Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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And now a few words from the guy vying for this years "Drama Queen" Award:

I was going to say that we both know there is no need for Art to get tested - but he beat me to it. Speaking of "moving on", why can't you seem to move on past your false accusations of others? Bad enough what you say to Art and Christian Liberty.

Don't forget what I've said about WizardofOz/Aaron/Captain Obvious (he doesn't like to be left out don't cha know).

BUT: To equate me with sexual anarchy and abortion is disgraceful.

(aCultureWarrior hangs his head in shame).

If you really have no respect for me, no underlying feelings of friendship with me, tell me now,

I would, but I'm lost for words cupcake.

and I will forever leave you.

(Like that's ever going to happen, he loves this subject too much to not talk about it incessantly).

I have assumed we were engaging in half-joking denegrations of eachother.

You obviously think that this 3 part thread is a joke, I don't. I only mock you and others because I can't get you the help that you so deperately need.

But now you seem really to be ranting against me. I will not take this abuse any longer.

(Unless it's from the boyz in Provincetown).

If you want me gone; if you find no value in my postings, say so plainly, and you will have seen the last of me.

Kind regards;

I did find much value in your posts, because I documented them in the table of contents (btw: an update will appear soon) to show people how sick you and others in the LGBTQueer movement really are.

Thanks for contributing to the thread in the way that you did. I know I've learned a lot about the LGBTQueer movement from you from your first hand...ahem..."experiences", and I hope others have as well.

Until we meet again under another one of your usernames...

buh bye.


New member
And now a few words from the guy vying for this years "Drama Queen" Award:

Don't forget what I've said about WizardofOz/Aaron/Captain Obvious (he doesn't like to be left out don't cha know).

(aCultureWarrior hangs his head in shame).

I would, but I'm lost for words cupcake.

(Like that's ever going to happen, he loves this subject too much to not talk about it incessantly).

You obviously think that this 3 part thread is a joke, I don't. I only mock you and others because I can't get you the help that you so deperately need.

(Unless it's from the boyz in Provincetown).

I did find much value in your posts, because I documented them in the table of contents (btw: an update will appear soon) to show people how sick you and others in the LGBTQueer movement really are.

Thanks for contributing to the thread in the way that you did. I know I've learned a lot about the LGBTQueer movement from you from your first hand...ahem..."experiences", and I hope others have as well.

Until we meet again under another one of your usernames...

buh bye.
I didn't/don't/won't use other usernames. You really are cold as ice; cruel, horrid, dreadful, and inhuman.


Hmm, you exposed people to a bunch of crap from some wingnut white supremacist group and tried to pass it off as fact, so you're not really in any position to talk about 'truth'. It's rather ironic that despite being made utterly aware that your source material came from such a neo-Nazi organization you've no problem in continuing to quote from the article, especially considering in your eyes most of them would likely be homosexual aka the "gaystapo"? Telling...

i.e. homosexualist Art Brain's smokescreen of the day is
comparing homosex with cigarettes,
Phil Robertson's off the wall comment about marrying young,
Art has created so many smokescreens that I can't remember most of them

one of my many sources (with very reputable footnotes) revealing the politically incorrect truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

I gotta hand it to ya Art, as least you're consistent when it comes to creating smokescreens.


New member
Out of curiousity, when does this

officially start?
Right this SECOND. :AMR1:



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Boy Traci, I can't get anything past you. Yes, Paul Cameron and I made that one up just after we made up the 1972 Gay Agenda.

No, just a card carrying member of the "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy".
really? I asked because your "1972 Gay Agenda" didn't exist until it was published in 1991 by the Family Research Council

Back later with that long overdue post showing that there are proud and unrepentant homosexuals (who have created organizations) who are against 'gay' marriage.

Will you also be including a long overdue post about real Christian churches who support marriage equality?


really? I asked because your "1972 Gay Agenda" didn't exist until it was published in 1991 by the Family Research Council

Yet I've asked you many times to reveal your source that states that, yet I never get an answer (besides, practically all of the 1972 gay agenda has already been fulfilled, except of course for the golden egg of homosexual desires: the decriminalization of having sex with children (i.e. abolish age of consent laws).

Will you also be including a long overdue post about real Christian churches who support marriage equality?

You mean God-hating heathens who God will cast into eternal damnation for mocking His Word?

I'll cover that extensively in the "3 Tenets of Atheism" segment.


New member
Yet I've asked you many times to reveal your source that states that, yet I never get an answer
well yes i have. The complete lack of any mention of this until it was published by the Family Research council in 1991.

I've asked you to provide any evidence of it's existence to 1991 many times.

and even if you could you are left with the problem of explaining why something supposedly written by an international pen pal club, which never had over a few dozen members and which folded before the supposed writing of your agenda should speak for an entire minority

(besides, practically all of the 1972 gay agenda has already been fulfilled, except of course for the golden egg of homosexual desires: the decriminalization of having sex with children (i.e. abolish age of consent laws).
again a lie. Early civil rights activists opposed the differing applications of the age of consent laws - If you were a heterosexual man you could legally have sex with a 15 or 14 year old girl (in some states even younger) but if you were gay then the age of consent was in most states 21. Some chose to ignore this fact and falsely claim that gays wanted to be rid of all age of consent laws and some continue to try to propagate that lie.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet I've asked you many times to reveal your source that states that [the 1972 Gay Agenda was fabricated by the Family Research Counsil in 1991), yet I never get an answer

well yes i have.

If your source is hidden somewhere in your "well yes i have" answer, I must have missed it.

The complete lack of any mention of this until it was published by the Family Research council in 1991.

One must keep in mind that homosexuality was still a felony in the vast majority of US States back in 1972, so needless to say the full disclosure of an agenda by a bunch of pedophiles, pederasts, drag queens, bull dykes and fairies showing their intention on redefining our society's most valuable institutions wouldn't have gone over well with mainstream America back then (i.e.outside the public restroom toilet stalls and public park bushes that homosexuals frequent).

I've asked you to provide any evidence of it's existence to 1991 many times.

Refer to the segment on gay agendas (notice the "s", that means that there's more than one) in Part 1's table of contents.

and even if you could you are left with the problem of explaining why something supposedly written by an international pen pal club, which never had over a few dozen members and which folded before the supposed writing of your agenda should speak for an entire minority

Again, the proof of the agenda has been shown through the hard work (i.e. blackmail, death threats, the typical techniques used by the criminal element) that your fellow homosexualists have done for the past 42+ years.


1. Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to
prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public
services. (1972 Federal-1)
2. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding
for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance
into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for
homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously
issued, with retroactive benefits. (1972 Federal-2)
3. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal
civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting
discriminations against homosexuals in security clearances. (1972 Federal-3)
4. Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples. (1972
5. Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.
(1972 Federal-5)
6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by
Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and
lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality. (1972 Federal-6)
7. Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling,
maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual's sexual preferences,
behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks. (1972 Federal-7)
8. Federal funding of aid programs of gay men's and women's organizations designed to
alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an
oppressive sexist society. (1972 Federal-8)
9. Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers,
prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless
crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical
and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration
be immediately expunged. (1972 Federal-9)


1. All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above
should be implemented at the State level where applicable. (1972 State-1)
2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons;
equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws. (1972
3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and
laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female. (1972 State-3)
4. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other state-regulated
enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in
bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one's personal demesne.
(1972 State-4)
5. Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster
parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.
(1972 State-5)
6. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing. (1972 State-6)
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent. (1972 State-7)
8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into
a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless
of sex or numbers. (1972 State-8)

(besides, practically all of the 1972 gay agenda has already been fulfilled, except of course for the golden egg of homosexual desires: the decriminalization of having sex with children (i.e. abolish age of consent laws).

again a lie. Early civil rights activists opposed the differing applications of the age of consent laws - If you were a heterosexual man you could legally have sex with a 15 or 14 year old girl (in some states even younger) but if you were gay then the age of consent was in most states 21. Some chose to ignore this fact and falsely claim that gays wanted to be rid of all age of consent laws and some continue to try to propagate that lie.

Again, when you copy and paste something from one of many of your LGBTQueer sources, I ask that you give credit for who wrote it.

That being said: I've documented numerous times throughout this 3 part thread that pedophilia and pederasty are a HUGE part of the LGBTQueer movement and it's agenda.

Surely you don't have a problem with the term "gay youth" do you Traci?


Love them so much that you're not afraid to tell them when they're wrong and help lead them down the path to righteous living.
Or you can simply brand them as murderers and prevent yourself from understanding they have valid reasons for ending their pregnancies.

I'm not sure what this verse has to do with God-hating atheists who proudly engage in a behavior that God abhors.
Bible study is actually "studying the Bible." There is nothing anti-abortion written in the text, although the identification with God as the source of all life is there in metaphor and ordinary text.

I have gotten tired of challenging believers to come up with any verse that specifically prevents abortion. One of the two Genesis accounts of creation stipulates that life is present when God breathed into the mud-crafted form of the first human. And there is a verse in one of the Psalms that celebrates the joy of killing infants ("Happy is he who dashes the children against the rocks...").

The Bible was written by an early tribal civilization which was undoubtedly wise enough not to even get into the practice of abortion or miscarriage.

The patriarchal family of the first century was ruled by a capricious, jealous male who was the one who made life and death decisions for those who lived under his roof. If he wanted a woman to terminate her pregnancy, he did it.

God made man "judge" to rule over and punish those who engage in unrighteous behaviors:

"For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason."
This is an isolated quote from a book written by men who were inspired to write about the God they believed in and worshipped. The key here is "rulers." It was a world of agriculture and trade where less than 10 per cent of the population were rulers and priests and the 90 per cent suffered greatly (as Jesus's preaching reveals very clearly.

Indeed you can't. You can't be a follower of Christ and disregard His Word as seen in Holy Scripture.

Back to the drawing board for you aikido7.
I get so frustrated trying to get today's heaven and hell conservatives who are "belief-based" get back to or just recognize the Kingdom of God preaching by Jesus of Nazareth.

It does not add up to me when I measure my faith against the people and powers and principalities of the world which excuse war, drone attacks, capital punishment and food programs for the poor and destitute and at the same time have this mentally off-balanced hysterical fixation on a clump of cells in a woman's body.

Sorry, but that's it. I have yet to get these two things to fit together in any meaningful way and have yet to see that believers even understand my criticism. They can always counter by finding some biblical excuse for violent death to sinners and others, but it won't wash with me anymore.

I know too much about the contextual history and authentic life of Jesus to be swayed by most theology.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i.e. homosexualist Art Brain's smokescreen of the day is
comparing homosex with cigarettes,
Phil Robertson's off the wall comment about marrying young,
Art has created so many smokescreens that I can't remember most of them

one of my many sources (with very reputable footnotes) revealing the politically incorrect truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

I gotta hand it to ya Art, as least you're consistent when it comes to creating smokescreens.

Your main source in fact, and what would you know about 'reputable' when you don't even know how to check properly - unless you've no issue with neo-Nazi outfits as reliable sources of information? Practically all of your 'evidence' comes from blogs, crank groups like the above or heavily biased sites so as per usual you're an expert on smoke screens yourself while hoping to pass such off as 'truth'.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Love them so much that you're not afraid to tell them when they're wrong and help lead them down the path to righteous living.

Or you can simply brand them as murderers and prevent yourself from understanding they have valid reasons for ending their pregnancies.

Thank you for bringing up abortion in a homosexuality thread. I've shown numerous times that they're part of the same movement, you've confirmed it. (Yes, we have another "pro abortion Christian" here on TOL...not to be confused with "Homosexual Christians", "Adulterous Christians", "Incestusous Christians" etc.).

I'm not sure what this verse has to do with God-hating atheists who proudly engage in a behavior that God abhors.

Bible study is actually "studying the Bible." There is nothing anti-abortion written in the text, although the identification with God as the source of all life is there in metaphor and ordinary text.

I have gotten tired of challenging believers to come up with any verse that specifically prevents abortion...

"Thou Shalt Not Murder" comes to mind.

God made man "judge" to rule over and punish those who engage in unrighteous behaviors:

"For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason."

This is an isolated quote from a book written by men who were inspired to write about the God they believed in and worshipped...

Yet you'll find many more verses from Scripture in Part 1's most important thread showing God's expectations when it comes to the role of government.

BTW aikido7, what is the role of government in your secular humanist opinion?


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I gotta hand it to ya Art, as least you're consistent when it comes to creating smokescreens.

Your main source in fact, and what would you know about 'reputable' when you don't even know how to check properly - unless you've no issue with neo-Nazi outfits as reliable sources of information? Practically all of your 'evidence' comes from blogs, crank groups like the above or heavily biased sites so as per usual you're an expert on smoke screens yourself while hoping to pass such off as 'truth'.

I'll tell ya what Art. You get some of your homosexualist buddies like zoo22 and Town Heretic in here (TOL'ers who voted for B. Hussein Obama in one or both past Presidential elections) and we can talk racism until your little sodomite lovin heart can't take no more.

We can talk about how black babies are disproportionately murdered in the womb because of the racist policies of B. Hussein Obama and his buddies at Klanned Parenthood and NARAL.

We can talk about how B. Hussein Obama sat in a racist Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years listening to the racial hatred spewed out by the Revvvvvvverend Jermiah Wright.

We can talk about B. Hussein's close alliance with race baiter Al Sharpton and how race relations in the US have gone down the proverbial toilet since the baby murdering, sodomite loving Marxist became El Presidente' of our once great nation.

Now run along Art, I've given you a task to do.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll tell ya what Art. You get some of your homosexualist buddies like zoo22 and Town Heretic in here (TOL'ers who voted for B. Hussein Obama in one or both past Presidential elections) and we can talk racism until your little sodomite lovin heart can't take no more.

We can talk about how black babies are disproportionately murdered in the womb because of the racist policies of B. Hussein Obama and his buddies at Klanned Parenthood and NARAL.

We can talk about how B. Hussein Obama sat in a racist Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years listening to the racial hatred spewed out by the Revvvvvvverend Jermiah Wright.

We can talk about B. Hussein's close alliance with race baiter Al Sharpton and how race relations in the US have gone down the proverbial toilet since the baby murdering, sodomite loving Marxist became El Presidente' of our once great nation.

Now run along Art, I've given you a task to do.


A: It's up to TH & zoo as to whether or not they decide to post on this loop the loop blog of yours, I'm not gonna ask them to although at least the intelligence quotient markedly goes up on it when they do.

B: If you'd kept your MLK thread open instead of running off from TH, zoo & others by locking it in a pique then you could have actually responded there.

C: Why do you use "evidence" from openly racist sources and try to not only pass such off as proof but try and deflect away from either your own ineptitude in using them or possible racism on your own part that you daren't admit to? You must know that such cant remotely be considered as proof so are you a white supremacist? Do you relate to the "cause"?

Last edited:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'll tell ya what Art. You get some of your homosexualist buddies like zoo22 and Town Heretic in here (TOL'ers who voted for B. Hussein Obama in one or both past Presidential elections) and we can talk racism until your little sodomite lovin heart can't take no more.

We can talk about how black babies are disproportionately murdered in the womb because of the racist policies of B. Hussein Obama and his buddies at Klanned Parenthood and NARAL.

We can talk about how B. Hussein Obama sat in a racist Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years listening to the racial hatred spewed out by the Revvvvvvverend Jermiah Wright.

We can talk about B. Hussein's close alliance with race baiter Al Sharpton and how race relations in the US have gone down the proverbial toilet since the baby murdering, sodomite loving Marxist became El Presidente' of our once great nation.

Now run along Art, I've given you a task to do.


A: It's up to TH & zoo as to whether or not they decide to post on this loop the loop blog of yours, I'm not gonna ask them to although at least the intelligence quotient markedly goes up on it when they do.

Good point Art. Since you're posting in an American website that deals overwhelmingly with American politics, and since without a doubt if you were an American citizen, you would have voted for the politician that matches your immoral worldview (B. Hussein Obama), and since you want to talk racism, let's you and I talk about the racism of Barack Hussein Obama.

B: If you'd kept your MLK thread open instead of running off from TH, zoo & others by locking it in a pique then you could have actually responded there.

A bunch of whiney liberals not being able to refute any of the information given by numerous sources, but instead attacking the author of the thread by asking him amongst other things what racist organizations he belongs to gets boring fast.

Not to worry Art, MLK Jr. Day isn't going away. I might reopen the thread tomorrow or Monday and give those who defend a proud and unrepentant adulterer who amongst others things had a homosexual as his closest advisor and received the first 'Baby Murderers R Us' award from Klanned Parenthood a chance to debate me once again.

But of course since liberals can't handle the truth about their beloved Saint, they continue to blow smokescreens.

C: Why do you use "evidence" from openly racist sources and try to not only pass such off as proof but try and deflect away from either your own ineptitude in using them or possible racism on your own part that you daren't admit to? You must know that such count remotely be considered as proof so are you a white supremacist? Do you relate to the "cause"?


There was absolutely nothing racist in the article. In fact it's documented that numerous black pastors despised Martin Luther King Jr. How come you liberals didn't want to talk about that?

And while I'm on the subject Art, how come you were mute when your fellow homosexualist GFR7 posted all of those pro Nazi websites honoring people who admittedly admired Adolf Hitler?


Of course you couldn't care less about MLK Jr., you just wanted yet another reason (Art finally got over the Christian Youth pastor incident for this one) to derail a thread about recriminalizing homosexuality.

Get back to me on my response to "A", as I'd really like to show again the true face of racism (President Barack Hussein Obama).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Good point Art. Since you're posting in an American website that deals overwhelmingly with American politics, and since without a doubt if you were an American citizen, you would have voted for the politician that matches your immoral worldview (B. Hussein Obama), and since you want to talk racism, let's you and I talk about the racism of Barack Hussein Obama.

It was a good point thanks. :) Considering you wouldn't have any idea of who I'd vote for in the UK let alone America, your psychic abilities in that regard are as impressive as your source vetting.

A bunch of whiney liberals not being able to refute any of the information given by numerous sources, but instead attacking the author of the thread by asking him amongst other things what racist organizations he belongs to gets boring fast.

The primary source was that of a nutball racist website that you lapped up as 'truth' and presumably any other source said site approved of in its presentation of "fact" and tried to pass that off to others. It's not up to anyone else to debunk material from such a bat crazy starting point to begin with and unless you have verified academia to support any of it then it's simply a fail on your part, nobody else's. If you want to make the claim then support it with the latter mentioned - else don't whine on when called on being somewhat lacking in the brain department or having possible ties to scumbag organizations such as your primary link.

Not to worry Art. MLK Jr. Day isn't going away. I might reopen the thread tomorrow or Monday and give those who defend a proud and unrepentant adulterer who amongst others things had a homosexual as his closest advisor and received the first 'Baby Murderers R Us' award from Klanned Parenthood a chance to debate me once again.

You were already mauled by TH over that so I doubt you'll be in any great hurry to be shown up again.

But of course since liberals can't handle the truth abou their beloved Saint, they continue to blow smokescreens.

Funny, nobody said he didn't have shortcomings or several flaws as you're more than aware, but sullying the reputation of a man who knew he was putting his life at risk for a cause with racist blogs is no more truth than calling you a critical thinker.

There was absolutely nothing racist in the article. In fact numerous black pastors despised Martin Luther King Jr. How come you liberals didn't want to talk abou that?

Yeh, course there wasn't. It was all objective irrefutable proof...:rolleyes:

And while I'm on the subject Art, how come you were mute when your fellow homosexualist GFR7 posted all of those pro Nazi websites honoring people who admittedly admired Adolf Hitler?

I wasn't if you recall, or are you being dishonest? I actually pointed out to you that they're highly anti homosexual as per provided manifesto.


You should use that as a template...

Of course you couldn't care less about MLK Jr., you just wanted yet another reason (Art finally got over the Christian Youth pastor incident for this one) to derail a thread about recriminalizing homosexuality.

I don't think it's possible to derail a thread that went off the tracks before it even started, and your odious apathy to child assault is still on record anyway. A common theme throughout all of your threads (pompous windbag notwithstanding) is a transparent lack of care for anything or anyone besides your own soapbox.

Get back to me on my response to "A", as I'd really like to show again the true face of racism (President Barack Hussein Obama).

You showed that on your MLK thread with the primary source remember? Nobody's denying that racism isn't exclusive to whites but then I wonder whether you even see your site as racist. Care to condemn it and remove all doubt?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Good point Art. Since you're posting in an American website that deals overwhelmingly with American politics, and since without a doubt if you were an American citizen, you would have voted for the politician that matches your immoral worldview (B. Hussein Obama), and since you want to talk racism, let's you and I talk about the racism of Barack Hussein Obama.

It was a good point thanks. Considering you wouldn't have any idea of who I'd vote for in the UK let alone America, your psychic abilities in that regard are as impressive as your source vetting.

Since you don't want to talk about the racist policies of a homosexual who happens to be the President of the United States, let talk about the blatant racism that goes on inside the homosexual so-called "community".

In this article from the homosexual periodical "Queerty", the subject title is:

Is Racism Among The Gays The Worst It’s Been In Decades ...

"...People tend to believe that racism, on all sides of the color lines, is something that stops at the gates of the LGBT community,” writes Spearman. Except: They are fooling themselves. In a remark that could casually be swept aside, Spearman asserts: “In fact, I think it’s worse now than it was when I came out in l980.”

Peter LaBarbera wrote an article (which I posted a few pages back) entitled

"Homosexual man responds to "It Get's Better Project"

with a link amongst other things showing the racism amongst homosexuals:

" To see the gay community at its finest (racist, anti-fem, anti-fat, ageist, superficial, and narcissistic): "

Bryan Fischer wrote an article for RenewAmerica.com on November 11, 2008 entitled:

Gay activists target black homosexuals with racist taunts

Blogger Rod McCullom reports that gay activists hurled racial epithets at black homosexuals this week, evidently blaming the black community, which voted 70-30 for natural marriage, for the success of California's marriage amendment.

According to this blogger, "[T]he 'blame the blacks' meme is being commonly accepted by some so-called 'progressive' gay activists."

Blacks were subjected to "taunts, threats and racist abuse" at a homosexual-rights rally in LA on Sunday night outside the LA temple of the LDS church.

One gay black student reported, "It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercombie polos and Birkenstocks...

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/081111

So you see Art, if you don't want to talk about the blatant racism of zoo22 and Town Heretic's baby murdering-sodomite loving (literally) President, we can talk about the blatant racism within the LGBTQueer movement (I really want to talk about true racism Art, won't you please play along?).

And while I'm on the subject Art, how come you were mute when your fellow homosexualist GFR7 posted all of those pro Nazi websites honoring people who admittedly admired Adolf Hitler?

I wasn't if you recall, or are you being dishonest? I actually pointed out to you that they're highly anti homosexual as per provided manifesto.

Yet you didn't belittle your fellow homosexualist GFR7 for admiring these pro Nazi movements (i.e. your silence was deafening).

So here's your chance to talk about racism Art.

When shall we start?
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