They Made Me Gay

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
but let's get back to your aversion to the word "perversion":
...that word perversion is only really used against the other fellow, against the homosexual and for the same reason that he/she is lumped with the pedophile, because it degrades and offends and removes them from us, from the rest of the sinners. There is a hypocrisy buried in it that offends me ....

why shouldn't a Christian "degrade and offend and remove" the pervert who wishes to see his perversion recognized as normal?

explain the hypocrisy that you see buried and thus take offense to

let's get that hypocrisy out in the open

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think I gave you my answer in scripture. We are responsible for what are children are exposed to and the context by which they will process the world.

and you kicked up quite the fuss the other day when he was exposed to the F-word

how will you prepare him for those who call evil good, especially when they are in positions of authority?

how will you tell him that judges, senators, presidents, teachers, parents of friends - all of them are wrong when it comes to homosexuality being "normal"?

No. Though I may well be teaching in the school system where he'll be advancing.

then you'll be expected to toe the line, to teach children that perversion is normal

how do you plan to handle that?

for example:
In kindergarten through third grade, students read My Two Uncles. Elly, the young protagonist, is anticipating her grandparents' golden wedding celebration -- and she is sad, because her grandfather will not invite her uncle's partner. In the end, the grandfather softens a little.

By the lesson's end, students are taught to "realize that some families include gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people." To steer them away from bigoted (traditional values) ideas, they learn to define "homophobia" and "prejudice."

"What kindergartner isn't going to walk away believing they are bigoted or homophobic when their teacher tells them traditional values they are taught at home are hateful?," questioned England.

Which sin forces you to accept it as normal?

if you're a school teacher in alabama?


Then you sell baked goods. And if you run a gun store you sell weapons. You aren't endorsing what people choose to do with them or what they believe, unless you write, "This is an endorsement of the following:..."

and how is producing a cake that says "Congratulations on your Gay Wedding!" not an endorsement?

remember - the perverts dint want just a cake - they wanted a cake that celebrated their perversity - in fact, the baker had happily provided them with non-endorsemental baked goods in the past
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Well-known member
Yes. Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall to name two. Other investigations followed as well. How does this support the notion that pedophilia is likely to become accepted exactly?


I already stipulated where it's most likely to be attempted, given current trends. I simply asked if prosecutions seem to be up in the UK after the recent decades of secret unofficial paedo-tolerance.

You don't read good.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
but let's get back to your aversion to the word "perversion":
I don't have an aversion to the word. I have an aversion to hypocrisy. All sin is a perversion of God's desire. Gluttony is a perversion of God's intent for how we maintain our bodies. Sex outside of marriage is a perversion of the point, etc. I mostly reject how the word is used to separate sinner from sinner, to place one above the other instead of recognizing the need for all to place themselves within the mercy of Christ.

why shouldn't a Christian "degrade and offend and remove"
Because that's not the approach of our example. Christ scattered money changers who used religion to amass wealth. He attacked the Pharisees in their hypocrisy. He was hard with people who knew better, those who used His church and authority to their own petty ends. But he supped with sinners and was criticized for it. Did he tell them their sin was fine? Of course not. He told them the truth. And yet he went among them and it bothered the Pharisees that he was welcome, where they in their judgement and severity were not.

explain the hypocrisy that you see buried and thus take offense to
I see hypocrisy in Christians who approach those most in need of salvation with language that expresses hostility and rejection, which seems less about the needs of the fallen and more about the state of their own self-regard, all while harboring their own perverse imperfections. Because while I suspect most of us would say that we do not desire disobedience, we routinely find ourselves giving the same evidence of the need for grace. It may be language used in traffic, or gossip at our job, or any number of sins as varied as we are and/or as common.

So if what truly distinguishes us from the sinner attempting to reconcile us to his sin is an unmerited grace, we should approach him in that blessed and fortunate gratitude, explaining the good news and how we, all of us, who merit condemnation may yet have reconciliation that is meaningful, in Christ, and the grace that flows from him to everyone who loves him.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Because that's not the approach of our example. Christ scattered money changers who used religion to amass wealth. He attacked the Pharisees in their hypocrisy. He was hard with people who knew better...

homosexuals do know better, or at least they used to, when society had no hesitation in calling their evil, evil

I see hypocrisy in Christians who approach those most in need of salvation ...

those who call evil good are those who are most in need of salvation? :freak:

isaiah dint think so :nono:

5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
and you kicked up quite the fuss the other day when he was exposed to the F-word
It was a violation of the rules here agreed upon by everyone who signs on. Simple as that. It didn't belong here. This isn't the public square, it's a private residence, one with a higher standard.

how will you prepare him for those who call evil good, especially when they are in positions of authority?

how will you tell him that judges, senators, presidents, teachers, parents of friends - all of them are wrong when it comes to homosexuality being "normal"?
By raising him up in the study of God's word, which isn't murky on the point, and by counsel and example. And we'll continue to do what we do about anything that he wonders about. That's the job.

then you'll be expected to toe the line, to teach children that perversion is normal
That's not the curriculum here.

how do you plan to handle that?
There's nothing to handle. If it came to that I'd fight it and/or do something else or teach somewhere else.

for example:
In kindergarten through third grade, students read My Two Uncles. Elly, the young protagonist, is anticipating her grandparents' golden wedding celebration -- and she is sad, because her grandfather will not invite her uncle's partner. In the end, the grandfather softens a little.

We don't read that or anything like it here. Not a part of our curriculum. I omit the repeated argument that a teacher for a handful of hours a day has more impact and authority than a parent who has them for more.

and how is producing a cake that says "Congratulations on your Gay Wedding!" not an endorsement?
When you're taking dictation. I can copy a section from Mein Kampf. It doesn't make me a Nazi unless I praise the content when speaking for myself.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
homosexuals do know better, or at least they used to, when society had no hesitation in calling their evil, evil
That's a larger, longer argument, but no more or less than anyone outside of the faith, as we were once. What changed for us? Were we just smarter or better than the next fellow?

those who call evil good are those who are most in need of salvation?
Who is more in need of witness than someone so blinded by sin that they see it as a virtue? Jesus looked down on his murderers and said what?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I can copy a section from Mein Kampf.

do you have the right to refuse to copy a section from Mein Kampf if it offends you?

does the baker have the right to refuse to bake a cake for a neo-nazi group celebrating Hitler's birthday with the inscription "Jews are evil"?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sure. Religion, race, color, national origin and sexual orientation are treated differently, have a different standard.

why should any of them factor into a private business owner's decision whether or not to serve a customer?

and regardless of your conception of whether or not it constituted an endorsement, the bakery owner believed that it did.

why shouldn't his beliefs be respected?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

and from this, you believe that we, as Christians, should overlook the sins of others, should enable them in their efforts to create a society that accepts their perversions as normal?

is this true (for you) only of homosexuality?

or are you secretly a supporter of pedophiles?

if not, why not?

if so, why not openly?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
why should any of them factor into a private business owner's decision whether or not to serve a customer?
There's a lot of case law to answer that if you do a google. Start with Shelly v. Kraemer. Ultimately, if you hold yourself out to the public you have to make your services available to everyone for a number of reasons I won't go into here.

and regardless of your conception of whether or not it constituted an endorsement, the bakery owner believed that it did.
Like I said, you can't reason against feeling, but it doesn't make the feeling reasonable.

why shouldn't his beliefs be respected?
Which? The only belief that isn't being respected is his apparent belief that he has the right to discriminate. In our compact we've determined that he doesn't. If you like I'll give you the case law and relevant codifications, but later. Jack just invited me into Lego World. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
and from this, you believe that we, as Christians, should overlook the sins of others, should enable them in their efforts to create a society that accepts their perversions as normal?
I not only didn't say that, I said something else. If you can't argue honestly don't bother me. I'll look in later. :e4e:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There's a lot of case law ...

i'm not interested in man's law - in its current state it's a perversion of God's Law

Like I said, you can't reason against feeling, but it doesn't make the feeling reasonable.

and yet you're willing to give more credence and respect to the hurt feelings of the pervert

typical lib position

his apparent belief that he has the right to discriminate

of course he has the right to discriminate

just not against perverts that you and retarded libs like you champion

if he chose to discriminate against a neo-nazi or a Christian fundamentalist, you'd be cheering him on
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Well-known member
That rhetoric was harsh. I don't mean to argue that if your singular objection to homosexuality is a dogmatic and moral one that it makes you stupid or that it's stupid to stand on it, so I let my ire with people who attempt a bit of hypocritical and largely hateful advance taint my response on the point and I apologize for it. I also hold a strong opinion on sin and I don't think it's irrational at all within the context of the faith, nor is adopting that context irrational.
For me, this is really the only thing that needed response. The rest is simply my 'thoughts.' Some of them, I've worked on over a long period, so would appreciate feedback from a sounding board approach, but it has nothing much to do with the thread. It is rather about my current view of what I think is SCOTUS out of balance and harming our country. I'd appreciate a read, and any feedback, as I value you perspective as different than my own. I don't think I'd respond to any of that, but really just want to ensure I have my ideas and thoughts reflected back to me. No need, just a service, if you have time:

Sorry about the lateness of this, Lon. We had very bad weather here and I've lost a couple of responses that couldn't be executed and, because they were written here and without a back up, were lost. I'll give you the shorter version.

I'm not sure of your point on this one so I'll have to ask for clarification.
Whoever the two consenting adults, both of their parents are touched by the inevitable early death, the shame (and I'm meaning societal, if not spiritual, emotional, but those too) of it. They lobbied for this, but all of them know they are harming their extended families. Because of that, as representatives and only empowered as much as they serve the needs of all the people, the law has harmed society. There is no question. The law needs to be changed away from full and impartial acceptance. We never 'legalized' adultery for example. The law just rightly left it alone. They should have done the same, despite lobbying and lawsuits. Sadly, the SCOTUS didn't care to listen. They are operating without any balance and check. I would, that all SCOTUS rulings would necessarily have to pass through the House and Senate, just as the President's. There is no way a good many of their mandates and socialism would pass. It is just wishful thinking, but the majority of big decisions by them have demanded a jury of peers. We didn't even get that, and are serving the sentence. It is really that bad, I think.

There is a long list of sins covered by that same description which are both perfectly legal and receive nary an outcry from the faithful. The question is then do we want to attempt to recreate the law that condemned us or do we want to continue the work of grace, set the example in our walk and proclaim the way out of bondage.
As I said above, I 'wish' all SCOTUS rulings would have to pass through the house and senate before getting to rule all states. The SCOTUS often rules unfairly. We all know it, and it is why there is such an outcry during every appointment to that group. Something is wrong, in balance, when we all realize whoever gets in, is the way to get our agendas accomplished.
In a nutshell, imho, justice cannot be 'blind' less it hurts the whole, it is trying to serve. Some things are just 'right' BUT because we disagree on which is 'right' justice will never be blind. We are responsible for holding up and defending what we know to be right. Right now in America, there is not much the average joe can do to affect or protest. We march by the millions at the Capitol - Nothing. The system imho, doesn't work any more. My paradigm: You CANNOT attack your base, without ruining your country. They rightly need the most consideration. The government as a whole, is dysfunctional, because they reject this paradigm. Imho, that is the political and economic reason we are in the state we are in. The only way to 'make America great again' is to foster the base of a country: Families. All this overt attention to minority views and needs is not all bad, but the pendulum has to swing back or there is going to be a revolution, and I honestly believe, SCOTUS is has a huge hand.
They are serving minority interest 'against' their base. They are no longer serving all of America, but interest groups. Whenever we do so, it is a necessary evil that we attack something of the whole. I think some needed, but again, it is so far on the pendulum swing, it is actually hurting us. We can only absorb so much at a time and 'need' attention and support of families. The SCOTUS rulings affect corporations, thus every ruling carries adverse affects, all the way down.

Our Republic protects the right of the faithful to act in accord with their conscience and leaves most of that between the individual and God. It does not advance any particular faith in this protection. The law balances right between parties and the state. And because of this we haven't had religious purges and associated violence of the sort that destroyed so much of Europe, as Christian slew Christian over thin dogmatic distinctions, to say nothing of those outside of the faith and those advancing other faiths.
I'm saying that is the wrong take of separation and state. It 'used' to be illegal to commit adultery. It is still illegal to be polygamous.

I don't believe that's true given the wide assortment of harmful sins available in most of those societies throughout history. I think its more an intersection of sin and natural inclination, social taboo and our inherent response to the other.
I believe you believe this. I 'think' some of your education has harmed you and must be eschewed. I think politics have indeed crept into the justice system and it is not blind, if it ever was. I also don't think it 'can' be blind. It genuinely needs to serve the greater public, not just the litigants. I think they give a cursory nod, like they did to Franklin Graham, but then that justice is on record as casting an 'angry' vote. That's not justice nor was it blind, it was ignorant and purposefully so. You and I, in a short conversation came up with the correct rule "Civil Union." Nobody asked us, and so the damage is done.

It's an actual assault on your person, does damage to you. It should be outlawed altogether for anyone who has children and in any public place.
No, it is the same reason it is illegal to harm a child, at least as far as parents are concerned. Kids cannot get married until they are 18 or older. If enough kids lobbied and marched for 10 years, they could get it lowered, simply because justice is (or isn't), blind. As I see it, because of the way SCOTUS operates, such would inevitably happen, despite parent's protest. Why? Because 'they aren't loud enough.' Such, isn't justice imho.

What I was getting to is that you cannot argue people out of a position that was not arrived at by reason, a thing I note from time to time around here. True of many positions. The problem comes, for me, when I see those people ignoring their own sin to heap coals on the head of an easier target and when they attempt to do what so many do who raise the pedophile and homosexual in the same sentence. Yes, they're both sins and yes all sin is a perversion, but it's interesting how that word perversion is only really used against the other fellow, against the homosexual and for the same reason that he/she is lumped with the pedophile, because it degrades and offends and removes them from us, from the rest of the sinners. There is a hypocrisy buried in it that offends me and in that offense I've been a little careless and hard.
No worries. There are times I think 'they are right, but harsh.' Other times "wrong AND harsh." I 'think' some of this due to the SCOTUS mandates and out-of-balance as I've suggested. People, who feel deeply about a law or ruling, are being trampled. I happened with Black rights too. Some of it is expected, but as I said, we as a society can only handle so much, because 'people' can only handle so much. Worse, I think we'd be seeing incredible violence if old people were capable of rioting. I think I could muster enough energy, but my parents? :nono: Some change is not good and should be resisted only for this fact: All laws are supposed to serve all, not show favoritism. This is a huge reason I didn't like Obama either. He was a minority and catered to all minorities, and did very little for in the way of concern for the middle working class. The laws he pressed 'shook' that house. Whatever he might have done, is negligible compared to what concessions he demanded. There is no placating and it will be a large reason he is ever seen as the worst president in the last 70 years.
But we do, Lon. And we will, in any number of ways. It's part of the nature of us, of our condition and our struggle.
I disagree, you could argue the same by drug use. It is illegal to commit suicide. Our laws do not 'stop' these activities. We don't always enforce our laws, but are on record as a nation, believing it wrong. Regan was on record believing abortion wrong. It was the 'hope' that doctors would carry our values and aversion. We were trying to leave it in doctor's hands. Remember that? It twisted and became something ugly. We weren't trying to be foolish or open the floodgates. The Legal system 'should' have better protected us, and our interests. They knew better than we (or should have) what opening or closing doors does to all of society. They are not supposed to be blind to needs, just blind so that people can get right rulings.

Ok Doser, No, that's just your proud, wrathful and false witness.

Your anger isn't righteous, it's personal. It's why you followed Rusha about telling her how you were looking forward to her suffering. It's why you're about to smile at the end of your last sentence. It's why I know you have no real understanding of grace beyond, I hope, accepting it for yourself.
Not to me, but 1) I think even he'd recognize posturing. We have a tendency to make the other guy the enemy. Whenever we see inconsistencies between what one believes and what we think they 'ought' to believe, reactionary. For me, people are more important (inconsistently, I've less patience for agnostics and atheists and heretics, some biblical, some personal). I am working on that latter as well, we need to love our enemies and do good to them. I have never doubted your love for Christ, or for me, or for those who are in sin. I have disagreed with you, and I 'think' some of your hang-on's are due to accepting legal paradigms THEN becoming a Christian. That, and because you are moderate, you are political anathema. I think the pendulum swing of that is coming back to balance. Parties cannot, or nearly cannot be separated by Christian principles any more, because both parties trample our values any more. I used to vote republican for abortion alone, not caring as much about wage loss. Now, I believe we are betrayed. Hopefully, that equates to fundamentalist Christians reaching across in fellowship to their Democratic counter-parts.

Rather, Ok Doser, God in his love and by His grace has released me from the bondage of sin and death. I hope He does the same for you or gives you enough misery to break whatever it is in you that keeps you from the joy you should have inherited.
A wonderful prayer. For all of us. I accept it as my own, even if to another

Thank you. In your service, and appreciating the same, very much. Your brother in Christ -Lon