Who Posted?


like marbles on glass
This thread should be called The Daily Dig.

What is it with you and chrys and the repetitive gossip?

zoo hasn't posted in weeks. I wish he would - the IQ level would be raised around here by a considerable margin. You can't seem to let things go with TH, and Arthur hasn't even been here all that much and you still manage to make up something to scratch away at.

Ever since you came back, you've bounced around from thread to thread like a marble in a pinball machine, sowing discord with happy abandon - only it's a surface kind of manic hilarity that's thinly layered over a malice that's belied by the scripture in your signature line.

The biggest reason I haven't posted here as much lately is you. Not that TH has been gone, despite your "minions" theory. It's you, as you've stomped all over the place accusing others of things you do all the time, every day, and I'm kind of sick of it.

So here I am, say it to my face: laugh, mock, call names, misrepresent, cherry-pick my quotes. All these people you consistently malign have treated me with more respect than I've gotten from you. Stop gossiping and start forming real arguments if you don't agree with their viewpoints. Or just don't read their posts, or maybe ignore them if you don't want to get into the discussion.

As you said to me:

Let it go.


like I said anna's cool

hyper-emo now and then, but that seems to be the trend the site's taken since the girls have taken over. :idunno:


Who Posted?
Total Posts: 268
User Name Posts
chrysostom 97
resurrected 46
annabenedetti 21
sky. 19
Rusha 16
Letsargue 16
Tambora 11
Christ's Word 9
Eeset 6
zoo22 5
Son of Jack 5
The Barbarian 3
Delmar 2
Quincy 2
Totton Linnet 2
Arthur Brain 2
False Prophet 1
Stripe 1
WizardofOz 1
Wile E. Coyote 1
Angel4Truth 1
Nick M 1


like marbles on glass
I'll think about it...:eek:

You give it any more thought, and I'll chase you down and stomp on you with my emo shoes. :angel:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This thread should be called The Daily Dig.

What is it with you and chrys and the repetitive gossip?

zoo hasn't posted in weeks. I wish he would - the IQ level would be raised around here by a considerable margin. You can't seem to let things go with TH, and Arthur hasn't even been here all that much and you still manage to make up something to scratch away at.

Ever since you came back, you've bounced around from thread to thread like a marble in a pinball machine, sowing discord with happy abandon - only it's a surface kind of manic hilarity that's thinly layered over a malice that's belied by the scripture in your signature line.

The biggest reason I haven't posted here as much lately is you. Not that TH has been gone, despite your "minions" theory. It's you, as you've stomped all over the place accusing others of things you do all the time, every day, and I'm kind of sick of it.

So here I am, say it to my face: laugh, mock, call names, misrepresent, cherry-pick my quotes. All these people you consistently malign have treated me with more respect than I've gotten from you. Stop gossiping and start forming real arguments if you don't agree with their viewpoints. Or just don't read their posts, or maybe ignore them if you don't want to get into the discussion.

As you said to me:

Let it go.
Really marvelous, but wasted on him, anna. Good on you though. I've watched a slow trickle exodus of some really interesting, good people on account of his sort and silence or withdrawing only seems to encourage them in a piecemeal dismantling of what made and makes TOL worthwhile.

My analogy with regard to another angry voice, if more nakedly so, CWTHroll, may have been a bit crass, but the point was true enough. It's that kind of poster who sours and fouls what would and should be a spirited communal experience, differences notwithstanding. And ASCon, Sod, CW, chrys too often if to a much lesser/milder form of insinuating maliciousness are part of that cadre. And I've heard more than one established and respected poster note the diminishing impact on the forum.


There are many here that do not know thats right and whats left but who is center. Yet in spite of the comings and goings the stadium still stands.