Thoughts about why identify as Jewish.


New member
Abraham did not have a religion... and he was NOT a Jew.

The Jewish practices were for a purpose... to remind all of humanity that God still exists and what was going to be required for salvation.

If anything, the Jewish story gives me hope, because even though they had it all... God actually lived with them at certain points of history, God saved them, fought for them and gave them a homeland... in spite of all these riches, the Jews turned their back on God time and time again.. they forgot their purpose, they became haughty and adulterous.

If God can love them, he is capable of loving anyone!

As far as the Jewish religion... its time is past, the purpose for it to exist was abolished upon Jesus' resurrection and the destruction of their temple in AD70 which will NEVER be built again.... its over, finished... caput.

The promise has always been through the seed of Abraham's faith, not his physical descendents (although they did have a temporal promise of the land).

Anyhow, there is not a single legitimate Jew living on this planet that can lay claim to and actually prove they are a descendant of one of the 12 tribes that inherited the promise.... the are wannabes.

All the Jews that inhabit Israel and not inhabiting the land given to them as part of the promise... they are squatting on other tribes land and have rubbed Gods face in it by taking matters into their own hand and forcibly possessing the land without his intervention and guidance.


Abraham did not have a religion... and he was NOT a Jew.

The Jewish practices were for a purpose... to remind all of humanity that God still exists and what was going to be required for salvation.

If anything, the Jewish story gives me hope, because even though they had it all... God actually lived with them at certain points of history, God saved them, fought for them and gave them a homeland... in spite of all these riches, the Jews turned their back on God time and time again.. they forgot their purpose, they became haughty and adulterous.

If God can love them, he is capable of loving anyone!

As far as the Jewish religion... its time is past, the purpose for it to exist was abolished upon Jesus' resurrection and the destruction of their temple in AD70 which will NEVER be built again.... its over, finished... caput.

The promise has always been through the seed of Abraham's faith, not his physical descendents (although they did have a temporal promise of the land).

Anyhow, there is not a single legitimate Jew living on this planet that can lay claim to and actually prove they are a descendant of one of the 12 tribes that inherited the promise.... the are wannabes.

All the Jews that inhabit Israel and not inhabiting the land given to them as part of the promise... they are squatting on other tribes land and have rubbed Gods face in it by taking matters into their own hand and forcibly possessing the land without his intervention and guidance.
Is it okay to discuss your opinion with you?


New member
Okay. First, do you believe the Bible? Do you accept everything that was written in what many Christians call the Old Testament? The first 39 books of the Bible are often called the Old Testament by Christians.

Yes, but I don't believe anyone's interpretation of it...


Well-known member
Amazing how sure you folks are about what Jews and Judaism are. You are dead certain that you understand- and completely wrong.


Yes, but I don't believe anyone's interpretation of it...
Do you have a definition for what a Jew is? I believe you are saying Abraham was not a Jew, but I don't know why you say that. Certainly Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the fathers of Israel. Jacob's name was changed to Israel. The twelve tribes of Israel make up the nation of Israel.


The five tags I gave this thread are: christian, christianity, jewish, jewish and christian, judaism.


New member
Do you have a definition for what a Jew is? I believe you are saying Abraham was not a Jew, but I don't know why you say that. Certainly Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the fathers of Israel. Jacob's name was changed to Israel. The twelve tribes of Israel make up the nation of Israel.

Abraham was not a Jew.. he did not follow the law, festivals and traditions that later arose.

It was Abraham's non-Jewish faith that started the entire ball rolling....

Being a Jew did not start really until the split of the kingdom.. before that they were just Israelites... Jews denote the kingdom of Judah... which came quite a long time after Abraham.

Jews are like a small splinter sect.

Islam also claims Abraham as their founder... you are no different.


Abraham was not a Jew.. he did not follow the law, festivals and traditions that later arose.

It was Abraham's non-Jewish faith that started the entire ball rolling....

Being a Jew did not start really until the split of the kingdom.. before that they were just Israelites... Jews denote the kingdom of Judah... which came quite a long time after Abraham.

Jews are like a small splinter sect.

Islam also claims Abraham as their founder... you are no different.
Would you say that in your understanding there is a difference between an Israelite and a Jew?


Very much so.
Okay. The term Jew is sometimes used to refer to those who are of Israel.

Jacob, Abraham's grandson (therefore a descendant of Abraham) experienced a name change. His name was changed to Israel. Judah was one of Jacob's sons.

When was the term Jew first used and how was it used?


New member
Okay. The term Jew is sometimes used to refer to those who are of Israel.

Jacob, Abraham's grandson (therefore a descendant of Abraham) experienced a name change. His name was changed to Israel. Judah was one of Jacob's sons.

When was the term Jew first used and how was it used?

It refereed to the people of the southern kingdom that split off from Israel. The rogue tribes of Judah and Benjamin.


It refereed to the people of the southern kingdom that split off from Israel. The rogue tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Are you saying the term was used of those of the southern kingdom? How would we verify this? I know we can speak of a split (maybe not split off from Israel though). Israel is sometimes referred to as the northern kingdom. After (the kingdom of) Israel was taken captive (the kingdom of) Judah was taken into exile in Babylon for 70 years after which they returned to the land. The temple had been destroyed and it was rebuilt. Before the second temple was destroyed Jesus had already ascended to the Father (God).

I personally have wondered about if the term Jew refers to those of the southern kingdom, either before... during... or after the Babylonian captivity (and first used where and when?).


New member
Are you saying the term was used of those of the southern kingdom? How would we verify this? I know we can speak of a split (maybe not split off from Israel though). Israel is sometimes referred to as the northern kingdom. After (the kingdom of) Israel was taken captive (the kingdom of) Judah was taken into exile in Babylon for 70 years after which they returned to the land. The temple had been destroyed and it was rebuilt. Before the second temple was destroyed Jesus had already ascended to the Father (God).

I personally have wondered about if the term Jew refers to those of the southern kingdom, either before... during... or after the Babylonian captivity (and first used where and when?).

Yes, Jew refers to someone in the southern Kingdom, with its distinct beliefs and practices.


Yes, Jew refers to someone in the southern Kingdom, with its distinct beliefs and practices.
I now know how you define the term Jew, thank you.

The kingdom of Judah or the southern kingdom, however it is called, came after Abraham had died.