Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
A day's pause for the Gazette and then, well, Sod will probably post something...:plain:

The Hump Day Gazette (early edition)

Had a discussion about minding other people's business...
I, who have no Business degree, could run a cable network better than Dish...

sad thing is: that is not saying anything
No, it's saying that you a) don't know what you're talking about when it comes to business models, but b) are certain of the outcome regardless.

That's saying something all right. :plain:

While 350 million miles away...
Lawyers and Catholics, see no evil nor hear no evil.
Cool off the grid kids, seeing dragons in the shadows they throw. :plain:

Had an initially pleasant difference with CL...
I am nineteen years old, will be twenty in a couple weeks.
So at this point you're still finishing up the whole prefrontal cortex business and are much more emotionally stimulated and influenced in terms of decisions than you will be in a few years.

I'm already at the point of near-insanity when it comes to the stupidity of the average person. And the average person here is even dumber than the average person in general. People are both stupid and evil
They mostly aren't at all. Your problem is that you possess the deadly combination of youth and intelligence without sufficient perspective to know how to value it or others...

...I honestly shudder to think how cynical I'm going to be when I'm Nang's age.
It could happen. Or you could resemble John the Beloved. It depends on how wisely you use your future.

Which brought down the Nangation...
What a pompous prig you prove to be . . .CL has more Godly wisdom and insight in his few years, than you may ever garner.
This is what I see as your problem in a nutshell. You don't see clearly, or your emotional process distorts your judgment to a dangerous degree.

All I said to the fellow who had finished calling most people stupid and evil is that he'll outgrow that sort of thing if he uses his life well. I like the kid.'re a trial for me. But I love you anyway.

And the more awkwardly complicated...
TH rarely exhibits any theology proper,
Not true, but it is true that I mostly prefer to listen to and read people with a great deal more reflection and background on the subject. It may be a novel approach in forum life, but it's a habit I learned from my grandfather. confess foundational and biblical knowledge far beyond any of his grasp.
You can't say that on the one hand I don't hold forth and then on the other qualify what I do or don't possess on a thing. Well, you can't do it rationally...but as illuminating personal and emotional statements go it's helpful.

Before an ominous portent appeared on the horizon...
...Be honest about where you're at. Do you really think Nick is at the same intellectual level you are? aCultureWarrior? Glorydaz? Tambora? Seriously?
I honestly stopped caring about that a long time ago. Mostly I find all of that distracting and a bit pointless to consider. Intelligence should serve, not enslave. So if it helps you help others, communicates a thing of importance in a way that's memorable, etc., I say go to. If it keeps you mindful of the difference between you and your neighbor in a way that invites contempt into your reflections then it would be better to do without it or without considering it further until it doesn't.

Had a genuine political conversation...
...History seems to show that the common man will always be ruled by the elite.
The past isn't necessarily prologue though or we'd still be ruled by kings.

To me, the only question is how do we ensure that the rulers will be good and look out for our best interests.
I think that's a great metric.

But then...
liberals promote gay ness

Some. So do some conservatives. But I suspect that like the vocal opposition, they're louder than they are representative.

You have no idea what the divorce rate is among conservatives, do you?

If you're hard core enough as a Catholic you'd likely say that's true of anyone who supports any sort of contraceptive use though, wouldn't you?

Much more so than conservatives, to be sure, though every conservative nominee for high office has supported abortion rights of one sort or another.

and so we think of that psg in the Bible about how these kinds end up in Hell: those who cause others to sin
I think we're ultimately responsible for our own actions, though reading you frequently has me wondering about that. :plain:

Secrets were flying in Ask Knight...
When I log into TOL from my phone or tablet, I can leave rep but I cannot leave any comments with the rep. Why is that?
We all got together and thought it was for the best. :plain: :eek:

I knew it! I knew there was a conspiracy against me!
:think: I'm not sure it's a conspiracy if everyone else is in on it. ;)

In more serious climes...
libs need to get a degree in Reailty
That's not how you spell realty. And it's more a certification than a degree.

Change. Providers.

Or get rid of your provider and get a subscription to Hulu ... or even better. Buy a Roku.
I had a pet Roku when I was younger. Everyone did. The legend goes they all ended up in the sewers and grew into golems. :plain:

Tomorrow? The shift hits the fanatic and hell may have frozen over. :shocked:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A small pause and I promise to remember to open the darn thing this afternoon... :eek:

The Thursday Morning Gazette

Said farewell to a disappointed...
I have no interest in being born again.
Sorry to hear that. But then, neither did I, so you never know where life will take you.

I see no way to delete myself...
Maybe you should consider a half measure and put yourself on ignore for a while, see how that goes.

Continued to nudge CL...
I do not see any fruit of Christianity in Tambora's life.
While disagreeing on the point, how much of her life are you privy to?

Chatted up a curiously curious meshak in chrys' countdown thread...
Why don't you accept that your infraction is not going to be there if it gets expired?
It actually stays on your profile page. It simply doesn't influence anything.

you guys are weird.
You should take up math as a pastime. I've never seen a more obtuse angle. :think:

Then sod said to chyrs...
if you put [TH] on ignore, his neg reps disappear :)
If you put me on ignore your life's apparent purpose would disappear. :)

Also, sod doesn't have any neg reps from me. He seems confused on the point.
so far for january, only two from anna, one from town and none :noway: from zoo
I haven't given you a neg rep. You may need to see a psychiatrist. :plain:

Before CL was back with...
...Even if old people WERE dying in the streets, that isn't an excuse to steal. Ends do not justify means.
Now that's evidence of a foundationally troubling philosophy, one that values property over human life and confuses that misapprehension with a public and defensible virtue.

Else, you assume a theft without having made anything like the case.

...I think those who voluntarily give to charity are acting far more morally than those who don't.
Not if they have the same heart on the matter. That is, if I promote and believe in a government whereby a good bit of my charity is accomplished paying into it then it's really not functionally different than your giving coin to a different large charitable institution.

Or do you feed and cloth people personally, literally?

On the notion of a constant need for repentance re: salvation...
LA Lost's bad news
Wouldn't it be horrible to die as you knelt to confess and repent the day's sin? Damned by an aneurysm...tough break that. :plain:

While Chrys was busy arguing with himself...

And things were getting chippy on the foot wash front...
Me also. Nick is cool-almost as cool as me; but not as humble.
But I'm cooler than the two of you combined...and twice as humble. :plain: (I'm actually several times more humble, but I couldn't bring myself to write it... :think:)

Then CL did, unfortunately, what many zealots do here...
No, taking from people by force is not consistent with "civilization."
Rather, if you take benefit when you're free to leave you are by that taking subjecting yourself to the terms of the compact. Don't care for the terms? No one will stop you from leaving.

...If you can't see how stupid this analogy is by this point, I give up....A couple days ago I would have thought you were of similar intelligence level to me. I do not think so now.
Well that changes...nothing really. But if it makes you happy I'm happy. Many a moron and many a genius has framed a foolishness and shined something better left in a latrine. Or, IQ is one of the most over rated particulars and is almost always raised by people attempting to establish an authority otherwise less than self evident.

...Your metaphorical cake is made with self marginalizing flour.

Tomorrow? Ponies, pies and an old whine tries on a new skin... :plain:
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Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
This will class up the place...

1958 Edsel Corsair Hardtop -- I'm loyal fan of the 1958 Edsel

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A brief pause for...

The Saturday Gazette

I'm still not entirely sure what happened here...
I went to a fairly upper class High School. We were called "Cake Eaters" by the Hoi polloi!:peach:
Did they know they were hoi polloi or did you have to tell them?

Then AB lamented...
Great, now I'm getting insulted in thread titles...:mmph:
It was always only a matter of time...signatures, mottos...there's talk of working it into the rules. :plain:

Might have missed the mark a little...
Intel commits $300 million to workplace diversity

LAS VEGAS -- Under fire along with other tech companies for its lack of diversity, Intel on Tuesday said it plans to dramatically increase the number of women and minority workers it employs within five years and will commit $300 million to the effort.

The company's announcement makes it the first major Silicon Valley company to set goals to increase the diversity of its workforce amid a growing debate about the issue.

What say you, TOL? :think:
I think it's a crying shame to see a major corporation openly bragging about how much money it's going to pour into workplace perversity. Pumping silicone into minority women, as if they haven't been exploited and manhandled enough by the power structure. I tell you it's an outrage, an absolute out---what? :plain: Why are you looking at me like that...I think. Are your eyes open? What happened?

Was debating NFL playoff games with tet when...
...I think you live in Alabama, so I don't know if you've ever experienced really cold weather.
:plain: We have interstates and everything here, airports even.

Yes, I know, I've seen Forrest Gump.
And I've watched All in the Family. :)

While in Chrys' countdown thread...
are you trying to disrupt this thread?
I thought that was the point of this thread. :plain:

And Crowny was back in the libel liberal thread...
The problem with liberal ideology is very simple when sided with Christianity.
And by "more right than left" do you mean to be understated or did you just click the wrong box?

Everything the Bible condemns, liberals defend.
Wrong box it is then. :plain:

While in the Congress thread...
a moron is one who does not understand that the republican is the only alternative to the democrat
Because the red sugar pill is obviously much better for you than the blue sugar pill.

I can feel the power coursing through my veins. :plain:
That may just be a sign of hypertension. :plain:

And on justifying the unjustifiable in France...
Only in a way.
Justifying violence as a response to ideas is the sign of an immature mind and/or an idea that can't survive without being shielded from scrutiny. Neither are to be desired.

If someone was to print and spread Hitler's book you would certainly stop him or her right?
No. No I wouldn't. I think a better idea will always defeat a bad one..

And still found time to commiserate with FS...
-5 degrees right now.
So things are slightly slanted. :plain: what?

My furnace went out last night.
That's some furnace. . . how'd you track it down?

Dude will be here at 8 this morning to work on it. Kerosene heater and electric heaters aren't doing much. Pipes all frozen. I just want to cry.. And yes, I'm belly aching and complaining.. :plain:
Egad. Forget the above. Complain away. That's awful, though it too will pass...if like a gallstone.

Tomorrow? Football. :)
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A brief closing for the:

The Hump Day Gazette

Made a small observation...
Is it just me or does [Arthur Brain's] avatar remind you of a jaundiced grumpy cat?

MEshak was busy elsewhere...
Here you [Levolor] go, trying to please everyone without any of your own position.

I know you seem to believe getting approval of everyone is love.

You are big phony Christian.
You only see grace and goodness in the mirror. Shame on you and the hat you rode in on.

Laugh away fake.
Don't criticize people for laughing if all you do is tell jokes.

Then Granite got at it in the NFL thread...
First of all, it's "Rodgers" with a "D." YEEEEEESH.
:chuckle: And I still say there's no D in Green Bay.

And you, troll [he said to someone else, I think] will die somewhere in a warehouse.
That's not how you spell that...unless you actually meant warehouse. :plain:

Argued with the newest Henry on TOL's back...
My understanding was realizing how large the Universe was. I mean what intelligent designer would create a universe so large we can't even comprehend it,
One infinitely beyond your comprehension, which would rather follow.

then put us in a remote part of a galaxy in the middle of nowhere.
Remote by what standard? What else is going on elsewhere? What would, by an atheist's standard, make any one point more valuable than another?

Nothing is special about our location whatsoever.
We're here. So far as we yet know that's a rather important distinction.

Before taking up a brief examination of might and right...
"He was a dangerously bright kid...and he kinda wasn't taking the lord serious, so I went *bam* and I punched him right in the chest as hard as I could and I just crumpled the kid. I just crumpled him. There's times that that might be needed"
Well, if you can't join'em, beat'em, eh? :plain:

Elsewhere jw was saying...
I am also poster mess-hack. Good day to all of you, sirs....You are all on ignore....

But in my mind I saw...
This message is hidden because john w is on your double-dog triple secret ignore list.
I wonder what he said. :plain:

Which led to what I can only imagine was a stream of foul epithets, but you be the judge...
Good day to you, Sir Heretic of Town.

The NFL thread was seriously jumping the snark...
:chuckle: Peyton looked really bad during that game. Perhaps the injury was a significant factor.
Well, let's just thank heaven he didn't tear them before he ripped his Chiefs in week 13.... :eek:

Then repchk skewed all over the place...
most Rs are just rinos anyway
Translation: anyone who doesn't see it your way isn't in the club. Well, it isn't your club and the membership is decided otherwise. Anyway, there are likely a few who would kick you to the curb for your religious affiliation. That's life. But you get to stay anyway, as do your imaginary rinos.

It was that or, "That's not how you spell winos". :)

so who gives a rip what they think we should do
The pollsters? You, in a way.

And hot off the messes...
yes, i believe (know)...that those who hate Fox News are... hey, lost souls...
What's your take on the metaphysical ramifications of the DH?

I mean, saying you hate Fox News is like saying you hate trees and rain and sunshine...
No, trees are trees and sunshine is sunshine.

trees and rain and sunshine are part of reality
The differences continue to mount. :plain:

so is the news, and Fox tells us news that other channels do not begin to tell about... Lois Lerner scandal... Benghazi scandal...
They report things you literally wouldn't find on any other news source and that's for sure.

and if that weren't bad enough, the other channels got Mr VirtualCommie elected...
And that's before what they did to new Coke.

i rest my case...
Your fingertips to our eyes.

That said, Smith is a hoot and who could hate a Sheppard. Even if he's leading wolves.

Tomorrow? God knows. :idunno: Snow maybe. :mmph:

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
Gazette Editorial Staff Bonus: Post of the Day

Fool manages to hit this one out of the park with an on point and pithy response, the heart of which is plumbed here:
There have been many Muslim terrorist outrages in the recent past. The most recent French outrages left me there any reason why the Western powers should not simply annihilate Islam?
You want to kill 1.8 billion people because three guys shot up a newspaper?
And you think they're the dangerous ones?

how many would it be ok to kill?
The three guys that shot up the newspaper.
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Fool manages to hit this one out of the park with an on point and pithy response, the heart of which is plumbed here:

the problem with this foolish nonsense, of course, is that it's an out of context snippet of an ongoing conversation

but then, i'll bet you like playing with your toes too :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
the problem with this foolish nonsense, of course, is that it's an out of context snippet of an ongoing conversation
but then, i'll bet you like playing with your toes too :idunno:
Man, you're desperately going about the place for my attention to day, aren't you little fella?

Else, no it isn't and more importantly it's linked so anyone with the least interest can follow it to read and engage in the larger debate, which is a great deal of the point.

When is the next update due?
Depends on what's there and how I feel about it. A day, two, this afternoon...there's no real schedule and the "Tomorrow" section is always a dry nod to that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay, we've had the customary look at me from Sod and now back to our regularly scheduled programming and a brief pause for the:

Hump Day Gazette​

RC continued to surprise...
doesn't matter if its true b/c libs... well, that's what libs do: they lie...
Even when they tell the truth, to continue your thought. :plain:

That's amazing. You should try your hand at copy writing...or anything that keeps you offline, really.

it just wouldn't be a normal day if they went through it w/o telling some lie... about conservatives, about... well, just whatever...
Yeah, well, just whatever. I think that sums it nicely.

...I don't know where certain posters get this idea that... this relentless idea, it seems that..I give a rip what they think... they couldn't be more wrong. I know I am right.

and they don't pay attn. to my words (or probably anyone else's either...) so... not surprising... Most people probably come to the forums just to hear themselves... ramble on... not terribly interested in learning anythihg... much less understanding others...
See, to me that perfectly describes someone who "doesn't give a rip" if anyone reads them and "knows" they're right without engaging in substantive argument or seeming to be moved by rather observable and factual counter on literally any point.

While in the original General Lee boring thread...
Well, it's been a while but at the risk of stirring up undue and unseemly excitement one feels compelled to report some disturbing news. From a thoroughly unreliable source it would seem that self raising flour is a contributory cause of male pattern baldness and imbibing balsamic vinegar can lead to an unhealthy fixation with salads...

In less contentious news it rained half an inch in Northern Ireland and aCW may possibly be a dry cleaners...

A good evening to all!

Ah, just as I suspected then (oh, just pick one). :plain:

aCW was doing what he does best...
Since the holiday celebrating (amongst other things) the first recipient of the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Award is almost upon us, I might as well warm up this thread to let liberals have their say as to what a great man Martin Luther the King Jr. was.

Has anyone seen the latest propaganda that Hollyweird has put out on this fraud of a wannabe man?
You weren't there for the first assassination so you'll just have to settle for taking your shot at his character, eh?

For my part...
...What we should celebrate on MLK, Jr. day is the cause he championed and the sacrifice he made doing so, remembering that in a time when the color of your skin could be a death sentence, in the heart of a land riddled with hatred and violence he stood up against both and gave his last, full measure to see an institutionalized evil stricken from the face of law.

That, as they say, ain't hay.

Then RC was back with her turnstile on OSAS...
No moron is going to believe that you can steal, cheat and murder, never repent (don't have to repent, you accepted Christ last Tuesday) and go directly to the pure and perfect place called Heaven with no Purgation required...
Only someone with a mental impediment would suggest that anyone who loved God would use grace as a license to do that which is contrary to the good.

Back in the King thread (no, the other one)...
Is anyone surprised that aCW is feeding TOL "facts" about Martin Luther King directly from white supremacist websites?
No. I'm mostly surprised when they aren't. :plain:

when they close the gubmint for a day off for jeff, i'll speak out
Sure you will. :rolleyes: And Jeff is it? Not that slave holding rapist of a hypocrite? I mean, given all that's holding your full moral outrage back is your inconvenience. As in:

meanwhile, we're talking about the [redacted insult to a slain civil rights leader] whose "holiday" will keep me from logging on on monday :sozo2:
Make up your mind already, are you trying to get us to rally against the holiday or not?

Chrys went for broke in the NFL thread...
so think about it
why isn't brady overpaid?
Because he agreed to his salary in negotiations with management, like every other quarterback in the NFL. :plain:

Among other cogent observations (follow the link) Morph noted...
...aCw chooses to associate himself with White supremacist and confessed Nazi organizations, unwilling to retract the associations even after the truth about them is repeatedly shown to him from their own literature that he had already been using. That double standard exposes the raw bigotry of some here.
You can't reason a man out of a position that was never held by virtue of that faculty.

Then ME said to someone (doesn't matter who, could be anyone)...
You abuse God's word to justify your wicked faith.
And you use yours to condemn everyone who doesn't agree with you. :plain:

While somewhere some people got it into their noggins to say of Lee...
He sold out his country
You sound like a modern man judging out of context. You could as well call Lincoln a racist or Sherman a war criminal.
and committed high treason.
No, that would be Burr. Lee resigned his commission and went home to defend Virginia against incursion. The notion of a Union you hold and Lincoln declared wasn't one popularly accepted and iron clad in the time of that war. That said, Lee neither wanted to fight against the flag he'd served prior nor for Virginia to leave that Union. But when it did his course was set.

And zoo noted, if a bit strongly...
People who say the south's civil war wasn't about slavery are revisionist idiots...The confederate states made it perfectly clear that their secession was about slavery.
Of course it was about slavery, the expansion of it at any rate. The Union had already been clear that slave holding states in existence would be allowed to continue the practice. But most people who lived in the South and fought that war neither owned slaves nor fought for and over that issue. They fought because the landed gentry some mistakenly think should be empowered today to run the country led them into it to protect their future economic interests. They fought as Lee fought, for their homes and families.

Tomorrow? Who knows? A duel maybe. :)
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Gazette Extra:

Morph on fire...
A bizarre thread is started where only repchick and Mark SeaSigh post at each other. Guinness Book of World Records votes it "most incoherent conversation of all time. Repchick is ecstatic about signing a record contract like Beyonce. Mark SeaSigh remembers to take his Risperdal after a week without it. Strangely enough they both seem to understand each other.

And to Christian Liberty's taxation as theft...
If you think taxes are theft then don't pay them. You can explain it to the judge.

It's referred to as "thinning the herd" or culling.

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
A brief pause for Fellow Servant's favorite (well, today)...

The Thursday Morning Gazette

Had a running conversation with DM that went off the rails early but had moments. So I'll just sprinkle a few of them around, beginning with...
...It is a rather obvious conclusion to draw that morality is a consequence of evolutionary development.
In the same way it's obvious that cloud is shaped like a giraffe.

Tried to interject a note of balance in the Lee thread (no, the other one)...
Originally Posted by Nick M
...Lee went to war for the side that said they can own human beings against their will.
Both sides said that for a great deal of the war.

Originally Posted by Granite
...The foundation of their nation was the white man's supremacy over the black.
The economic heart of the nation was fueled, knowingly, by the agrarian products of the South acquired on the backs of slaves...The North profited, built much of its economic might by the light of that sad institution's output and made no effort to liberate anyone until the war was well on...did not begin their part of the conflict to free a single soul. Romanticizing that is as errant as pretending the war wasn't fought on the issue of slavery's expansion.

Meanwhile, in the Cub Reporter thread...
...iow, you're trying to shame people into changing their behavior
No, just showing them something they might not have noted. Shame is your motivation, I suspect.
rather, mockery of self-inflated pretentious blowhards
You could do that offline with a mirror. :plain:

Snippet 2...
...religion succeeds in positively influencing the culture is only by virtue of the religion adapting to the relative morality of the day. This is both undeniable and much to the benefit of both the society and the religion.
It's completely deniable. You're only stating your bias as truth. It succeeds where it always has and for the reasons it always has, only the empowerment that brought the wrong sort, the sort who would use any idea as a means to power for their own sake, has mostly been channeled elsewhere. Mostly into the body politic.

Answered repchk's attempt to mistake OSAS for a party bus...
so says you and the SinAllYouWant&StillGet2Heaven people
Who would want to sin loving God?

No one. That's not the notion. It's just the thing you tell yourself to be disagreeable with it. I can't merit salvation. If I could Christ's sacrifice would have been and be superfluous. Put simply, you can't love God and not desire His pleasure as your own. And that pleasure is never sin.

I don't disagree But if you get tired of doing good things and want to say, commit fornication
Why in God's name would I want to do that? Like saying, sure you love her, but if you get an itch to visit a whorehouse all liquored up...well, no.

Then Kat said...
Vous parlez trop de ce que vous refusez que comme...
Wee! :think: I mean, oui. :eek: (or either, really)

Why doesn't she say in English?
Why don't you?

...BTW, everyone is repeating themselves.
They're chasing you, Solomon...awfully bold of you to notice. :eek:

Snippet 3... the absence of any evidence for any underlying truth, my context/atheism still seems rather reasonable.
That's an entirely different thread for you to segue through.

So after I posted a couple of later Lee quotes, where he thought well of the emancipation proclamation and the outcome of the war, Stux wandered in with a new username and the same old habit...
Originally Posted by dreadknought
I love the internet, I can quoute mine.... and be judge and jury.
Can you run a spell check?

Then fool answered on which Muslims should be punished for criminal activity...
You can stop them if you catch them planning.
Trouble is planning a massacre looks similar to planning a birthday party.
Except for the sort of head covering, which remains a dead give away. :plain:

Mulled with BR on FNN...
What does Fox News have to do with godliness?
:think: They're clean?

Snippet 4...
Tell, you what; I'll calm myself if you get a little bit excited. How's That? ...What's wrong with getting enthused in a discussion or even an argument?
There's a thin line between enthusiasm and Amway.

Before my old friend FS said...
Good morning one and all.. Except Town.. Because he didn't include me in the gazette.. :plain:.. We finally have heat our household once more. :D helps when you post more than biannually. :plain: That sort of thing.

Snippet 5...
You have a thread dedicated to your ego.
Because nothing serves the ego quite like an anonymous thread in an internet chat room. :plain:

Can you even go outside without serious sunblock or a dog?

In light of the Patriots' scandal, had to ask kmo...
Ya know, about the heat. Not about that other thing. :eek:
Any truth to the rumor the Chiefs were caught trying to let ALL of the air out of their balls? :plain:

And the last from DM...
Hell, I'll call you an idiot again, idiot, should you be idiotic.
And I'll ask you what snack your mother put in your lunchbox.

It was crackers, wasn't it?

Tomorrow? I find a quarter... :plain:
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Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
Daily Noodlings...

I've never cared for intrusive questions on social media sites, but I hate leaving I answered "Where do you live?" with Elysium and "Occupation" with field worker.

Under "languages" I wrote conversational English. :plain:

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
A momentary pause for...

A Saturday Morning Gazette (mostly comics)

Things were approaching the boiling point in the General Lee Boring thread...or was it boring point in the General Lee Boiling thread...
Hmm, relatively boring but not quite dull enough...

I found a quarter.

I lost a quarter
Can't help you. :noid:
... and a sock.
Left or right? :plain:

Nodding off entirely with...
How did you know that?
I'm just uncanny...and this thread is a natural uncanny opener. :plain:

Q had a notion worth mulling in the college thread...
Just change the culture. Instead of pushing kids to take out huge debt and grants straight out of high school, have businesses pay for students to learn a trade for exchange of a work contract.
I'm pulled in two directions by that notion. On the one hand it seems fair, where the education is mostly aimed at that particular employment...on the other hand it saddens me that we've turned universities into the equivalent of intellectual trade schools when the point was much broader (and better for the country as per the citizens and leaders it produced) at inception.

So fool suggested...
Why don't we just change the name of High school to College?
Genius. :plain: :chuckle:

Can we change the name of the cafeteria to Culinary Arts and get credits for eating lunch?

And Knight ably represented the tired taxpayer syndrome/sentiment...
I never read the Harry Potter books, so that's unfair from the jump. :plain:
Higher education is overrated.
Tell me that again if you need surgery.

Leading to...
Tell me again how many surgeons come out of community college.
Well, the really bad ones. Mexico.

And fool was still hammering away at his notion...
Maybe have the students make lunch and give them credit.
Well, what about giving diners a humanities credit?

jgarden, for reasons known only to himself, declared Canadians to be more adventurous in bed, moving fool to ask...
How did they quantify the "more adventurous in bed" part?
In Canada I think it means they take their socks off. :plain:

Then fool was back critiquing Q's notion of the talented being sponsored in education with...
I highlighted the problem with this, that would work for the young talented person but what about the morons?
:think: They could run for Congress.

Finishing up this edition with Q in the General Lee thread, worrying for naught (sans dread)...
... I hope I don't get banned for thread derailing.
Not to worry, half the people who read this don't know how the report function works and the other half...well, that would be the two of us. :plain:

Tomorrow? A day at the beach, a walk in the park, noodle salad...hope you enjoy your own. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Night Gazette

So anna said...
Santa Ana winds today.

And kmo thought and thought...days passed, then...
Well cut it out. :sibbie:

That's Ana, not anna. :mmph:
Oh...I had it wrong too. Okay, mind those Santa Anna winds then.
Oh, and it's supposed to be 80 degrees here today.
Try not to fall over. :cheers:
Enjoy your white stuff. :)
:think: Is is chocolate? It's chocolate, isn't it.

In the NFL thread, tet...
...almost every other NFL team has copied the towel waving that originated with the Steelers in the 70's. One would think these teams could come up with something original instead of copying what Steeler's fans do.
Because nothing says startling originality quite like waving a dyed wash towel over your head. :think:

Yep, no one else thought of doing it until the Steeler's fans started doing it in 1975.
It's a towel. :plain:
I guess when you win more Super Bowls than anyone else, people will copy what you're doing.
But they hadn't won more than anyone else when they did either of those things... :think:

While in the Wealthy Christians roast thread...
same o used up cliché.

good day.
Don't you say "good day" a lot as a dismissive tool? :plain:

Ok, Ktoyou, I will join you in showing off:

Anatawa Kami o botoku shite imase.
And if you really think demonstrating a proficiency in a second language is showing off...

Over in the Boring thread (no, literally...either)...
There are exactly twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. Twenty-six back to front and front to back. I invite you to count them for yourself.

:think: That ought to tie AB up for a good half an hour.

Before Q heated things up with...
Snow is covering the grass! How will I ever watch it grow?!?!?!
What? Snow doesn't grow, you goof. :plain:

Then a flash of something in the water...
I don't address anything you say because what you say is so worldly.
It's scripture. You might want to rethink your standard. :plain:

...You are dismissing all what Jesus and His disciples teaches.
No, I'm not....If the possession of wealth itself was irreconcilable with God's grace or will then God would not award wealth to anyone. Yet he does and more than once. So the point cannot be about wealth, but about the heart that possesses it and what possesses that heart.

And still found time to say hello to the new guy...
I am 56 years old, white male living in Germany.
Well, you have to start somewhere. :plain:
...I look forward to panel discussions and debate in all areas. It is my opinion as long as we live we are constantly learning something new which I love.
A great attitude. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. :nono:
I am not a prophet so relax..... just thought the name was catchy. :)
I considered NotForProphet before settling on the dryer handle. And if you've ever settled on a dryer handle you know just how uncomfortable that can be.

Welcome! :cheers:

Tomorrow? Grilled cheese shenanigans, unicorns and somebody wins five bucks. :plain: