Was this right?


New member
You can't equate behavior with skin color. It's a false comparison.
I'm equating the behavior of racists to homophobes.

your defense of the baker is a word for word copy of the defense of segregation.

And you'll note that I did answer your question (provided you weren't just looking for it in the first sentence).
No you just did a variation of the "that's different" excuse.

Wanting to be able to go into a place of business and not be told to leave because the owner has issues is not extra recognition. Being able to purchase the same goods and services that anyone else can get is not a special right.

Wanting to have the right to refuse to services to someone because they are a minority be it gay or black or Jewish or handicapped (the justification being religious doesn't change the special right wanted) IS a special privilege.


New member
Once again - homosexuality is a behavior, race is a physical trait.
our orientation is jut as inborn as our skin color. However discrimination is always a behavior.

The sad fact is your arguments for discrimination works just as well for gay couple and interracial couples.

But I would also re-emphasize the fact that I believe a homosexual baker has the right not to provide a wedding cake to a heterosexual couple.
Why would a gay baker do something as hateful and bigoted as that?


New member
If I can add - this sort of response is what I was saying in another post is indicative of the attitude that concerns me. It is very much like saying You can't tell me what to do!
like serve all your customers equally

and is an skewing of the idea of individual rights and freedoms to the point that everyone becomes their own Master
like skewing the right to one's own religion to justify denying others the right to equal protection

(which is why Christianity is so targeted in these cases - it is vocal in its definition of sin).
If some Christians did not discriminate then they couldn't be targeted now could they?

Doing away with a common, objective morality necessarily leads to societal anarchy.
morality like respect for the law and for other human beings