Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Can you tell us why you aren't going off about this guy?

What's to talk about? A Christian did a terrible thing as a 15 year old boy and has asked Jesus Christ to forgive him.

Of course the LGBTQueer movement couldn't care less about the incident if it weren't for the fact that Josh Duggars worked for that evil Family Research Council (you've heard of them, you claim that they made up the 1972 gay agenda, which included in it's platform:

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (1972 State-7)

Yes TracerBullet, it's the same Family Research Council that homosexual activist Floyd Corkins had intended to commit mass murder at.

Networks Ignore FRC Shooter Floyd Corkins' Sentencing: 25 Years for Attempted Mass Murder
- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-sh...encing-25-years-attempte#sthash.5TvT66eT.dpuf

I'm sure you homosexual activists will have fun thrusting your disease ridden daggers in and out of the Duggars family for as long as you can milk this story.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
The people following this 3 part thread learned about the cult that you identified with not too long ago (Libertarianism) in Part 2, and many including myself are wondering if you've flushed it and it's godless leaders down the proverbial toilet where it and they belong?

There are many people following this thread that haven't heard of your new cult, "thermometeronism",


perhaps you could share some details about it with us Jr.?

Nah. Talking to you is about the least productive thing I can do with my day. You still need the gospel. If you want to talk about that, I will. Talking to you about anything else is pointless.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The people following this 3 part thread learned about the cult that you identified with not too long ago (Libertarianism) in Part 2, and many including myself are wondering if you've flushed it and it's godless leaders down the proverbial toilet where it and they belong?

There are many people following this thread that haven't heard of your new cult, "thermometeronism",


perhaps you could share some details about it with us Jr.?

Nah. Talking to you is about the least productive thing I can do with my day.

Come on Jr., people following the thread are probably dying to know what took you from a cult where anything consensual was the standard moral doctrine to a cult where they want to stone to death 12 year old boys caught in an act of homosexuality (as long as two people witness it).

You still need the gospel. If you want to talk about that, I will. Talking to you about anything else is pointless.

If it's all the same Jr. I'll take a pass on Sunday School lessons from a guy that stated that the Bible approves of all consensual acts.

That being said: How does it feel to side with the false prophet Muhammad on the issue of capital punishment for those caught engaging in homosexual acts?

"This may be a major factor as to why Muhammad reinstituted the punishments found in the Torah. Being merely a human messenger (Sura 3:144), he could not send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of people so that they could be changed from the inside out. On the other hand, as the eternal Son of God, Jesus does in fact send the Holy Spirit into the hearts of all those who ask for him, and now they have living in them the power to be changed from the inside out."

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What should a youth mentor organization do that has a long history of homosexual leaders molesting little boys?

Let homosexual pederasts openly be leaders (that's the reasoning of the Boy Scouts of America).

Blanket ban on gay leaders must be abandoned, Robert Gates tells Boys Scouts in Atlanta

May 21, 2015

NEW YORK— The national president of the Boy Scouts of America, Robert Gates, said Thursday that the organization’s longstanding ban on participation by openly gay adults is no longer sustainable, and called for change in order to avert potentially destructive legal battles.

In a speech in Atlanta to the Scouts’ national annual meeting, Gates referred to recent moves by Scout councils in New York City and elsewhere to defy the ban.

“The status quo in our movement’s membership standards cannot be sustained,” he said.

Gates said no change in the policy would be made at the national meeting. But he raised the possibility of revising the policy at some point soon so that local Scout organizations could decide on their own whether to allow gays as leaders.

Read more: http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2015/0...ed-robert-gates-tells-boys-scouts-in-atlanta/

(Review Part 1 to see the battle that was fought attempting to keep biblical values in the Boy Scouts of America).

If you still have a boy who belongs to the new "Boy Sodomizers of America", get them out posthaste and into "Trail Life USA".

"While the BSA wallows in political correctness, Trail Life will be training the future leaders of America to “take back our culture.” - See more at: http://www.traillifeusa.com/2013/09...-alternative-boy-scouts/#sthash.TSxQ71FL.dpuf



New member
What's to talk about? A Christian did a terrible thing as a 15 year old boy and has asked Jesus Christ to forgive him.
But we are talking about Josh Drugger, a Christian heterosexual who over the course of years molested many of his sisters and other girls. And by extension we are talking about his Christian heterosexual parents who knew about the abuse going on under their roof and did nothing to stop it and worked for years to cover it all up. And we are also talking about his Christian heterosexual parents who hypocritically spread false witness regarding gays and lesbians claiming that they were pedophiles while harboring a pedophile themselves.

Of course you don't care about Josh and his victims, after all they were girls making Josh a righteous heterosexual

Of course the LGBTQueer movement couldn't care less about the incident if it weren't for the fact that Josh Duggars worked for that evil Family Research Council (you've heard of them, you claim that they made up the 1972 gay agenda, which included in it's platform:
Yeah the gay agenda that you claim was written in 1972 but didn't exist until the Family Research Council published it in 1991.

Bringing up the question: if there is such a thing as a "gay agenda" why do you have to rely on a fake agenda? why the lie Connnie?

I'm sure you homosexual activists will have fun thrusting your disease ridden daggers in and out of the Duggars family for as long as you can milk this story.
and you will keep trying to defend them and their perverted pedophile actions.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What's to talk about? A Christian did a terrible thing as a 15 year old boy and has asked Jesus Christ to forgive him.

But we are talking about Josh Drugger, a Christian heterosexual who over the course of years molested many of his sisters and other girls. And by extension we are talking about his Christian heterosexual parents...

(As opposed to Christian homosexual parents)

who knew about the abuse going on under their roof and did nothing to stop it and worked for years to cover it all up.
And we are also talking about his Christian heterosexual parents...

(As opposed to Christian homosexual parents...little Mattie Vines alert!).

who hypocritically spread false witness regarding gays and lesbians claiming that they were pedophiles while harboring a pedophile themselves.

I'm surprised that you don't even know what the definition of pedophile is TB (being a teen, Josh Duggars wasn't one).

an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.

Of course you don't care about Josh and his victims, after all they were girls making Josh a righteous heterosexual

Of course not (let all of that HATRED out TB, you'll feel much better).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course the LGBTQueer movement couldn't care less about the incident if it weren't for the fact that Josh Duggars worked for that evil Family Research Council (you've heard of them, you claim that they made up the 1972 gay agenda, which included in it's platform:

Yeah the gay agenda that you claim was written in 1972 but didn't exist until the Family Research Council published it in 1991.

Yep, that one (why are homosexual activists ashamed to admit that their political successes came from an agenda?).

Bringing up the question: if there is such a thing as a "gay agenda" why do you have to rely on a fake agenda? why the lie Connnie?

Why do homosexuals want to murder Christians TracerBullet?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm sure you homosexual activists will have fun thrusting your disease ridden daggers in and out of the Duggars family for as long as you can milk this story.

and you will keep trying to defend them and their perverted pedophile actions.

Again, let all of that HATRED out TB, you'll feel much better.


Seeing the typo that homosexual activist TracerBullet made (Josh Drugger), shagster01 comes running into the thread thinking that the topic is about drugs (sorry, it's not Doper).

I know you want this molester executed. You've said many times that should be the punishment for such a crime.

Which would wipe out about 98 percent of the LGBTQueer "community" shag.

Refer to that fact that Josh Duggars was a teen and the definition of pedophile. (Stoning youth to death falls under the jurisdiction of the Jr. Libertarian theonomist Doper).


New member
Which would wipe out about 98 percent of the LGBTQueer "community" shag.

Refer to that fact that Josh Duggars was a teen and the definition of pedophile.

You must at least be mad that the family tried to cover it up? His parents aren't teens after all.

They tried to refuse letting the cops talk to him.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Which would wipe out about 98 percent of the LGBTQueer "community" shag.

Refer to that fact that Josh Duggars was a teen and the definition of pedophile.

You must at least be mad that the family tried to cover it up? His parents aren't teens after all.

It's a 12 year old case where sexual immorality was a major problem with a 15 year old boy in a Christian family. I'm not going to waste my time reviewing what they should have done and allow the LGBTQueer movement to derail this thread.

That being said: If only you showed this much interest in adult homosexual pedophiles and pederasts Doper (who run rampant in the movement that you so adamantly defend).


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What's to talk about? A Christian did a terrible thing as a 15 year old boy and has asked Jesus Christ to forgive him.

(As opposed to Christian homosexual parents)

(As opposed to Christian homosexual parents...little Mattie Vines alert!).

I'm surprised that you don't even know what the definition of pedophile is TB (being a teen, Josh Duggars wasn't one).
what's wrong Connie? You've never had issues labeling 15 year olds before. WHy is your friend Josh different?

Yep, that one (why are homosexual activists ashamed to admit that their political successes came from an agenda?).
an agenda that didn't exist until the FRC created it

Why do homosexuals want to murder Christians TracerBullet?
Why do you want to defend your buddy Josh?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Which would wipe out about 98 percent of the LGBTQueer "community" shag.

Refer to that fact that Josh Duggars was a teen and the definition of pedophile.

It's a 12 year old case where sexual immorality was a major problem with a 15 year old boy in a Christian family. I'm not going to waste my time reviewing what they should have done and allow the LGBTQueer movement to derail this thread.

That being said: If only you showed this much interest in adult homosexual pedophiles and pederasts Doper (who run rampant in the movement that you so adamantly defend).

and here you are working hard to defend these child molesting and lying perverts


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm surprised that you don't even know what the definition of pedophile is TB (being a teen, Josh Duggars wasn't one).

what's wrong Connie?

(For those of you wondering why homosexual activist TracerBullet is calling a man by a female name: the use of female names by males in the LGBTQueer movement is so common that TB thinks he's speaking to one of his own).

You've never had issues labeling 15 year olds before.

I frequently refer to 15 year olds that your movement calls "gay youth" as sexually confused children who have been convinced by a bunch of perverts that they were born with unnatural sexual desires.

WHy is your friend Josh different?

It's something that you as an atheist can't relate to:

Repentance of sinful behavior and the loving grace of Jesus Christ for those that do.

Back to you not knowing what a pedophile is: Being that most if not all of the "pioneers" of the LGBTQueer movement were either practicing pedophiles or pederasts, or embraced it, one would think that you'd know about pedophilia.
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Sorry if this has been posted already: (have no time at present to go through all the posts) :(

Saw this and thought aCW would take it in the spirit in which it was intended (but not intended by Savage, tee hee ;) ):
I would agree that this is just tit-for-tat for the LGBTQs. A piece of incredible luck for their campaign:

Incredible luck? Like the pack of vultures that they are, they feed off good people's past misery's. How is that a good thing?

If there is one thing that Dan Savage isn't, it's a hyprocrite (he's a proud moral degenerate and makes no apologies for being one).

On that note: Once again I'll share a portion of Selwyn Duke's article

"When Hypocrisy is a Good Thing"

...Lest I be misunderstood, my title is somewhat figurative; hypocrisy isn't really a good state, but it can be the lesser of two evils. Sure, we should strive to elect politicians of strong moral fiber and I certainly think we can do better than Larry Craig, Barney Frank and Gerry Studds. But I do know this: I'd rather have a politician propositioning in a bathroom than proposing policy that turns the whole country into a bathroom...

We should, however, also understand what hypocrisy is. It is not saying one thing but doing another; rather, it's saying one thing while intending to do another. In other words, let's say a man has a weakness for drink but seeks to abstain from alcohol and preaches sobriety. Let's then suppose he attends a party, has alcohol waved under his nose, is overcome by temptation and becomes soused. While this isn't good, it also doesn't mean he is a hypocrite. It simply means he is weak.
Read more: http://www.newswithviews.com/Duke/selwyn70.htm

God bless Mike Huckabee and his wife for having the courage to stand behind Josh Duggar during these troublesome times.

Mike Huckabee Voices Support for Josh Duggar in Wake of Scandal

"Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable,'" Huckabee wrote.

"He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story."



New member
Incredible luck? Like the pack of vultures that they are, they feed off good people's past misery's. How is that a good thing?
Didn't say it was objectively good. I said for their aims, for the lgbtq campaign, it is of course an incredible windfall that a Christian family would be booted off TLC and have such a scandal. Yes, of course they feed off such.

If there is one thing that Dan Savage isn't, it's a hyprocrite (he's a proud moral degenerate and makes no apologies for being one).
No, he's morally off-kilter but no hypocrite.

I'd rather have a politician propositioning in a bathroom than proposing policy that turns the whole country into a bathroom...
Agreed, just as it was better in the 1950s to have strong families with secret adultery going on, than openly no-fault divorced people with cohabiting lovers. This is something ordinary people cannot seem to grasp :think: Yes, I understand where Huckabee is coming from on this....
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