Trump Has A Mandate

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Well-known member
President-Elect Trump has chosen a Christian as his Vice-President. His Vice will have an influence on Trump and perhaps someday Trump will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It's best to not judge so quickly. After all, Trump being chosen is the will of God. Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."
Trump is NO Christian. He doesn't apologize, he doesn't think he needs to ask for forgiveness. His "sacrifice" is making a lot of money. That's not a Christian, period.

The only thing Christian about him is duping so many "Christians" to vote for a narcissistic atheist.


Well-known member
Do you have a Testimony of how and why you're a Christian? I see that you rather enjoy the "Art of Exaggeration."
Yes, do you think the middle of this thread is an appropriate place to give it?

I can tell you this. I interviewed for a position as a professor at an evangelical Christian university a few years ago. One of the interviewers asked me what it meant to be a Christian. I answered him and he said it was the best answer he'd ever have an interviewee give. Of course they didn't give me the job, but I'm pretty sure they already had someone else in mind for it before I even came on campus. :p

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, do you think the middle of this thread is an appropriate place to give it?

I can tell you this. I interviewed for a position as a professor at an evangelical Christian university a few years ago. One of the interviewers asked me what it meant to be a Christian. I answered him and he said it was the best answer he'd ever have an interviewee give. Of course they didn't give me the job, but I'm pretty sure they already had someone else in mind for it before I even came on campus. :p

You still didn't answer the question?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

So, you say this isn't the place to give an answer?


New member
I'm not the one that's unhappy about the outcome.

I don't see why either party is unhappy, personally. Trump won so Republicans should be happy. A liberal that wants to raise to minimum wage and create new welfare programs won, so the Democrats should be happy. I'm indifferent about the outcome personally. All of the candidates were horrible. What can ya do? Just make the best of things. It really is a shame that the election of a single person can potentially have a dramatic effect on hundreds of millions of people. The question isn't "Who should have the power?" But "Why does one person get to have so much power?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't see why either party is unhappy, personally. Trump won so Republicans should be happy. A liberal that wants to raise to minimum wage and create new welfare programs won, so the Democrats should be happy. I'm indifferent about the outcome personally. All of the candidates were horrible. What can ya do? Just make the best of things. It really is a shame that the election of a single person can potentially have a dramatic effect on hundreds of millions of people. The question isn't "Who should have the power?" But "Why does one person get to have so much power?"

Ask the "Founding Fathers?"


Well-known member
1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

So, you say this isn't the place to give an answer?

Fine, fine, you win. (He used scripture, it was super effective!) ;)

I grew up in a Christian home and was learning Bible verses from an early age. John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, II Chronicles 16:9 among others. Between the ages of three and four I had a dream in which I was killed. I woke up terrified and asked my mother what I should do. She explained the sinner's prayer and I prayed it. Now, this was a 3 year old's understanding of what it meant to be a Christian, which boiled down to I get to go to heaven when I die because I believe in Jesus. I had several other "walking down the aisle" type events because as a youngster I wanted to be sure the first one would "stick". I attended a Christian school up until 6th grade so I learned a tremendous amount of scripture and expanded my views on what it meant to be a Christian. There have been many ups and downs in my walk with Christ through my life but I currently have a church home and a Christian husband. But the essence of my faith has always been the same, that Christ is the mediator between sinful man and a Holy God and belief in him is the only way to a relationship with God and salvation. And a correct understanding of that relationship should give every human being humility and love towards God and fellow human beings.

I see the exact opposite of all of the qualities a Christian should have in Trump which is what angers me seeing so many Christians voted for him.

Happy now? :p

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Fine, fine, you win. (He used scripture, it was super effective!) ;)

I grew up in a Christian home and was learning Bible verses from an early age. John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, II Chronicles 16:9 among others. Between the ages of three and four I had a dream in which I was killed. I woke up terrified and asked my mother what I should do. She explained the sinner's prayer and I prayed it. Now, this was a 3 year old's understanding of what it meant to be a Christian, which boiled down to I get to go to heaven when I die because I believe in Jesus. I had several other "walking down the aisle" type events because as a youngster I wanted to be sure the first one would "stick". I attended a Christian school up until 6th grade so I learned a tremendous amount of scripture and expanded my views on what it meant to be a Christian. There have been many ups and downs in my walk with Christ through my life but I currently have a church home and a Christian husband. But the essence of my faith has always been the same, that Christ is the mediator between sinful man and a Holy God and belief in him is the only way to a relationship with God and salvation. And a correct understanding of that relationship should give every human being humility and love towards God and fellow human beings.

I see the exact opposite of all of the qualities a Christian should have in Trump which is what angers me seeing so many Christians voted for him.

Happy now? :p

Do you have faith that eternal life is guaranteed if you were to die? Last question.


New member
Ask the "Founding Fathers?"

Did you ever read the Constitution? It's only a few pages long. If the government only had the powers delegated to it in the Constitution, they wouldn't have much power at all. And of those federal powers, most of the real power belongs to the legislature. If we used the Constitution, it would make little practical difference who the president was. But now we have a federal government that controls virtually every aspect of life, and where the congress is a formality. The President creates his own legislation and calls it an "executive order." And outside of that, executive agencies, like the EPA, just makes up laws as they go with no approval by the President or Congress. The founders did not intend the federal government to have near the power it as, and specifically did not intend for the president to be a monarch.
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