The Walk-Away


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Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

Study the responses most had after most of the miracles occurred in the Bible.

Here is one:

Luke 17:
12Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. 13And they lifted up their voices and said, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"
14So when He saw them, He said to them, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.

15And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.

17So Jesus answered and said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? 18Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"

Thanks for the clarification.

So, a few billion souls and counting in hades. Giddy up.



Resident Atheist
Originally posted by ShadowMaid

There isn't an exact Bible passage that states, "And even when God did miricles, most didn't believe."
Of course not...

It's part of a study through the whole Bible.
So it's someone's interpretation of "what god really meant to say."

Well I just got done with Ninnyvay where she chastised me for listening to men... sorry, no dice. ;)


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by granite1010

Thanks for the clarification.

So, a few billion souls and counting in hades. Giddy up.


MIRACLES generally foster unbelief. It is not to say that people will reject altogether God and His Son. It is still up to the individual to decide.

Sold Out

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Re: Re: Re: Re: The Walk-Away

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Walk-Away

Originally posted by Dave Miller

In the flesh, I'm told it took several hours.

I the Spirit, it took several years of learning and
contemplation which culminated in an epiphonous
encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Where are you coming from here?


So on your birth certificate is a specific date, time and place of your birth, right?

Jesus said 'you must be born again'....being born is not a years long process, and you cannot birth yourself, so yes, there is a moment in time when someone accepts the gospel and is saved. For me it was June 1977 at age 6. I remember it like it was yesterday.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

MIRACLES generally foster unbelief. It is not to say that people will reject altogether God and His Son. It is still up to the individual to decide.

Ah. And what did Abraham tell Dives about people who saw miracles?

If they didn't believe Moses and the prophets, they won't believe even if their own brother or Lazarus came back from the dead. In our case, we have Moses, the law, the prophets, and the resurrection. On top of your supposed miracles. And Christianity still does not sway the majority of mankind.

Christianity by implication teaches that the majority of mankind is doomed to hell. And following your reasoning a miracle like the resurrection is the worst thing that could have happened.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by granite1010

And following your reasoning a miracle like the resurrection is the worst thing that could have happened.

No, it was the best thing that could have happened. It was the ultimate sacrifice. God sacrificed His only Son for us!


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

No, it was the best thing that could have happened. It was the ultimate sacrifice. God sacrificed His only Son for us!

As a "miracle" it's done more to foster unbelief than anything else imaginable.


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by granite1010
Christianity by implication teaches that the majority of mankind is doomed to hell. And following your reasoning a miracle like the resurrection is the worst thing that could have happened.
Well, you know, separating the sheep from the goats and all that... :chuckle:


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Zakath

So that was why YHWH used Pharaoh as an object lesson, eh? So Israel wouldn't believe????

As a nation, they generally did not. Miracles were not all that common either. Israel was God’s spoke nation, and there was a job to be done.

BTW, have you seen any miracles lately?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

That is up to you.

Not particularly, considering Pharaoh's heart wasn't hardened entirely of his own volition.

As I recall a certain foreign sky god had a LOT to do with the hardening.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Walk-Away

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Walk-Away

Originally posted by Sold Out

So on your birth certificate is a specific date, time and place of your birth, right?

Jesus said 'you must be born again'....being born is not a years long process, and you cannot birth yourself, so yes, there is a moment in time when someone accepts the gospel and is saved. For me it was June 1977 at age 6. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Good for you!

But its flawed to think that your experience sets the
standard for everyone else's experience.

Some say you have to speak in tongues.

Some say you have to handle snakes, and
drink arsenic.

Paul might have said that you have to be struck blind,
because that was his experience, but he doesn't say that.

Spiritual rebirth is different than physical birth.

take care,



Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by lighthouse

Because a Christian is one who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Did you have one?

Originally posted by granite1010

A "personal relationship" with an invisible deity happens to strike a lot of people as pretty impersonal, FYI.

Originally posted by Turbo

Translation: "No."

Originally posted by granite1010

Agreed. It's impossible to have a "relationship" with the figure known as Jesus Christ. Considering his existence is in doubt, on top of the fact that even if a "Jesus" lived he certainly is not who the church says he is, a "personal relationship" with him is a euphemism for "self-inflicted delusion of the mind."

You're right, Turbo, so right. I didn't have a relationship with Jesus. Got me!:chuckle:


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by granite1010

Not particularly, considering Pharaoh's heart wasn't hardened entirely of his own volition.

As I recall a certain foreign sky god had a LOT to do with the hardening.

Pharaoh's heart was already hard; having truth shoved in your face will either break you down and soften your heart or make it harder. Pharaoh had a choice, he could have repented.


Well-known member
Re: Re: Re: The Walk-Away

Re: Re: Re: The Walk-Away

Originally posted by Zakath Not according to some Evangelicals, it isn't.

"Call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved!"

Push-pull, click-click, one saint that quick!
Yeah, and we all can see what saints they are! *smile*


New member
Sozo said: “No, they cannot. It is a 100% absolute impossibilty for anyone to undue what God has done. Free will is not all inclusive, and those who are in Christ have been purchased by the blood of Jesus, and they are not their own.”

Those who are not in Christ have also been purchased, they just “deny the one who bought them”.

So you believe God forces people to live with Him who decide they don’t want a relationship with Him? Why then, didn’t he force the angels to live with him?
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