Trump Says He 'Needs God Even More' as President (Who can argue with that?)


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"trickle down " economics, which have never worked and never will .
But trickle down economics does work and has for centuries.
Those that make more bucks tend to spend more than folks with less bucks.
They hire more employees to work for them, thus creating more jobs and incomes to those less fortunate.

Heck, you can just look at WalMart founded by Sam Walton.
A poor boy that chased the American dream and succeeded.
The amount of jobs WalMart has created is astronomical.


Heck, you can just look at WalMart founded by Sam Walton.
A poor boy that chased the American dream and succeeded.
The amount of jobs WalMart has created is astronomical.

Mega industries have the same effect as monopolies just by their mere existence. That's the drawback of conventional capitalism, and America learned the hard way particularly in the 1800's.


Well-known member
Mega industries have the same effect as monopolies just by their mere existence. That's the drawback of conventional capitalism, and America learned the hard way particularly in the 1800's.

Huge corporations got that way by public vote, right? Every customer voted with his money.

Walmart has a mandate, sort of.


Huge corporations got that way by public vote, right? Every customer voted with his money.

Walmart has a mandate, sort of.

After all of what happened with Rockefeller and others earlier on, we added a couple mechanisms to keep monopolies and otherwise bellowing industries at bay.
But, it doesn't altogether keep everything fair and equal either.

There's an upper limit to capitalism which, once you cross it, other people inevitably get the shaft. And those are the people who start not liking capitalism so much, simply put.

The Horn

Not what I meant . Bad economic conditions make it very difficult for people to create stable families , so incidents like this automatically become more common .

The Horn

Crucible , Wal Mart pays slave wages, and most of its employees require government help to keep from starving on the streets . The Wal Mart owners are greedy bastards who are too cheap to pay decent wages to their employees . They could pay much better and offer good benefits to their employees, and they would still be fabulously wealthy and live lives of unimaginable luxury , but they don't and won't .
And most of their merchandise is made in China !

The Horn

Tambora, I'm not talking about forcing women to GET pregnant. I'm talking about trying to force women who ARE pregnant to give birth against their will, even if too poor to provide for a child or a pregnancy would kill them or ruin their health .
This is exactly what anti-choicers want to do . They couldn't care less about a baby once born. They just want women to give birth to them, no matter what the adverse consequences .


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Crucible , Wal Mart pays slave wages, and most of its employees require government help to keep from starving on the streets . The Wal Mart owners are greedy bastards who are too cheap to pay decent wages to their employees . They could pay much better and offer good benefits to their employees, and they would still be fabulously wealthy and live lives of unimaginable luxury , but they don't and won't .
And most of their merchandise is made in China !

They cant move up into management, and take advantage of employee stock options and profit sharing? I know lots of people who worked and still work at walmart who started minimum wage and now have tons of money because of stock and reinvesting their profit sharing.

A cashier or stock boy part time job there isnt designed to support a family.


So Walmart offered them the best option?

Every other employer either offered them less, or wouldn't hire them?

Not for ALL of The market doesn't supply enough good paying jobs.

Seems, your deep concern warrants support for either a federally mandated - significant
- minimum-wage increase or continued funding for social welfare programs.

Which do you prefer?


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Not for ALL of

Then they should jump on that better offer they've got lined up.

The market doesn't supply enough good paying jobs.

Seems, your deep concern warrants support for either a federally mandated - significant
- minimum-wage increase or continued funding for social welfare programs.

Which do you prefer?

If Walmart offered them a job when no one else would, then don't complain about Walmart. Their salary would be 0 if not for Walmart.

Secondly, if there aren't enough jobs in the market, then we need policies that increase jobs. Not more welfare.


Then they should jump on that better offer they've got lined up.

Sure, if applicable. Seems you're missing the mark concerning the 'ALL' concept.

If Walmart offered them a job when no one else would, then don't complain about Walmart. Their salary would be 0 if not for Walmart.

Secondly, if there aren't enough jobs in the market, then we need policies that increase jobs. Not more welfare.

As such, Walmart should offer..or be forced to offer...a sustainable wage.


Well-known member
Sure, if applicable. Seems you're missing the mark concerning the 'ALL' concept.

As such, Walmart should offer..or be forced to offer...a sustainable wage.

If there were more jobs, employers would have to compete for workers, rather than the other way around.

More regulations and more welfare won't get to the root of the problem.


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This is exactly what anti-choicers want to do . They couldn't care less about a baby once born. They just want women to give birth to them, no matter what the adverse consequences .
You've got that backwards.
It is the ones getting abortions that don't give a hoot about the life of the child.
They are so insensitive to the child's life that they are ready and willing to MURDER any child they conceived BY THEIR OWN CHOICE TO ENGAGE IN SEX.

What you are proposing is that MURDERING children is an acceptable solution to deal with poverty.

So why even limit MURDER to children in poverty?
Why not MURDER adults in poverty, thus making less poverty to deal with and eliminating the possibility of them conceiving more lives into poverty????
That would be a lot more efficient in eliminating poverty.
If we are going to use MURDER as an acceptable solution to poverty, let's make it more efficient.


If there were more jobs, employers would have to compete for workers, rather than the other way around.

More regulations and more welfare won't get to the root of the problem.

Employers i.e. billionaires don't seek such a (naive) scenario.

Simple, supply and demand tacit...low supply of jobs keeps labor costs/wages low; employees reluctant to quit. :greedy: