Trump Has A Mandate

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
50th record broken on the DOW today already. It may break 23,000 today.

90% of Raqqa, Syria has been liberated from ISIS

DOW means less today than ever before, and the S&P is slightly down now. The market has very little upward movement, yet, so far, no sign of the usual up and downs we generally see. it appears that investors are standing pat, hopefully until the next tax year, then we will see what happens.

patrick jane

Crooked Comey and Crooked Hillary -

In documents it released on Monday, the FBI confirmed that former FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement about the conclusion of the Hillary Clinton email investigation months before interviewing Clinton.


Because all of Congress believes falsely that Russia is our biggest enemy. They are stupid like the American left. China is the biggest enemy of the USA, get the facts jgard, something you rarely do.
All 17 of America's intelligence agencies are in agreement that The Russians attempted to influence the 2016 Election, so where is "Patrick jane" getting his facts - Putin and the KGB?

patrick jane

All 17 of America's intelligence agencies are in agreement that The Russians attempted to influence the 2016 Election, so where is "Patrick jane" getting his facts - Putin and the KGB?
I'm sorry jgarbage, I'm turning over a new leaf and I've decided not to entertain your absurdities anymore. Please don't let that stop you from posting, there are plenty of other members here for you to interact with.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
PJ sets out...
50th record broken on the DOW today already. It may break 23,000 today.

90% of Raqqa, Syria has been liberated from ISIS
And what Trump policy accomplished either of those precisely?
Nothing Town man, it's Obama that made it happen. :rotfl:
Of course unlike PJ I didn't attempt to credit anyone.

And when pressed to make the connection he attempted all PJ could manage was to create this straw man to cackle at.

I miss @Grosnick Marowbe and @Nick M

I can't wait for @ok doser to get back
Sad, but likely true.



I'm sorry jgarbage, I'm turning over a new leaf and I've decided not to entertain your absurdities anymore. Please don't let that stop you from posting, there are plenty of other members here for you to interact with.

What's truly absurd is "Patrick jane," a US citizen, dismissing the consensus reached by all 17 American intelligence agencies in favour of Russian denials and the word of an individual who built his reputation based on spending the last 8 years defaming President Obama by promoting a false "birther" narrative!


Well-known member

What's truly absurd is "Patrick jane," a US citizen, dismissing the consensus reached by all 17 American intelligence agencies in favour of an individual who spent the last 8 years defaming President Obama by promoting a false "birther" agenda.

Question: Do you think Iran is a threat and needs to be Iraqed?

patrick jane

Of course you didn't. You just randomly declared two unrelated upticks in the life of the nation inside a Trump has a Mandate thread. :plain:
If I put it in the Good, Bad and Ugly thread would that have been more appropriate? They were only random in the sense that I heard both of them on the news within minutes of each other. I watch the news when I post oftentimes and generally post from the most recent threads near the top of the page.

I'll admit that I give Trump some credit for both successes but I can't cite a specific "policy." I could say that Trump has a policy or policies that have affected both the improvement in the markets and other financial aspects and the success of the military. Maybe the market would be the same if Clinton were in office but I give Trump more credit for the military success against isis.


Question: Do you think Iran is a threat and needs to be Iraqed?


"Iraqing" Iraq resulted in America's occupying military being stretched to the limit, the national debt growing dramatically and the creation of conditions that precipitated the rise of ISIS!

If the US were to "iraq" Iran, it would be confronted with a much more formidable adversary than its Iraqi counterpart - from a geographical, demographic and military perspective!
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