Top 12 Ways to Guarantee Another Terrorist Attack:


New member
Hall of Fame
Granite, do you agree with every single one of his points?
As a simple example of one that is clearly wrong:
6. Continue to get oil from the Mid East at prices way below market value.

No, but I do agree with a lot of it. Seems like many if not most of my countrymen think we're just the world's do-gooders, that we never make mistakes, and are downright mystified--or, usually, just disinterested--with why America is disliked or hated. Our actions have consequences.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Granite, do you agree with every single one of his points?
As a simple example of one that is clearly wrong:
6. Continue to get oil from the Mid East at prices way below market value.

how should "market value" be determined?


1. Continue killing civilians with our Air Force drone program.
2. Keep supporting tyranny in the Muslim world like we have done for the past 50 years.
3. Continue our military presence on the Arabian peninsula, especially in Saudi Arabia which hosts two of Islams most holy sites.
4. Continue to support Israel as they continue to treat the Palestinians as animals.
5. Continue to support Israel as they continue to steal land from the Palestinians.
6. Continue to get oil from the Mid East at prices way below market value.
7. Continue to choose sides in sectarian civil wars.
8. Keep ignoring international law.
9. Keep punishing Muslim people through sanctions for what their leaders are doing.
10. Keep invading Muslim countries.
11. Keep treating refugees with indifference to their plight.
12. Keep validating the Muslim narrative that the West is out to get Islam.

Ah yes, the Libertarian obsession stating that if we just leave Islam (evil) alone, Islam (evil) will leave us alone.

These three websites blow that theory out of the proverbial water, because as shown, the victims of these barbarian acts only 'crime' (for the most part) is not converting to Islam (or having the audacity to leave it).


Well-known member
Ah. Blame the West for everything. And twist the facts to meet that idea. Got it.

Let's take a simple one: what is "market price" for oil, and how is the US (or the West) buying it at "prices way below market value"?

I can't find the information about the sweetheart deals between the Saudi Royal Family and the US so I'll spot you that one. What else do you think is "twist the facts"?


Well-known member
4. Continue to support Israel as they continue to treat the Palestinians as animals.
5. Continue to support Israel as they continue to steal land from the Palestinians.
6. Continue to get oil from the Mid East at prices way below market value.

Crazy talk....

I get that from the CIA guy in charge of the bin Laden desk. It was his job to get into the mind of bin Laden, to "know the enemy", so we would know why they do what they do. His name is Michael Scheuer. He wrote Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror, and Through Our Enemies' Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam, and the Future of America. Also journalist Eric Margolis who covered every war in the Middle East for decades and wrote American Raj: Liberation or Domination - Resolving the Conflict Between the West and the Muslim World. Both will tell you how the Israeli treatment of Palestinians is a major bone of contention and very useful for propaganda for recruiting.

7. Continue to choose sides in sectarian civil wars.

We should support the side that is against genocide and the oppression of women, don't you think? Failing that, we can just focus on spreading the good word of the Kingdom.

Problem is, the ones doing the fighting engage in genocide and oppression of women. On both sides. We have never once successfully picked "the right side." We generally pick the side that helps us secure our domination in the area to keep the oil flowing.

8. Keep ignoring international law.
Paying more attention to international law is not going to slow ISIS down. They recognize nothing but the Caliphate. They must continue pushing to expand. It's their radical brand of Islam that must mirror their beloved prophesies.
ISIS can only expand by being able to recruit supporters. Severely reduce the recruiting pool and they dry up and fizzle out - can't maintain any territory. Bush Jr. ignoring international law and invading Iraq was the best thing to happen to radical Muslims.

9. Keep punishing Muslim people through sanctions for what their leaders are doing.

What about the Arab nations that are punishing other Arab nations in this way? And why not boycott them or withdraw support if they abuse women as a matter of policy?
Boycotts don't work. Only the people suffer, not the leaders. If Arab nations punish other Arab nations they aren't getting mad at us, unless we are supporting the aggressor (see points above).

11. Keep treating refugees with indifference to their plight.

Who's going to be honest about it when we don't treat them with indifference? Regardless, Christians, plenty of them do not treat them with indifference.

Trump, and most Republicans will, and it will be another recruiting boom for ISIS.

12. Keep validating the Muslim narrative that the West is out to get Islam.
They don't need that validation as long as they have a mandate for Jihad. They are commissioned to "get" infidels and apostates who don't submit to them.

Again, ISIS has to be able to recruit in order to "get" anyone. If we do the right thing, or stop doing the wrong things, as indicated by my list, ISIS will dry up and blow away. There are too many Muslims telling them that Islam does NOT teach them to go after infidels and apostates. They have to get mad to cross that line, and we certainly have been giving them plenty of reason to get mad. Ron Paul was write all along. We should have stayed out of the region.


Well-known member
UM? - More evidence to suggest that you might be a Muslim here posing as a Christian to play games with us. Over half of your list is totally bogus.

Please feel free to add something substantive to the discussion journey.


Well-known member
There were no terrorists in the decades that the US was strong in the middle east. The problem has started since the puppets the US set up to rule with an iron fist have been removed....the muslims do need to be ruled with an iron fist.
Muslims don't need to be ruled with an iron fist, but radical Muslims do. We cause problems when we put puppets in who don't take care of the normal people.

Removing Gadaffi was a mistake, removing Saddam was a mistake, losing control of Iran was unfortunate, undermining Assad is a mistake.
I agree, though we never had a reason to get control of Iran in the first place, unless you consider Resource Idolatry to be a legit reason.
The Palestinians are the same as Isis...they should never have been allowed back in the land
The Palestinians never left. It was the Israelites who were let back in, or at least let themselves in in the 1880's, which wasn't a problem until zionism reared its ugly head in the 1920's and the Arabs could see their new guests were going to displace them. Turns out their suspicions were justified. They are still at it.


Well-known member
It is not "American foreign policy" to "blow people up round the clock".

I would like to see a Department of Defense statement which says that the policy is to "blow people up round the clock."

The DoD stated purpose is to "break things and kill people", as one spokesman said to the press. Who we kill and what we destroy isn't up to the military. That's up to the politicians.

Did you know that before 9/11, before we invaded Iraq, we killed over one million Iraqis, including half a million children, due to the trade embargo we put on them. One of the forbidden items was chlorine used to prevent the spread of dysentery through the public water system. Do you think there might have been some connections between that and 9/11, or do you suppose Muslims are just tough enough to forgive the death of a million at our hands?


Well-known member
one way to guarantee another attack
to do nothing

Of course there are a lot of things that can be done, but they are better done by the FBI than the DoD. If we had done nothing in the Mid East, starting in '53 when we invaded Iran, we would be a lot safer now and you would not have seen 9/11. 9/11 was a direct response to the 12 points in the OP. Just ask the guys at the CIA responsible for understanding what bin Laden was all about, such as Michael Scheuer, and journalists who spent time with the Taliban when they were fighting the Russians and later covered every country in the Mid East, like Eric Margolis. These are some of our country's foremost experts on radical Islam and they would agree with my list.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Of course there are a lot of things that can be done, but they are better done by the FBI than the DoD. If we had done nothing in the Mid East, starting in '53 when we invaded Iran, we would be a lot safer now and you would not have seen 9/11. 9/11 was a direct response to the 12 points in the OP. Just ask the guys at the CIA responsible for understanding what bin Laden was all about, such as Michael Scheuer, and journalists who spent time with the Taliban when they were fighting the Russians and later covered every country in the Mid East, like Eric Margolis. These are some of our country's foremost experts on radical Islam and they would agree with my list.

here is my list

the history of islam


New member
I get that from the CIA guy in charge of the bin Laden desk. It was his job to get into the mind of bin Laden...

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are nothing compared to ISIS, in terms of threat. ISIS is the revival of the Caliphate and the return to the dark ages of Islam.

Grassroots sympathizers and followers of the old faith are estimated in the hundreds of millions.

Problem is, the ones doing the fighting engage in genocide and oppression of women.

You are talking past me.

Islam institutionalizes the abortion and oppression (including wife-rape) of women. The Christian faith does not threaten women like that. Women are equals and the government upholds that.

ISIS can only expand by being able to recruit supporters.

The source of the recruits is the old faith.

9. Keep punishing Muslim people through sanctions for what their leaders are doing.

Boycotts don't work.

Their leaders might do bad things, but the people in the religion engage in mass domestic violence and wife-rape, as well as abortion and the murder of kids and adults (honor killings).

11. Keep treating refugees with indifference to their plight.

Trump, and most Republicans will, and it will be another recruiting boom for ISIS.

Is everyone who disagrees with you a Republican, in your mind?

12. Keep validating the Muslim narrative that the West is out to get Islam.

Extremist Islam is out to get the West. Especially ISIS. See their manifesto.

If we do the right thing, or stop doing the wrong things, as indicated by my list, ISIS will dry up and blow away.

Is this how you handle men who terrorize their wives in cases of domestic violence? Ignore them and the problem will just go away?

They hate the "West" because we are "infidels" and regardless of whether or not a set of power brokers are funding them, they get their true momentum from the ideas that sparked them hundreds of years ago.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You have a huge gap between 1681 and 2001. THAT'S the history you need to be aware of, especially with regard to French and British colonialism in the mid 1800's and American colonialism beginning in 1953. That history is actually relevant to 9/11.

exploitation of middle east oil, especially during ww2 and after is the key to understanding what we face today

what was, for centuries, desperately impoverished regions had a massive influx of western wealth, causing huge destabilizations along with population growth

make oil worthless and watch them become barren, mostly unpopulated deserts again


Well-known member
Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are nothing compared to ISIS, in terms of threat. ISIS is the revival of the Caliphate and the return to the dark ages of Islam.

Grassroots sympathizers and followers of the old faith are estimated in the hundreds of millions.

I'm not so sure. ISIS' main goal is to recruit and have more loyalists to be able to expand their illegitimate caliphate in the Levant, which is not popularly accepted among the Muslim ummah (community). Islamic law says the establishment of a caliphate must be by consensus of the whole Muslim community and they never got that, or even asked. To that end ISIS has 30 or 40K members, while on 9/11 al Qaeda had about 200, according to documents seized in a raid. Bin Laden's goal was retaliation, teaching America a lesson, so had more incentive for attacks on our soil. Terrorist attacks by ISIS do little for their recruiting efforts except maybe among the Western kids in gangs drawn by their use of bigger guns. Most of them end up fighting in the Levant, not their native countries. ISIS certainly has sympathizers who sympathize for many of the same reasons they sympathized with al Qaeda, one of which is the fact that many of the Muslim leaders are apostates who only care about their power and not the people, like Syria's Assad, and others that the US has supported in the past, like Saddam Hussein and Mohamar Gadhafi. Our efforts to remove Assad have only made ISIS stronger - in fact we armed and trained them as one of those supposed "moderate" forces fighting against Assad. Like I said, if we keep doing what we have been doing we are only guaranteeing another attack, but the reasons for the attack from ISIS are because they know we will retaliate, which is what they want, because it helps in their recruiting efforts when we try to kill them off.


Well-known member
exploitation of middle east oil, especially during ww2 and after is the key to understanding what we face today

what was, for centuries, desperately impoverished regions had a massive influx of western wealth, causing huge destabilizations along with population growth

make oil worthless and watch them become barren, mostly unpopulated deserts again

Except the UAE, which has a prince smart enough to develop a tourist industry. Saudi Arabia will dry up and blow away. In fact, Saudi Arabia is already showing signs of that. They purposefully flooded the market with oil to drive the price down, as they've done before. This time to put our new fracking industry out of business. Problem is, it's not working, and Saudi Arabia is taking a loss in their efforts and will soon run out of money reserves to sustain their backwards little whorehouse for the Royal Family. If this keeps up it's going to get really interesting to see what happens when the Royal Family gets desperate.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
with any luck we'll have cracked the problem of electrical energy storage by then :thumb:


New member
1. Continue killing civilians with our Air Force drone program.
2. Keep supporting tyranny in the Muslim world like we have done for the past 50 years.
3. Continue our military presence on the Arabian peninsula, especially in Saudi Arabia which hosts two of Islams most holy sites.
4. Continue to support Israel as they continue to treat the Palestinians as animals.
5. Continue to support Israel as they continue to steal land from the Palestinians.
6. Continue to get oil from the Mid East at prices way below market value.
7. Continue to choose sides in sectarian civil wars.
8. Keep ignoring international law.
9. Keep punishing Muslim people through sanctions for what their leaders are doing.
10. Keep invading Muslim countries.
11. Keep treating refugees with indifference to their plight.
12. Keep validating the Muslim narrative that the West is out to get Islam.

1. Fail to develop alternate energy sources.
2. Allow Arab groups to nationalize oil fields the West found and developed.
3. Grant dictatorships nation status and voting seats at the UN.
4. Spend time and resources fighting a fake 'drug war' run by the CIA.
5. Allow German Nazis to take over the US government and run our industry.
6. Let big corporations pay no taxes.
7. Sell our technology to foreigners who will give it away to our enemies and use it against us.
8. Buy porn magazines and allow pseudo-Jewish atheist mobs to run our media.
9. Legalize sodomy and homosexual unions.
10. Allow unrestricted immigration when the real solution is impose peace in foreign countries.
11. Ignore our NATO allies when they are overrun by waves of unvetted 'immigrants'.
12. Remove all Biblical references from our government, culture and society.

There, fixed that for ya.


New member
5. Allow German Nazis to take over the US government and run our industry.

Funny, in the other thread you are quoting a Nazi in Germany as a reliable and honest source to buttress your arguments. At least your idiocy is a constant.