn't exist.

There's no doubt in my mind that the "could be" in your statement should be dropped and replaced with "is". I just get the feeling that I'm chatting with someone who hasn't been totally honest about himself. but then if you're going to support a absolutely filthy behavior and child molesting/indoctrinating movement, lack of honesty is no big thing is it Kit?

Coming from the person who continually misrepresents what I say to change its meaning, yes lack of honesty does appear to not be a big thing for you.

Honesty is an important thing for me and I endeavor to be as honest as I can be. I can't claim to be perfect at it or don't make mistakes but I do try.

I post information on what homosexuals do in the confines of their sodomy chambers, public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc., that's tough enough for me to stomach.

Good for you. Now if you were honest you would admit that not all homosexuals do those things.

(And I thought that Arthur Brain was mentally slow). Again, those that are proud and unrepentant about their homosexuality fit into the same category as those who don't play the daddy and daddy game. I am not "stereotyping" anyone (although LGBTQ culture does speak for itself): all those that are proud and unrepentant about their homosexuality fit snugly into the same category.

If you were honest you would realize that there are people who are proud and unrepentant in their homosexuality and still be decent people who make fine parents and role-models. If you can't do that, then you are stereotyping.

If you would like to take a shot at the scenario that I presented to Arthur Brain a few posts ago, please do so, as I would love to make my point again:

"Dear Uncle Kit. I'm a 15 year old boy adopted at birth by two homosexual men. I'm very unhappy for numerous reasons: They are constantly fighting, having sex with other men, going to HIV/AIDS clinics to check the status of their health, etc. etc. etc. When I was 8 years old a friend of theirs (who founded the Human Rights Campaign) was allowed to babysit me on numerous occasions and he repeatedly raped me. I'm finding myself with same sex desires and am suicidal because I don't want to end up like those men.

An older friend who was overly mothered and had an abusive father, and had homosexual desires because of it, went to see a therapist at "The American Association of Christian Counselors" and through spiritual and psychological therapy, he was able to understand and eventually overcome his same sex desires. He married a beautiful Christian woman and they have two beautiful children together.

I want what my friend has Uncle Kit, will you give me a ride to see the therapist that belongs to "The American Association of Christian counselors"

so that I can be like my friend and lead a healthy and spiritually happy life?

Uncle Kit replies:

Come along Lad. We are going to talk to some nice folks called Child Protective Services who I suspect will have some questions for your parents. Then we going to go see some real professional therapists who aren't going to miss your life up even worse like the AACC is likely to do.

So you're against children being taken to 'gay pride parades' and indoctrinated in all aspects of society by being told that homosexuality is just like heterosexuality, and you approve of parents taking their sexually/gender confused child to a licensed therapist to help overcome their homosexual desires?

If you said that, I missed it.

Don't see how since you seem to have purposely changed what I said to misrepresent it. I said I disapprove of children being encouraged to engage in adult activities that they are too immature to be in and I specifically said that I approve of parents taking their confused child to a 'licensed' therapist using medically approved treatments to help them deal with their sexuality.
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Kit the Coyote

New member
Damn missed a unqoute tag. I really wish you would clean up your posts better and learned to multi-quote. It makes it hard to read and edit replies the way you do it now.

The last paragraph is mine.

Kit the Coyote

New member
So having examined the AACC website I find they have repudiated reparation conversion therapy so they might actually be a legitimate consideration. However, if I am responsible for the boy's care, I am not going to take the 'confused' boy to the AACC just because he asked for it. I would more likely take him to a mental healthcare specialist recommended by Tricare. Whoever I take him too will have to pass muster by me.

Kit the Coyote

New member
So for the folks wondering about the outcome of the 15-year-old boy. I meta-gamed the scenario a little based on the following assumptions.
The boy believes his story.
That does not mean that the story is completely true.
The boy has been subject to some sort of trauma
I am actually his uncle which means I have had insight into this family and would surely have called CPS before now if the account of the parents is completely true.
Adoption services usually do a pretty good job of screening prospective parents.

CPS’s initial investigation found sufficient concern to temporarily remove the boy from the family home and put him in the custody of his uncle, Mr. Coyote.

Interviews with family, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and counselors find that the adoptive parents have indeed been experiencing an increase in arguing with each other over the last year. The counselor evaluating them says the cause appears to be due to stresses at one of the parents work environment and concern over the son’s increasing withdrawal and issues.

There is no evidence of dating other men or concerns about HIV. These claims appear to be projections made by the son for reasons mentioned below.

There is no evidence of a babysitter associated with the Human Rights Campaign that may have raped the child at age 8.

The counselors evaluating the son reported that he is struggling with his sexuality and is concerned that he may be a homosexual. He finds this possibility terrifying to the point of mania. Further investigation finds that he has a close friend who has been feeding him anti-gay stereotypes and beliefs.

About two years ago, this friend while staying overnight with the son, initiated unwanted sexual contact with the son. There is no indication that physical rape occurred but the friend forced unwanted kisses and inappropriate touches on the boy. This event seems to have traumatized the boy. He reacted by internalizing the stereotypes about homosexual deviancy and blaming himself and his parents for his confused feelings.

Investigations found the friend had been a patient of a therapist practicing a form of reparation therapy condemned by the medical community including the counseling association the therapist was part of.

The son thinking the friend's therapist was what he needed, suppressed the trauma of the friend’s assault replacing it in his mind with the mythical babysitter. He increasingly projected the homosexual stereotypes onto his parents until he had convinced himself that they actually lived that life. His resulting withdrawal from interaction from his parents and his increasing anxiety added to the stresses tearing his family apart.

CPS recommendation is the boy remains with his Uncle’s family. His parents are allowed visitation. The son is undergoing counseling to help him resolve and deal with his sexuality issues. The parents and son are undergoing family counseling.

CPS will evaluate the case annually or until the counselors advise the family is ready for reuniting or the son comes of age.


So where were we? Before I ask you a few questions and reply to your response of my scenario (I see that you came up with two responses) I wanted address this post:

So having examined the AACC website I find they have repudiated reparation conversion therapy so they might actually be a legitimate consideration. However, if I am responsible for the boy's care, I am not going to take the 'confused' boy to the AACC just because he asked for it. I would more likely take him to a mental healthcare specialist recommended by Tricare. Whoever I take him too will have to pass muster by me.

I've thoroughly reviewed the AACC website and saw no place where they "repudiated reparation/conversion therapy". In fact they made this statement in a 2012 publication
entitled "A response to California Senate Bill 1172" which condemns legislation that amongst other things takes away the right to self determination and parental rights.

A Response to California Senate Bill 1172
Published by Administrator on December 3, 2012

Some of you may be aware of new legislation (California Senate Bill 1172) recently passed by the California State Senate and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. Left undisputed, this law will go into effect January 1, 2013, and has critical and far reaching implications for Christian counselors. While the focus of the legislation was to address the issue of reparative therapies for same sex attraction among adolescents, the bill moves significantly beyond this purpose by threatening the religious freedoms of minor clients and their fundamental ethical right to self-determination, as well as undermining long held parental rights.

Why is This Legislation Important and Why is the AACC Involved?
First and foremost, we do not view the case as one that primarily addresses the use or discontinuation of reparative therapy. In fact, the research regarding this treatment modality remains inconclusive and the AACC is not advocating for or against these protocols. However, what does alarm us is the blatant disregard for faith values and the unnecessary restrictions that will be placed on clients and their families. This should be a wakeup call for every mental health practitioner, whether secular or faith-based. Anytime a client’s rights to religious freedom and self-determination are infringed upon, the profession must rise up as a strong voice and advocate for these sacred principles. Additionally, there are thousands of children who are devastated by sexual abuse every year and the trauma of the experience frequently leaves them anxious and confused about their sexual identities. They must be given the unrestricted opportunity to freely discuss the nature of the abuse and any same sex attractions that may have developed because of it, as well as their values and beliefs on the matter. The intent of this misguided legislation is one thing, but the potential effects on the practice of counseling and other unseen consequences are alarming.

If I missed where in the AACC website that they condemn conversion/reparative therapy, please show me where to find it.

Lifesite News wrote a good article in May of 2017 using the above quote from the AACC article that I posted.

I'm not finished with your above post either.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Earlier this year, the 50,000-member American Association of Christian Counselors amended its code of ethics to eliminate the promotion of reparative therapy, and encouraged celibacy instead.

“Counselors acknowledge the client’s fundamental right to self-determination and further understand that deeply held religious values and beliefs may conflict with same-sex attraction and/or behavior, resulting in anxiety, depression, stress, and inner turmoil,” the revised code says.
Religion News Service: Gay, Christian and … celibate: The changing face of the homosexuality debate
Aug 4 2014

The only real differince as far as my reaction would be eliminating them as a viable selection for the boy's treatment.


So having examined the AACC website I find they have repudiated reparation conversion therapy so they might actually be a legitimate consideration. However, if I am responsible for the boy's care, I am not going to take the 'confused' boy to the AACC just because he asked for it. I would more likely take him to a mental healthcare specialist recommended by Tricare. Whoever I take him too will have to pass muster by me.

Religion News Service: Gay, Christian and … celibate: The changing face of the homosexuality debate
Aug 4 2014

The only real differince as far as my reaction would be eliminating them as a viable selection for the boy's treatment.

While I do appreciate your link to the 'Religion News Network Service' stating that

"Earlier this year, the 50,000-member American Association of Christian Counselors amended its code of ethics to eliminate the promotion of reparative therapy, and encouraged celibacy instead..."

I was hoping that you could come up with that information from The American Association of Christian Counselors website because you stated

So having examined the AACC website I find they have repudiated reparation conversion therapy..."

I even did a search on the AACC website and it linked the same 2012 article that I linked. That being said, I did an internet search of "AACC Code of Ethics" and found this on page 13:

1-120-f: Application to Homosexual, Bisexual and Transgendered Behavior Christian counselors do not condone or advocate for the pursuit of or active involvement in homosexual, bisexual or transgendered behaviors and lifestyles. Counselors may agree to and support the desire to work through issues of homosexual and transgendered identity and attractions, but will not describe or reduce human identity and nature to sexual orientation or reference, and will encourage sexual celibacy or biblically-prescribed sexual behavior while such issues are being addressed. Counselors acknowledge the client’s fundamental right to self-determination and further understand that deeply held religious values and beliefs may conflict with same-sex attraction and/or behavior, resulting in anxiety, depression, stress, and inner turmoil.

I'm looking very hard Kit, but I'm failing to see where AACC website has repudiated (refuse to accept or be associated with) therapy to help understand and perhaps even overcome same sex attraction.

I'll patiently wait while you find the wordage.

Kit the Coyote

New member
If I misinterpreted something and they do continue to do conversion therapy it is irrelevant since all it means is that that they would positively be eliminated as a viable candidate for the boy's treatment. If I am responsible for the boy's treatment I will take him to a licensed therapist that is not ignoring the predominate medical community.

I initially suspected you were slipping the group in there because you thought they still performed conversion therapy, seems I was correct. So my original reply to your scenario is still correct.


If I misinterpreted something and they do continue to do conversion therapy it is irrelevant since all it means is that that they would positively be eliminated as a viable candidate for the boy's treatment. If I am responsible for the boy's treatment I will take him to a licensed therapist that is not ignoring the predominate medical community.

So the AACC website (contrary to what you wrote) hasn't actually "repudiated" conversion/reparative therapy (i.e. helping clients understand/lessen or even in some cases overcome same sex desires).

I initially suspected you were slipping the group in there because you thought they still performed conversion therapy, seems I was correct. So my original reply to your scenario is still correct.

I "slipped" a biblical based counseling group in because it's doctrine goes against what the 'gay affirming" American Psychological Association stands for.

BTW, I'll work on the quote thing so that you can show what you're responding to (you can teach an old dog new tricks, or at least try to).

As mentioned earlier: I have more questions on that original post.
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