Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That's right, you were going to tell me why God only told people who touched unclean animals to wash after doing so, but told the Israelites to punish those who engaged in homosexual behavior with death.

I don't believe your God tells anyone anything aCW, though that doesn't seem to stop some being his self-appointed representatives on Earth. :rolleyes:

But Al, you were willing to use the words of "my God" to tell me that eating shellfish is the same as engaging in homosex, and when I pointed out that there was absolutely no punishment for the Jews when they ate or touched unclean food, you went on a 4 legged insect rant.

What is probably more noticeable is that you apparently need the assistance of professional apologetics rather than being able to explain it for yourself.

Almost as noticeable as your smokescreen Al.

Hey, why don't you have your LGBTQueer allies do a taxpayer funded study (like there are any other kind when it comes to LGBTQueer studies) showing that 4 legged insects during Biblical times were homosexual?

That'll quiet us God fearing homophobic bigots once and for all.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What is absurd is that we're even having this discussion about whether or not those who engage in a deadly disease ridden behavior should have to be celebate for a year before donating blood. In a sane society these people would be getting the help that they so desperately need so that they woudn't have to worry about tainted blood.

Save your pseudo conservative personality for another thread, as I'm not buying it here. Either you want those who proudly engage in homosexual behavior to be treated like 2nd class citizens or you don't, and as we've seen in your numerous posts defending LGBTQueer supposed "rights", recriminalization isn't on your agenda.
Stop. Being. Abusive. STOP IT NOW. :madmad:
I mean exactly what I say, and the inconsistency is in YOUR mind, and yours alone. No one else has ever accused me of being pseudo-conservative; only being overly socially conservative. All my life.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since lovemeorhateme hasn't returned to address Traci's post, I thought that I'd take a shot at it.

You missed

At least show some of that LGBTQueer tolerance that you proud and unrepentant homosexuals have towards ex-homosexuals like lovemeorhateme/Pete and spew some venom his way by letting him know that he can't change and if he thinks he did he's only lying to himself or at best he's a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQueer acronym).


Why Homosexuals Hate Ex-Gays

From WND we have an article on a threat being made on the life of an ex-gay in San Diego. According to WND,

the person (a concerned Community Member) wrote:

"The moment was never riper for the San Diego (LGBT) community to push for the elimination and suppression of the James Hartline's (sic) of the world. We currently have an openly lesbian (interim) mayor of San Diego and an openly gay mayor of Chula Vista; PEOPLE....WE are in POWER! WE are IN CHARGE!"

Now, obviously these are the type of thoughtful people you want in charge. This is after all the American left, devoid of intolerance. Right.

I don't say all Gays are wanting to murder people, but they clearly don't like the ex-gays. People are more tolerant, more for things like gay marriage if they believe homosexuality is something immutable. If people think you're just deciding to do this because you like it, and you could be hetrosexual if you wanted to, support drops quite a bit.

The ex-gay is a huge enemy of the homosexual community. They honestly probably despise ex-gays more than they do Fred Phelps, because the ex-gay is proof that change is possible.

Of course, they're very happy if ex-gays stumble or fall because they say that proves that "once gay, always gay". That's nonsense. That's like saying that one person falling off the bandwagon proves that alcoholism is hopeless and drunks should just learn to live with it.

Based on the fact that human failings and inability to stick with changes by some ex-gays proves homosexuality is unchangable than so is smoking, being overweight, doing drugs, and alcholism. People try all the time to quit these things and some, and in some cases most, end up failing.

The difference is that not all of them have a community and the whole media ready to welcome their failure as proof fat people can't lose weight, or smokers can't stop quitting smoking.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since lovemeorhateme hasn't returned to address Traci's post, I thought that I'd take a shot at it.

At least show some of that LGBTQueer tolerance that you proud and unrepentant homosexuals have towards ex-homosexuals like lovemeorhateme/Pete and spew some venom his way by letting him know that he can't change and if he thinks he did he's only lying to himself or at best he's a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQueer acronym).


Why Homosexuals Hate Ex-Gays

From WND we have an article on a threat being made on the life of an ex-gay in San Diego. According to WND,

the person (a concerned Community Member) wrote:

"The moment was never riper for the San Diego (LGBT) community to push for the elimination and suppression of the James Hartline's (sic) of the world. We currently have an openly lesbian (interim) mayor of San Diego and an openly gay mayor of Chula Vista; PEOPLE....WE are in POWER! WE are IN CHARGE!"

Now, obviously these are the type of thoughtful people you want in charge. This is after all the American left, devoid of intolerance. Right.

I don't say all Gays are wanting to murder people, but they clearly don't like the ex-gays. People are more tolerant, more for things like gay marriage if they believe homosexuality is something immutable. If people think you're just deciding to do this because you like it, and you could be hetrosexual if you wanted to, support drops quite a bit.

The ex-gay is a huge enemy of the homosexual community. They honestly probably despise ex-gays more than they do Fred Phelps, because the ex-gay is proof that change is possible.

Of course, they're very happy if ex-gays stumble or fall because they say that proves that "once gay, always gay". That's nonsense. That's like saying that one person falling off the bandwagon proves that alcoholism is hopeless and drunks should just learn to live with it.

Based on the fact that human failings and inability to stick with changes by some ex-gays proves homosexuality is unchangable than so is smoking, being overweight, doing drugs, and alcholism. People try all the time to quit these things and some, and in some cases most, end up failing.

The difference is that not all of them have a community and the whole media ready to welcome their failure as proof fat people can't lose weight, or smokers can't stop quitting smoking.


For comparison's sake...

Do Christians hate ex-Christians more than never-christians? Do you believe ex-Christians were ever really christians in the first place?


For comparison's sake...

Do Christians hate ex-Christians more than never-Christians?

Do you believe ex-Christians were ever really christians in the first place?

Let's not start a once saved always saved debate in this thread, there are dozens of other threads in TOL where you can discuss that topic.
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And i can sy what i sy without resrting to recrimahnztion itsnot either or

Actually it is "either or". God ordained civil government to do good as seen through His eyes. If you're not acknowledging that God's laws are righteous (in this case the criminalization of homosexuality), then you have an issue with God.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Actually it is "either or". God ordained civil government to do good as seen through His eyes. If you're not acknowledging that God's laws are righteous (in this case the criminalization of homosexuality), then you have an issue with God.

You don't want to put homosexuals to death. Why do you have a problem with God?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since lovemeorhateme hasn't returned to address Traci's post, I thought that I'd take a shot at it.

At least show some of that LGBTQueer tolerance that you proud and unrepentant homosexuals have towards ex-homosexuals like lovemeorhateme/Pete and spew some venom his way by letting him know that he can't change and if he thinks he did he's only lying to himself or at best he's a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQueer acronym).


Why Homosexuals Hate Ex-Gays
No one hates ex-gays. Ex-gays are victims of years of emotional, physical and often sexual abuse by their families and by charlatans passing off a harmful practice as "therapy". Ex-gays need support and prayers and time with real counselors to help them reject the message of self hate and heal the abuse they lived through


Dear ACW,

Granted, you get off easy from eating crab legs, etc. than you do compared to gay sex. I am calling it 'gay' because I am not going to type homosexual out every time I want to say that word. It's too long and it's derogatory. Yes, I know that a gay act is an abomination to the death. So is eating pork an abomination. It says right in the same Bible. So go have a ham or bacon sandwich. You can't quit pork forever? Well, start trying. God was good enough to give to us that we could eat pork again, and He also gave to us that being gay was tolerable, forgivable, and viably possible that two men shall love each other, not sexually, but with GREAT LOVE that cannot cut through the bonds that can be. Men who would die in their friends place. It is a very good thing. No one can have love greater than this, and Jesus told us that. Now, the Lord also says to not to practice sorcery/psychic activity, theft, lying, fornication (sex outside being married), and murders. Do you agree that murdering somebody is worse than being gay. Yes, by far it is. You homophobic people seem obsessed with condemning it, as if you had similar feelings in you that you want to stomp on. What's the deal with all of the gay bashing? What about the murdering and theft, and fornication. A guy can go to a bar one night and pick up a girl for sex that night. That is fornication. And the next night, Saturday, he goes back to the bar to pick up a different girl to have sex with, looking forever for Mrs. Right. It's the wrong way to go about it. If you loved them enough to go to bed with them, then they are wife material. Don't go to bed with them until you date for a while and get to know each other, and see what time(s) bring(s), before jumping in the sack. It's not gonna happen, is it. Well, neither can a gay man help himself either. The thing is, the straight couple cause unwanted babies/persons to be. That leads possibly to abortion, which God is against, despite that He still loves the women who do it, but that's because they don't know any better yet. It's not gonna fly real soon here. From conception, you have another human being inside of you saying "please don't kill me!" How would any of you like it if you were instead aborted before you were born and never got to live life some. I guess that is just great for the poor, bastards (literally) born out of wedlock, unwanted and unloved children, raised poorly, children without proper parenting, fathers who won't pay child suport, etc. All of that simple act of fornication causes myriads of problems and social ills. And you want to compare simple gay sex more problematic than unwanted, unloved children? I could go on a lot longer, but I want to go and get some cheese and crackers, and then go to bed. I love all of you, even if I don't like some people's ways. Those who are ISIS will get their just rewards heavily from God. Their ways are ATROCIOUS. They will have to pay the uttermost farthing. Most will just go to Hell.

Do you think it is better to kill someone than having gay sex??? Look how God forgave Cain after he slew his brother Abel. Well, Cain was not as guilty, because he had no inkling that he would kill his brother. Same with Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus and being met by Jesus Christ. Instantly Saul was forgiven of his Christian murders, etc. He killed Christians because it was part of his job. The Romans said that was one of the requirements needed on his resume. Hey, got to go. Have a bigger heart for everyone. God Judges, NOT YOU!!


P.S. ACW, I'm putting a copy of this post on my Creation thread. I'll never remember it to type it there also, so I'm just letting you know. What do you think of what I have said?? Don't be so zealous to kill the messenger. I am ONLY the messenger!!


New member
But Al, you were willing to use the words of "my God" to tell me that eating shellfish is the same as engaging in homosex, and when I pointed out that there was absolutely no punishment for the Jews when they ate or touched unclean food, you went on a 4 legged insect rant.
Apparently anyone who dares to show or suggest that there are indeed a great many inconsistencies and contradictions to be found within the Bible can simply be dispatched by calling it a "rant"?
Nice one aCW.
You explained to me that "horrific" was simply another word for "abomination", but through some imo contrived reasoning from apologetics the eating of shellfish can somehow not be "horrific" but is actually a very pleasant sought after fundie favourite food to be relished at any time regardless of what you think your God inconveniently once used to think.

Bottom line is aCW that you personally enjoy shellfish but you personally (not God) don't like homosexuals.
You only trot out from ancient scripture what your God might have once said as it suits you, according to your own desires and wishes, while your God conveniently currently remains silent.


Almost as noticeable as your smokescreen Al.

Hey, why don't you have your LGBTQueer allies do a taxpayer funded study (like there are any other kind when it comes to LGBTQueer studies) showing that 4 legged insects during Biblical times were homosexual?

That'll quiet us God fearing homophobic bigots once and for all.
I think we can add "hypocrite" to your list of unpleasant traits aCW, but that might be rather like gilding the lily in reverse in your case.


New member
Actually it is "either or". God ordained civil government to do good as seen through His eyes. If you're not acknowledging that God's laws are righteous (in this case the criminalization of homosexuality), then you have an issue with God.
The point is that I was saying that I find the gay advocacy attitude toward blood donation political and obnoxious and arrogant. You claim that I am only pretending to feel that way, which is absurd. One could be a secular atheist and hold such an opinion; it proves nothing about me, thus I have no motivation to lie about it.

Second, the case could be made that you also have a problem with God, in that you are not up in arms enough about third party reproduction and no-fault divorce, both of which counter natural law and the Christian ideal of the family. Gays are 2% of the population: Were recriminaliztion to become a reality tomorrow, there would still be a massive postmodern populace to deal with. America would not become a righteous country through recriminalization of homosexuality, because too much has changed in the past 4 decades.

The anti-family HUBRIS in this article I posted this AM arose from secular, heterosexual scholarship of Erenreich and Steinem. What say you re this???
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually it is "either or". God ordained civil government to do good as seen through His eyes. If you're not acknowledging that God's laws are righteous (in this case the criminalization of homosexuality), then you have an issue with God.

You don't want to put homosexuals to death. Why do you have a problem with God?

Please do pay attention in class Jr. That subject has been covered extensively in somewhat recent posts.

To the corner you go!



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

At least show some of that LGBTQueer tolerance that you proud and unrepentant homosexuals have towards ex-homosexuals like lovemeorhateme/Pete and spew some venom his way by letting him know that he can't change and if he thinks he did he's only lying to himself or at best he's a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQueer acronym).

No one hates ex-gays. Ex-gays are victims of years of emotional, physical and often sexual abuse by their families and by charlatans passing off a harmful practice as "therapy". Ex-gays need support and prayers and time with real counselors to help them reject the message of self hate and heal the abuse they lived through

Sexual abuse? You mean something like a father or older brother or uncle molesting a young effeminate boy?

Careful Traci, you're almost beginning to sound like that crackpot Paul Cameron by saying that sexual desires are caused by one's environment and not by genes.

1. Homosexual experience:
•any homosexual experience in childhood, especially if it is a first sexual experience or with an adult
any homosexual contact with an adult, particularly with a relative or authority figure (in a random survey, 5% of adult homosexuals vs 0.8% of heterosexuals reported childhood sexual involvements with elementary or secondary school teachers (5).


New member
Let's not start a once saved always saved debate in this thread, there are dozens of other threads in TOL where you can discuss that topic.

You had posted about a pastor that became an atheist.

If a pastor can be made to realize that there is no God, can't all Christians?

Or does that theory only work with one homosexual turning straight?
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