Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since you don't want to talk about the racist policies of a homosexual who happens to be the President of the United States, let talk about the blatant racism that goes on inside the homosexual so-called "community".

Oh, Obama is gay now is he? Which accredited source did you get that nugget from?

In this article from the homosexual periodical "Queerty", the subject title is:

Is Racism Among The Gays The Worst It’s Been In Decades ...

"...People tend to believe that racism, on all sides of the color lines, is something that stops at the gates of the LGBT community,” writes Spearman. Except: They are fooling themselves. In a remark that could casually be swept aside, Spearman asserts: “In fact, I think it’s worse now than it was when I came out in l980.”

Peter LaBarbera posted a link in his article (which I posted a few pages back) entitled

"Homosexual man responds to "It Get's Better Project"

with a link amongst other things showing the racism amongst homosexuals:
" To see the gay community at its finest (racist, anti-fem, anti-fat, ageist, superficial, and narcissistic): "

Bryan Fischer wrote an article for RenewAmerica.com on November 11, 2008 entitled:

Gay activists target black homosexuals with racist taunts

Blogger Rod McCullom reports that gay activists hurled racial epithets at black homosexuals this week, evidently blaming the black community, which voted 70-30 for natural marriage, for the success of California's marriage amendment.

According to this blogger, "[T]he 'blame the blacks' meme is being commonly accepted by some so-called 'progressive' gay activists."

Blacks were subjected to "taunts, threats and racist abuse" at a homosexual-rights rally in LA on Sunday night outside the LA temple of the LDS church.

One gay black student reported, "It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercombie polos and Birkenstocks...

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/081111

Ah, more objective source material? Oh, wait...:rolleyes:

So you see Art, if you don't want to talk about the blatant racism of zoo22 and Town Heretic's President, we can talk about the blatant racism within the LGBTQueer movement (I really want to talk about true racism Art, won't you please play along?).

But but but...here's true racism right here aCW. The very source you use as primary to disparage MLK:


Is that or is that not racism at it's "finest"? Can you bring yourself to condemn the site for the absolute garbage it is? Yes or no? Once you answer that then you might be in a position to talk about racism. Until you answer the above there's nothing to talk about.

Yet you didn't belittle your fellow homosexualist GFR7 for admiring these pro Nazi movements (i.e. your silence was deafening).

So here's your chance to talk about racism Art.

When shall we start?

Again, as I recall GFR7 wasn't endorsing that which you seem to embrace. You can certainly start talking about racism by condemning the whacked out site linked above. Until then you've no room to talk about it. :)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you don't want to talk about the racist policies of a homosexual who happens to be the President of the United States, let talk about the blatant racism that goes on inside the homosexual so-called "community".

Oh, Obama is gay now is he? Which accredited source did you get that nugget from?

I guess you've been too busy at the hair salon to follow this 3 part thread closely Art.

What source?

From fags themselves.



And let's not forget what the late Joan Rivers said (a woman who loves to be around homosexual males...no acronyms used this time) :


In this article from the homosexual periodical "Queerty", the subject title is:

Is Racism Among The Gays The Worst It’s Been In Decades ...

"...People tend to believe that racism, on all sides of the color lines, is something that stops at the gates of the LGBT community,” writes Spearman. Except: They are fooling themselves. In a remark that could casually be swept aside, Spearman asserts: “In fact, I think it’s worse now than it was when I came out in l980.”

Peter LaBarbera posted a link in his article (which I posted a few pages back) entitled

"Homosexual man responds to "It Get's Better Project"

with a link amongst other things showing the racism amongst homosexuals:
" To see the gay community at its finest (racist, anti-fem, anti-fat, ageist, superficial, and narcissistic): "

Bryan Fischer wrote an article for RenewAmerica.com on November 11, 2008 entitled:

Gay activists target black homosexuals with racist taunts

Blogger Rod McCullom reports that gay activists hurled racial epithets at black homosexuals this week, evidently blaming the black community, which voted 70-30 for natural marriage, for the success of California's marriage amendment.

According to this blogger, "[T]he 'blame the blacks' meme is being commonly accepted by some so-called 'progressive' gay activists."

Blacks were subjected to "taunts, threats and racist abuse" at a homosexual-rights rally in LA on Sunday night outside the LA temple of the LDS church.

One gay black student reported, "It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercombie polos and Birkenstocks...
Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/081111

Ah, more objective source material? Oh, wait...

And here I thought that posting at least one fag source would impress you Art.

So you see Art, if you don't want to talk about the blatant racism of zoo22 and Town Heretic's President, we can talk about the blatant racism within the LGBTQueer movement (I really want to talk about true racism Art, won't you please play along?).

But but but...here's true racism right here aCW. The very source you use as primary to disparage MLK:


Is that or is that not racism at it's "finest"? Can you bring yourself to condemn the site for the absolute garbage it is? Yes or no? Once you answer that then you might be in a position to talk about racism. Until you answer the above there's nothing to talk about.

If you do a internet search on the article's subject title:

Why the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Should be Repealed

you'll find numerous websites that carry the article. In fact, the author of the article isn't even mentioned, so we don't know what if any affliliation he may have with pro white groups. Again, the information in the article says nothing that demeans people whose skin color are black, it only tells the truth about an adulterous-baby murdering-communist sympathizer whose was given a national holiday because of political correctness.

Anyway, onto your next smokescreen Art.

Yet you didn't belittle your fellow homosexualist GFR7 for admiring these pro Nazi movements (i.e. your silence was deafening).

So here's your chance to talk about racism Art.

When shall we start?

Again, as I recall GFR7 wasn't endorsing that which you seem to embrace.

Yes, I embrace a doctrine that amongst other things says that we should love people of all color, and talks a lot about repentance/redemption of sinful behavior. Your fellow homosexualist GFR7 never talks about such things nor does his pro nazi websites.

On that note: The allotted time I give to Drama Queens/Queens of Denial has expired, which means I'm...

moving on.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I guess you've been too busy at the hair salon to follow this 3 part thread closely Art.

What source?

From fags themselves.



And let's not forget what the late Joan Rivers said (a woman who loves to be around homosexual males...no acronyms used this time) :


Eh, would be as pointless to go to a hair salon as it would be to dye what's left of me hair Connie...

And let's see...WND? Joke...second hand gossip and unverified speculation? Yeah, I can see how all the above would count as "proof" for you...

And here I thought that posting at least one fag source would impress you Art.

Well, as you should know by now - spurious links and snippets don't impress no matter where they emanate from. It's due to a word beginning with 'O' and it's called objectivity. I like some verification and corroboration where it comes to 'evidence', not some dumb blog and the like.

If you do a internet search on the article's subject title:

Why the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Should be Repealed

you'll find numerous websites that carry the article. In fact, the author of the article isn't even mentioned, so we don't know what if any affliliation he may have with pro white groups. Again, the information in the article says nothing that demeans people whose skin color are black, it only tells the truth about an adulterous-baby murdering-communist sympathizer whose was given a national holiday because of political correctness.

And this is why you're an epic clown, a white supremacist crank or possibly both. If the source carries from such a despicable organization as 'creativitymovement.net' then only a loon would think that such a document was factual or gladly lap it up. Any objective person would question the source and the findings. Which reputable academic sites bolster such a viewpoint on the man? If you can link to one that's actually accredited as such and not some blog then by all means share.

Yes, I embrace a doctrine that amongst other things says that we should love people of all color, and talks a lot about repentance/redemption of sinful behavior. Your fellow homosexualist GFR7 never talks about such things nor does his pro nazi websites.

On that note: The allotted time I give to Drama Queens/Queens of Denial has expired, which means I'm...

moving on.

That wasn't a straight answer to a very simple question. Do you condemn 'creativitymovement.net' as piece of vile racist trash or not? Until you do you're still in no position to talk about racism.

In regards to your latter then you may as well close the thread if you're not going to allot any time to yourself on it?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, I embrace a doctrine that amongst other things says that we should love people of all color, and talks a lot about repentance/redemption of sinful behavior. Your fellow homosexualist GFR7 never talks about such things nor does his pro nazi websites.

On that note: The allotted time I give to Drama Queens/Queens of Denial has expired, which means I'm...

moving on.

That wasn't a straight answer to a very simple question. Do you condemn 'creativitymovement.net' as piece of vile racist trash or not? Until you do you're still in no position to talk about racism.

I haven't bothered to look at the website to see if it promotes the Judeo-Christian based European culture (which many pro white websites do), or if it demeans the black race, I only used the article because it told the truth about a evil man who amongst other things had no problem associating with racists who wanted to exterminate the black race.

That being said: If the website does indeed demean people whose skin color is black, then my former pastor Ken Hutcherson, if he were alive, would answer that question for me.


Anytime you want to defend the evil doings of Martin Luther King Jr., I'll gladly reopen the thread, but then you really couldn't care less about MLK King Jr. as you only used him as a ploy attempt to discredit me which you somehow think would discredit God's righteous Word and Laws.

Art, you're such a thilly boy.

Back tomorrow with the article that I've been waiting to post for sometime now:

Homosexuals who are against 'gay' marriage.


Well-known member
AcW, been meaning to ask you. You have succeeded in making homosexuality a crime.......now what? How do we deal with them? Kill em? Incarcerate them? And what of those who made them homos? Kill them? Incarcerate them?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I haven't bothered to look at the website to see if it promotes the Judeo-Christian based European culture (which many pro white websites do), or if it demeans the black race, I only used the article because it told the truth about a evil man who amongst other things had no problem associating with racists who wanted to exterminate the black race.

That being said: If the website does indeed demean people whose skin color is black, then my former pastor Ken Hutcherson, if he were alive, would answer that question for me.

Well of course you haven't because you simply don't care for truth and hope anything you cut 'n' paste flies because something in it 'resonates' with you. It's telling that you're apparently such an expert on 'pro-white' websites as well, how would you know so much about them without an invested interest? And how come you conveniently don't know much about this one?

In fact even the most bizzare case of logical disconnects escapes you on top of that. Why would a black man willingly support a supposed agenda to destroy such? No wonder you ran away from TH...

Here ya go Connie. The home page manifesto of a site you'll gladly use without apparently even bothering to check out:

"Our beliefs are strongly reinforced by an overwhelming mass of substantiated evidence. They are based on the eternal Laws of Nature; they are based on the lessons and experience of history; furthermore; they are based on logic, common sense and reality, not myth and fantasy. No other religion can honestly make this claim.

We furthermore believe that in 6000 years of recorded history, Nature's Eternal Religion is the most profound and meaningful religious book ever written for the survival of the White Race. It is a fundamental creed, based on the eternal Laws of Nature for the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, the noblest creation in Nature's realm. We are confident that the White Race will soon return to reality, embrace our powerful new Religion, regain control of its own destiny, and advance forward to new heights never before dreamed of.

It is towards this noble objective, the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, that Nature's Eternal Religion is dedicated. It is for this reason our dynamic religion was founded. We call our religion Creativity, and members thereof, Creators, because, we believe these words, in essence, best describe the characteristic soul of the White Race.

We completely reject the Judeo-democratic-Marxist values of today, and supplant them with new and basic values, of which race is the foundation. We take a new, revolutionary and dynamic approach to the problems that face the White Race today in its desperate struggle for survival.

Although our religion is new, the laws embodied in our religion are not new, nor are they something we have invented. On the contrary, we have only observed and put into words that which Nature in her eternal wisdom has decreed for the survival of all her creatures from the beginning of time.

Nor is it at all remarkable that we should have observed these laws and based our religion on them. What is most strange is that the creative White Race has not done so centuries ago. In fact, it is amazing that the Romans and the Greeks failed to do so in their time. Going back even further, it is hard to understand why the highly gifted Egyptians failed to do so in their great White civilization 5000 years ago. Had the White Race done so in its earlier history, it would not now be trapped in the idiotic and precarious struggle for survival in which it now finds itself ensnared.

We believe that reality is more important than "believing" in the unsubstantiated ramblings of a wild and over-stimulated imagination. We believe that facts substantiated by massive evidence are a thousand times more valid and meaningful than supernatural claims that not only are unsubstantiated, but fly in the face of reason. We refuse to accept on "faith" ludicrous claims that repudiate historical evidence, geological evidence, scientific evidence; and fallacious claims that repudiate every other kind of evidence. We believe that evidence and judgement are basic in forming conclusions and decisions in all the vital matters pertaining to our lives.

We believe a religion that is detrimental to the survival of a race is a bad religion. A religion that helps a race to survive, expand and advance is a good religion for that race. Our creed is such a religion, and will have the most profound and far-reaching implications for the benefit and welfare of the White Race.

It is not our intention to make the White Race less religious. On the contrary, it is our intention to have the White Race become much more strongly devoted to religion than it is today, and above all, it is our objective to give the White Race a far superior religion than the self-destructive, suicidal religion with which it is now burdened.

We believe that the highest Law of Nature is the right of any species to survival, expansion and advancement of its own kind. We deem that for the White Race, the right to survival, expansion and advancement of its own people is not only the highest Law of Nature, but also the foundation of our religious creed.

It is overwhelmingly clear that unless the White Race in this generation changes the suicidal course on which it is now embarked it will miserably perish from the face of the earth, overrun and inundated by a flood-tide of colored mongrels.

We are confident that in the near future the White Race will rally, unite, and embrace the Creativity program for its own survival.

Furthermore, we are convinced that if only one-tenth of the time, energy, and money, were spent on propagating our dynamic religion as is spent on keeping alive the sick and morbid religions now undermining our race, that Creativity would spread like wildfire. We mean to organize all our good people and expend that energy - and more. United and organized the White Race is ten times more powerful than the rest of the world put together. We predict that our religion, Creativity, will be the supreme religion of the future. We predict that it will not only spread to all the corners of the earth, but will eventually supplant all other religions, barring none. We believe that such is inevitable.

Ben Klassen, P.M"

Does that espouse Judeo Christian values to your satisfaction aCW? I bolded and underlined one salient part but I doubt you'd have much to say in favour of the rest of it anyway? once again, which pro white websites say 'all the right things' in terms of 'Judeo Christian European Culture' exactly?


You tell me what your former pastor would make of the above, think he'd be impressed?

Anytime you want to defend the evil doings of Martin Luther King Jr., I'll gladly reopen the thread, but then you really couldn't care less about MLK King Jr. as you only used him as a ploy attempt to discredit me which you somehow think would discredit God's righteous Word and Laws.

You discredited yourself as you continually happen to do in any given thread, you can't blame anyone else for that.

Art, you're such a thilly boy.

Not so "thilly" as not to be able to check any sources I use and use dumb innuendo. Go figure.

Back tomorrow with the article that I've been waiting to post for sometime now:

Homosexuals who are against 'gay' marriage.

Well, I wonder where that's 'sourced' from...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh, and as zoo had linked to already I believe, here are "The 16 Commandments" of this oh so reputable organization:

1. It is the avowed duty and holy responsibility of each generation to assure and secure for all time the existence of the White Race upon the face of this planet.

2. Be fruitful and multiply. Do your part in helping to populate the world with your own kind. It is our sacred goal to populate the lands of this earth with White people exclusively.

3. Remember that the inferior colored races are our deadly enemies, and that the most dangerous of all is the Jewish race. It is our immediate objective to relentlessly expand the White Race, and keep shrinking our enemies.

4. The guiding principle of all your actions shall be:What is best for the White Race?

5. You shall keep your race pure. Pollution of the White Race is a heinous crime against Nature and against your own race.

6. Your first loyalty belongs to the White Race.

7. Show preferential treatment in business dealings with members of your own race. Phase out all dealings with Jews as soon as possible. Do not employ ******* or other coloreds. Have social contacts only with members of your own racial family.

8. Destroy and banish all Jewish thought and influence from society. Work hard to bring about a White world as soon as possible.

9. Work and Creativity are our genius. We regard work as a noble pursuit and our willingness to work as a blessing to our race.

10. Decide in early youth that during your lifetime you will make at least one major lasting contribution to the White Race.

11. Uphold the honor of your race at all time.

12. It is our duty and our privilege to further Nature’s plan by striving towards the advancement and improvement of our future generations.

13. You shall honor, protect and venerate the sanctity of the family unit, and hold it sacred. It is the present link in the long golden chain of our White Race.

14. Throughout your life you shall faithfully uphold our pivotal creed of Blood, Soil and Honor. Practice it diligently, for it is the heart of our faith.

15. As a proud member of the White Race, think and act positively, be courageous, confident and aggressive. Utilize constructively your creative ability.

16. We, the Racial Comrades of the White Race, are determined to regain complete and unconditional control of our own destiny.

I bolded the more "reasonable" ones...:rolleyes:

What would pastor Hutch make of that d'ya think?

So, care to condemn this site as a vile disgusting piece of trash now Connie - or are you still going to prevaricate? Maybe you can link to the ones that promote such that you find admirable as well?



AcW, been meaning to ask you. You have succeeded in making homosexuality a crime.......now what? How do we deal with them? Kill em? Incarcerate them? And what of those who made them homos? Kill them? Incarcerate them?

Good question Doc. What should we do with the Libertarian Party?


Wow Art, you're taking this recriminalization of homosexuality thing pretty serious if you go to that much effort to try and defame me.

I looked over the information that you posted and without a doubt they're a bunch of creeps.

Your next assignment:

Prove that they wrote the article exposing Martin Luther King Jr. and if so, prove that any of the information that they documented is incorrect. (i.e. that many black pastors despised King and that there was a dope smoking party and wild orgies at hotels King and his group stayed at, etc.).

Now that you've gotten yet another one of your anal retentive smokescreens out of the way, it's my turn to ask some questions.

If I identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, would you consider me a racist?

It's a pretty straight forward question that even a morally confused gimp from Great Britain like you should be able to answer.

I'll look forward to your answer soon.


3. Remember that the inferior colored races are our deadly enemies, and that the most dangerous of all is the Jewish race. It is our immediate objective to relentlessly expand the White Race, and keep shrinking our enemies.

4. The guiding principle of all your actions shall be:What is best for the White Race?

5. You shall keep your race pure. Pollution of the White Race is a heinous crime against Nature and against your own race.

6. Your first loyalty belongs to the White Race.

7. Show preferential treatment in business dealings with members of your own race. Phase out all dealings with Jews as soon as possible. Do not employ ******* or other coloreds. Have social contacts only with members of your own racial family.

8. Destroy and banish all Jewish thought and influence from society. Work hard to bring about a White world as soon as possible.

Boy Art, I just can't get over the hatred of the Jews that this organization has. They remind me so much of a political figure and the Party that he associates with here in the US whose name is at the tip of my tongue (it'll come to me soon).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wow Art, you're taking this recriminalization of homosexuality thing pretty serious if you go to that much effort to try and defame me.

I looked over the information that you posted and without a doubt they're a bunch of creeps.

There's no need to defame you. Calling you out on either completely asinine gullibility or possible outright lies requires little effort really. Anyone with any objective honesty and a brain cell would have checked out where the source material was coming from and made sure it was legit. You had enough time to check the source even since yesterday and yet you still were ignorant of this whacked out group?

They certainly are a bunch of creeps but you also haven't answered the question as to just which 'pro-white' websites convey the values you admire - so please do link and let's all take a look?

Your next assignment:

Prove that they wrote the article exposing Martin Luther King Jr. and if so, prove that any of the information that they documented is incorrect. (i.e. that many black pastors despised King and that there was a dope smoking party and wild orgies at hotels King and his group stayed at, etc.).

Er, no. The onus is on you to provide actual proof that any of this actually took place after having linked to sources that are laughable in the first place. Provide source material that isn't mired in nutty sites and blogs and can be verified via proper academic research and you'll have something to bring to the table. That's your assignment dude.

Now that you've gotten yet another one of your anal retentive smokescreens out of the way, it's my turn to ask some questions.

If I identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, would you consider me a racist?

It's a pretty straight forward question that even a morally confused gimp from Great Britain like you should be able to answer.

I'll look forward to your answer soon.

So you mean like 'creativitymovement.net' then? You identified with them long enough until you actually 'read' what they stand for - and just what are these 'pro-white' groups that actually espouse good ole Christian values called exactly - as you claimed to know?

Otherwise you're in no credible position to speak about voting.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Boy Art, I just can't get over the hatred of the Jews that this organization has. They remind me so much of a political figure and the Party that he associates with here in the US whose name is at the tip of my tongue (it'll come to me soon).

Apparently you didn't know anything about this site whatsoever until it was plastered in front of your face. Yet you were happy enough to blindly swallow a source from them and use it...

Do you still not have any idea as to how utterly dumb that makes you look?

Probably not really and I'd sooner you were that thick than actually be a racist, even though the two often go hand in hand...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your next assignment:

Prove that they wrote the article exposing Martin Luther King Jr. and if so, prove that any of the information that they documented is incorrect. (i.e. that many black pastors despised King and that there was a dope smoking party and wild orgies at hotels King and his group stayed at, etc.).

Er, no. The onus is on you to provide actual proof that any of this actually took place after having linked to sources that are laughable in the first place. Provide source material that isn't mired in nutty sites and blogs and can be verified via proper academic research and you'll have something to bring to the table. That's your assignment dude.

Right now we're only dealing with the source that I made two posts about and you referred to above (creator.org.) If these footnotes aren't reliable, let me know:

1 Louise Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dreams for a Nation (New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1989), p.9.
2 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309.
3 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.12. Little Mike’s family obtained their wealth by selling stock in a Mexican mine that
was reportedly “fake, pure and simple,” said a writer for the Black newspaper Atlanta Independent in 1909. The Independent’s
writer suggested that “many thousands of poor Negroes are being defrauded throughout the state” by Daddy. Theodore Pappas,
“A Houdini of Time,” Chronicles (November 1992), p.27.
4 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.12.
5 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.14.
6 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.14.
7 Quayle et al., Martin Luther King, Jr., p.16. Some people still continued to address Martin Luther King, Jr., as “Mike” into the
latter part of the 1950s. Keith D. Miller, Voice of Deliverance: The Language of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Its Sources (New
York: Free Press, 1992), p.175.
8 Clayborne Carson, Malcolm X: The F.B.I. File (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1991), p.22.
9 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309. Although King was intelligent for his age, the scores he attained on the
Graduate Record Exam were— to put it mildly— not too good. King’s scores were below average in English and vocabulary.
His other scores were similar: King scored in the bottom 33 percent on his advanced philosophy test; and his score in
quantitative analysis was even lower, being in the lowest 10 percent. Theodore Pappas, “A Houdini of Time,” Chronicles
(November 1992), p.28.
10 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4783.
11 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309.
12 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4309.
13 Chronicles of the 20th Century (Prentice Hall Trade, 1987), p.780. At another time, King reportedly suggested that parts of
plantations that were owned by whites should be given to blacks by the government. Armando B. Rendon, Chicano Manifesto:
The History and Aspirations of the Second Largest Minority in America (New York: Collier Books, 1971), pp.160-161.
14 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
15 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13007. The late Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter said, “If one man can be
allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny. One cannot preach
nonviolence and, at the same time, advocate defiance of the law, whether it be a court order, a municipal ordinance, or a state or
federal statute. For to defy the law is to invite violence, especially in a tense atmosphere involving many hundreds or thousands
of people. To invite violence is to endanger one’s own life. And one cannot live dangerously always.” Congressional Record
(April 18, 1968), p.E3062.
16 Congressional Record (October 12, 1965), p.A5739.
17 Congressional Record (April 11, 1967), p.A1743.
18 The Cincinnati Post (January 30, 1993), p.2A
19 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13009, citing the Chicago Tribune (June 30, 1967).
20 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
21 Congressional Record (August 22, 1966), p.A4416.
22 Congressional Record (August 22, 1966), p.A4416.
23 Congressional Record (August 22, 1966), p.A4416.
24 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
25 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008— Congressman John Ashbrook of Ohio, citing the Baltimore Sun (July 10,
26 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
27 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
28 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4312.
29 Congressional Record (May 16, 1968), p.E4311.
30 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13009.
31 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
32 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
33 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
34 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
35 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
36 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
37 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
38 Congressional Record (November 17, 1967), p.H15539.
39 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
40 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13008.
41 Carson, Malcolm X, p.26.
42 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13005.
43 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4786.
44 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13015, citing Chicago Tribune (September 6, 1967).
45 Congressional Record, October 4, 1967, p.H13007.
46 Congressional Record, October 4, 1967, p.H13007.
47 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), pp.E4786, E4788; citing Louisiana Legislative Committee Hearings, Part II (March 6-9,
1957), pp.203-208.
48 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13006. In one of King’s works, he went to the extent of using Lenin’s rhetoric:
“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, lawbreaking…” Keith D. Miller, Voice of Deliverance: The Language of Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Its Sources (New York: Free Press, 1992), p.102.
49 Congressional Record (June 15, 1967), p.S8277.
50 Congressional Record (July 12, 1967), p.H8580.
51 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13007.
52 Congressional Record (September 13, 1965), p.22708.Subcommittee on Appropriations, February 10, 1966, p.46. The New York City police commissioner said that when the
“police try to stop” riots, the rioters “just yell ‘brutality.’ This is the pattern.” Edward Banfield, The Un-Heavenly City
Revisited (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1974), p.220.
53 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4784.
54 Congressional Record (May 29, 1968), p.E4784.
55 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), citing Newsweek (March 22, 1965).
56 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), citing the New York Times (February 24, 1964).
57 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), p.E4750, citing Saturday Review (April 3, 1965).
58 U.S. News & World Report (May 11, 1992), p.36.
59 Congressional Record (May 28, 1968), p.E4751.
60 Congressional Record (April 11, 1968), p.E3005.
61 Ralph Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (New York: Harper & Row, 1989).
62 Congressional Record (October 4, 1967), p.H13014.

(There's a couple of more pages like this Art, but I think you get the picture on footnotes).

Now that you've gotten yet another one of your anal retentive smokescreens out of the way, it's my turn to ask some questions.

If I identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, would you consider me a racist?

It's a pretty straight forward question that even a morally confused gimp from Great Britain like you should be able to answer.

I'll look forward to your answer soon.

So you mean like 'creativitymovement.net' then? You identified with them long enough until you actually 'read' what they stand for - and just what are these 'pro-white' groups that actually espouse good ole Christian values called exactly - as you claimed to know?

Otherwise you're in no credible position to speak about voting.

I take that as a "Yes, if you identified with a political party whose platform and elected officials were inseparable with a racist organization that went into black neighborhoods and murdered 10 million innocent black children, you would consider me a racist."

Then we can both agree that TOLers like zoo22, Town Heretic and GFR7 who voted for Barack Hussein Obama who ran on a political party platform that was pro abortion which had inseparable ties with Planned Parenthood which goes into black neighborhoods and is responsible for the deaths of 10 million black unborn babies are racists.

Sharpton and Obama Ignore Planned Parenthood's Racist Underbelly

Obama’s Planned Parenthood Love Fest Forgets Sanger’s Racist Ties

Etc. etc. etc.

AND, we can agree that the LGBTQueer movement which you defend is a huge part of the abortion movement as well, hence that would make you a racist as well.

Isn't it fun to finally agree on something Art?

Regarding my last post where I stated:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Boy Art, I just can't get over the hatred of the Jews that this organization has. They remind me so much of a political figure and the Party that he associates with here in the US whose name is at the tip of my tongue (it'll come to me soon).

Well Art, it finally came to me. The hater of the Jews and the State of Israel is none other than the same Barack Hussein Obama that has inseparable ties with Planned Parenthood (B. Hussein is racist AND anti-Semitic, go figure).

Jewish Lobby: Obama hates Israel | Rehmat's World

Obama Enables Anti-Semitism, Racism, Hatred of Israel | The ...

Rabbi: Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews

Etc. etc. etc.

So it goes without saying that your buddies zoo22, Town Heretic and GFR7 who voted for Barack Hussein Obama are anti Semitic as well as racists, not to mention the LGBTQueer movement that you so ardently defend.

As usual Art, it's been fun chatting with you.


New member
One must keep in mind that homosexuality was still a felony in the vast majority of US States back in 1972, so needless to say the full disclosure of an agenda by a bunch of pedophiles, pederasts, drag queens, bull dykes and fairies showing their intention on redefining our society's most valuable institutions wouldn't have gone over well with mainstream America back then (i.e.outside the public restroom toilet stalls and public park bushes that homosexuals frequent).
and still zero copies of you 1972 agenda are to be found anywhere before the Family Research Council published it in 1991

Refer to the segment on gay agendas (notice the "s", that means that there's more than one) in Part 1's table of contents.
are you referring to Michael Swift's "homosexual Manifesto"? The one where he states that he is writing a parody of the paranoid ratings of anti-gay nutbags.

Again, the proof of the agenda has been shown through the hard work (i.e. blackmail, death threats, the typical techniques used by the criminal element) that your fellow homosexualists have done for the past 42+ years.
So no proof at all

Again, when you copy and paste something from one of many of your LGBTQueer sources, I ask that you give credit for who wrote it.
Wrote that myself.

That being said: I've documented numerous times throughout this 3 part thread that pedophilia and pederasty are a HUGE part of the LGBTQueer movement and it's agenda.
Repeating anti-gay propaganda isn't documenting anything other then the fact you are the one with an agenda


Great. So what should be done?

You act like the criminalization of homosexuality is something new here in the US. Are you aware that numerous states still have laws against sodomy (i.e. homosexuality) still on their legislative books?
(I covered that in an earlier thread, refer to the table of contents for page and post #'s).

Of course Judeo-Christianized western civilization has never seen the onslaught of perversion like we've seen here in the past decades with the murder of innocent unborn babies and the indoctrination and molestation of innocent children.

Would allowing the respective states to decide whether murdering unborn babies in the womb and indoctrinating innocent children to the ways of perversion be the answer to this cancer that has overrun our entire nation?

Definitely not.

For now seek out God-fearing men and women who aren't afraid to speak up for God's Holy Word and elect them into political office. Pray to God that He'll give us the strength to continue fighting this evil LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement and that He doesn't destroy our nation with His wrath like He did Sodom and Gomorrah and other civilizations throughout history before we who stand for decency get an opportunity to turn things around.


Well-known member
Again, You have succeeded in making homosexuality a crime.......now what? How do we deal with them? Kill em? Incarcerate them? And what of those who made them homos? Kill them? Incarcerate them?


Again, You have succeeded in making homosexuality a crime.......now what? How do we deal with them? Kill em? Incarcerate them? And what of those who made them homos? Kill them? Incarcerate them?

Now that we've established what YOU need to do (you will vote for God-fearing men and women into political office won't you Doc?) tough laws need to be enacted to deal with those who are behind the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist agenda while at the same time showing compassion for those youth who have been tricked into believing that they were 'born' with homosexual desires or in the body of the opposite gender that they currently identify with.


New member
Now that we've established what YOU need to do (you will vote for God-fearing men and women into political office won't you Doc?) tough laws need to be enacted to deal with those who are behind the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist agenda while at the same time showing compassion for those youth who have been tricked into believing that they were 'born' with homosexual desires or in the body of the opposite gender that they currently identify with.

so you want laws that make it a crime to tell the truth?


Well-known member
Now that we've established what YOU need to do (you will vote for God-fearing men and women into political office won't you Doc?)

And who are they? Someone like YOU perhaps? Someone like YOU who have no problem with legalized theft? Sounds like a deal breaker there pal.

tough laws need to be enacted to deal with those who are behind the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist agenda while at the same time showing compassion for those youth who have been tricked into believing that they were 'born' with homosexual desires or in the body of the opposite gender that they currently identify with.

Give me some laws to deal with.
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