toldailytopic: Liberals want to outlaw large soft drinks and other large sugary drink


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
that would be cruel. Not every obese person is obese due to irresponsibility on their part. Some of us are obese because of other health factors and because of the lies of Big Pharma
It's for your own good!

You do realize I'm not serious don't you?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Actually, carbohydrates is the only thing that causes weight gain. Sugar in the blood cause the pancreas to release insulin. That carries it to the cells. Protein nor fat is converted into fat. There is a reason "carbo loading" for a marathon is used.

Now, there can be other problems in the body, where a person needs to consume far less carbohydrates than somebody else. That is why Dr Atkins had his inductin phase. 20 net carbs a day. Weight will go down. Yeah, some people can consume much more. AFter the weight goal is reached, carbs are to be added in to stop ketosis. That is the equilibrium part. But instead of coke or pepsi, eat an apple or strawberries. And don't worry about the bacon.

I eat a pile of food, but don't gain, because I don't consume that many carbs. Most of the carbs I eat are the fibrous kind.


Well-known member
He was a liberal Republican, what's your point?
This issue has nothing to do with liberalism. And "liberals" don't agree with Bloomberg on hardly anything. But the bigots and haters and morons don't care, of course. Any excuse to behave like jerks is good enough for them.


New member
Hi anna, I like your name. :)

And I'm sorry you beat me to it. I remember being disappointed it was already taken when I joined TOL in 2009. :chuckle:

I would have gone with my real name but its easier to choose a name that sounds more feminine. :wave:


New member
It's for your own good!

You do realize I'm not serious don't you?

I don't think you should joke like that. I used to weight 115lbs and now I am close to 300lbs because I am forced to take medication that causes weight gain so no I don't think what you said was funny.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I don't think you should joke like that. I used to weight 115lbs and now I am close to 300lbs because I am forced to take medication that causes weight gain so no I don't think what you said was funny.



New member
You could move more and eat less. :chew: Pr 23:2

I appreciate the input but I am unable to exercise and I have tried to eat better and still no progress. The only way I am going to lose the weight is if I get off the medication which there is no way thats going to happen.

I used to walk in the neighborhood but had to stop because everytime I tried to go outside, either both of my eyes would burn like somebodys stabbing them or my legs would cramp up to the point where I couldn't stand on my feet,so I bought a treadmill thinking that that would work. When I tried that, I would get cramps and pain all over my body. I tried modified pushups and my muscles kept locking up due to the medication and my symptoms.

The doctors don't really know what is going on, the best guess is that my symptoms resemble MS, but they didn't find any deterioration in my brain so they sent me back to my psychiatrist who has me on some pretty potent stuff which doesn't touch the pain it just calms me so I don't get anxious or agitated.


New member

I am not mad at you but I think you should be careful what you say and who you're friends with.

It's like that psalm that says Blessed are those who walk not in the counsel of the ungodly nor sit in the seat of the scornful.

Even if your friends are christians they may not be the wisest people to follow because it is not kind or wise to mock people for the scripture says that the wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable...etc..I think you get the picture. Any way hope all is well.



New member
"Do or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda

It isn't that simple. You don't understand psychopharmacology. The medications themselves intefere with glucose metabolism. It doesn't matter how little I eat or even what I eat; I still gain weight. Do I need to bring out a metabolic pathway chart or can't you just trust that I have done everything in my power to lose the weight.

It's easy to sit back and judge people when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes.


New member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 1st, 2012 09:20 AM

toldailytopic: Liberals want to outlaw large soft drinks and other large sugary drinks, thoughts?

I'm sympathetic to efforts to create a healthier society, but I don't see this making a large impact. First, as Knight pointed out, people can just get by this by buying multiple drinks. Second, this does nothing to what people buy for their homes which I imagine is where the bulk of soda consumption takes place. Or the workplace.

Good intentions. Bad execution.


New member
It's easy to sit back and judge people when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes.

That is true.

You say you are "forced" to take medication that makes you gain weight? For what purpose? Are you sure it's absolutely necessary? I gained 70lbs with antidepressants and antipsychotics. It's no fun and I'm just about convinced it affects the brain forever. It's very difficult to get rid of it after the fact, too. So I do realize that happens. I just wonder about being "forced" to take medication. Maybe you doctors are wrong and it isn't absolutely necessary?


New member
Hall of Fame
I almost want to go get a big gulp in protest. But I stopped drinking pop almost half a year ago.

Good for you! :thumb: (no sarcasm)

I've been slowly trying to decrease my pop consumption. I used to drink a 20 oz bottle just about every day. Then I switched to the 12 oz bottles or a 12 oz can. Now I am on the little guys, the 7.5 oz cans. It is my source for caffeine.


New member
That is true.

You say you are "forced" to take medication that makes you gain weight? For what purpose? Are you sure it's absolutely necessary? I gained 70lbs with antidepressants and antipsychotics. It's no fun and I'm just about convinced it affects the brain forever. It's very difficult to get rid of it after the fact, too. So I do realize that happens. I just wonder about being "forced" to take medication. Maybe you doctors are wrong and it isn't absolutely necessary?

I have pain that the doctors call tactile hallucinations, but really it feels like I am being torchured by electricty moving thru my body.Tourture which seems to tell me what to do or not do. I am scratching myself as I type this. I am suprised that I am even able to communicate right now cause usually I have alot of problems doing the simplest of things. Even watching tv is a miracle.

It wasn't always like this. It started back in 06 when I was in the hospital; I felt a warm sensation in my stomach like I was being cooked from the inside. For days I couldn't bathe or wash my hands because of the metal in the water. When my family gave me change to get something to drink from the drink machine, I experienced a sharp pain in my hands. As soon as I got rid of the coins in my hand, the pain went away.

If I stop taking the meds which I can't (I am on a shot), I would go days without sleep, I would be agitated and anxious and would probably want to hurt myself or someone else or do something illegal.

With the medicine I sometimes have gone days without sleep because of the pain and I would get confused because of the stimulation the pain causes. I am very analytical so it is hard for me not to over analyze the pain.

The doctors don't know what to do. I go thu many med changes because the doctors don't listen to me when I say the pain has a mind of its own, it doesn't go away with medicine and it's not psychosomatic.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
This issue has nothing to do with liberalism. And "liberals" don't agree with Bloomberg on hardly anything. But the bigots and haters and morons don't care, of course. Any excuse to behave like jerks is good enough for them.

Is it behaving like a jerk to believe the government has no business telling me what to eat or drink?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I am not mad at you but I think you should be careful what you say and who you're friends with.

It's like that psalm that says Blessed are those who walk not in the counsel of the ungodly nor sit in the seat of the scornful.

Even if your friends are christians they may not be the wisest people to follow because it is not kind or wise to mock people for the scripture says that the wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable...etc..I think you get the picture. Any way hope all is well.

I was not mocking obesity. I was mocking the government telling people what to eat and drink. I was saying that outlawing big drinks is as silly as outlawing large sized clothing. You do agree that outlawing plus size clothing is a silly idea, do you not?


New member
I was not mocking obesity. I was mocking the government telling people what to eat and drink. I was saying that outlawing big drinks is as silly as outlawing large sized clothing. You do agree that outlawing plus size clothing is a silly idea, do you not?

Sorry about that takes a while for me to get people since I take things too literally. :)

I agree. I think it is silly to outlaw large sodas and plus sized clothing


New member
The government has no business regulating soda IMO. If they are going to outlaw soda for being unhealthy, they might as well outlaw cake, candy, desserts, etc.