The Vicarious Life and Death of Christ for the Believer

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Holy Spirit is my teacher and my guide, John 16:13.

Non responsive, evasion.Anyone can say the same.You have infallible, objective teaching,by your Holy Spirit, POPE Pate, do you, that objectively "trumps" what the Holy Spirit teaches others?

Tell us, Pate, as I've asked, what you would say to one, who counters:

"The law has been replaced by the Holy Spirit. I need no law.The Holy Spirit is my teacher and my guide, John 16:13. POPE Pate taught me that. And the Holy Spirit teaches me that suicide bombings, bombing abortion clinics, and having multiple wives, is right."

Go ahead, Pate. What is your reference point? Let me guess: Your Holy Spirit is right, and this person's/everyone else's Holy Spirit is wrong!

Right, POPE Pate? Go ahead, Pate. Unpack it for us.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Holy Spirit is my teacher and my guide, John 16:13.

As I/others have asked you, POPE Pate: What objective source, outside of yourself, defines right/wrong, i.e., sin? To what are you pointing?What is your reference point? It cannot be the law, as, according to you, "poof," it no longer exists.

Answer Divine POPE Pate. Objective revelation, not subjective interpretation. The Holy Spirit only teaches that, which is drawn from, based upon, the scriptures, not divorced from them.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
As I/others have asked you, POPE Pate: What objective source, outside of yourself, defines right/wrong, i.e., sin? To what are you pointing?What is your reference point? It cannot be the law, as, according to you, "poof," it no longer exists.

Answer Divine POPE Pate. Objective revelation, not subjective interpretation. The Holy Spirit only teaches that, which is drawn from, based upon, the scriptures, not divorced from them.

You have a law based theology. This is why you don't want to believe that the law has been abolished. If the law has been abolished you have nothing.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You have a law based theology. This is why you don't want to believe that the law has been abolished. If the law has been abolished you have nothing.

Evasion. Non responsive. I've picked this fraud's "argument" apart, so he merely spams nothing.

As I/others have asked you, POPE Pate: What objective source, outside of yourself, defines right/wrong, i.e., sin? To what are you pointing?What is your reference point? It cannot be the law, as, according to you, "poof," it no longer exists.

Answer Divine POPE Pate. Objective revelation, not subjective interpretation. The Holy Spirit only teaches that, which is drawn from, based upon, the scriptures, not divorced from them.

You said, on record, that you consider yourself a sinner. Want to see your quotes again?

So, POPE Pate, again, what objective source, outside of yourself, defines right/wrong, i.e., sin, that makes you a sinner? To what are you pointing?What is your reference point? It cannot be the law, as, according to you, "poof," it no longer exists.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I always respond to this heretic. You are a disappointment for siding with him.

That is all he has, as I methodically picked his satanic, deceitful, demonic "argument," apart, leaving him, bloodied, on the mat, until "The Devil's Brigade" revives him, pumping him full of more demonic "logic," and subjectivism, and deceit, and hypocrisy, and sophistry. And now, POPE Pate's burial, him being "abolished:"

Your premise:

1.Sin is transgression of the law. If there is law, there is condemnation and judgment, for breaking the law, committing a transgression, a sin. But, if there is no law, there is no transgression, no sin, so, your solution is that since we cannot keep the law, and will sin, commit a transgression, and be sinners, "Jesus" abolished the law for Christians, so that we cannot be charged with sin, and thus be considered sinners..

2. You've also, on record, time, after time after time, asserted that the law was made for sinners, not Christians, citing 1 Timothy 1:9 KJV, accusing me/others of wanting to "under the law," which, in your dementia induced way of "thinking," means automatic judgment as sinners.

3. "Out of the other side" of your mouth, you've also, on record, in various threads, denied that Christians are considered "saints," asserting that Christians are sinners, including yourself. There is no "in between," Pate. The bible either pegs you a saint/saved/justified/child of God, or a sinner/lost/child of the devil, despite your Catholic "Hail Mary's" to the contrary.

So, POPE Pate, tell all of TOL, just how you can consider yourself a sinner, meaning you sin, if there is no law, since, according to you, it was abolished, to define what sin is.

Go ahead.

Also, as you continue to accuse me/others, of wanting to be under the law, which was only made for sinners, and you, again, on record, consider yourself a sinner, why you have put yourself under the law, you hypocrite?

Go ahead, Pate. Explain. You won't-you will explain it away, as you always do, with your twisted, demonic "logic," exaggerated by your melt down, spiraling into dementia, diminished capacity.

I will once again, pick you apart. Watch the either ensuing crafty dismissal, or the continued disjointed, dementia induced "reasoning" he spams. Watch.....

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Holy Spirit is my teacher and my guide, John 16:13.

As I predicted-nothing, addressing his own argument, so he spams a "No Mas."

Tell us, Pate, if you don't need rules, laws....What tells Christians, what is objectively right/wrong? Tell us, Pate. Go ahead. I will pick you apart, again.

Tell us, POPE Pate, how can a Christian be termed a "sinner," which, by definition, is one who commits a sin/transgression, if there is no law for them to be charged with a sin/offense/transgression?Your entire "argument" for the law being abolished for Christians, is, that if there is no law, the Christian cannot be charged with a sin/transgression, you quoting "Where there is no law there is no transgression." So, how is that a Christian, is a "sinner?" A sinner, by definition, commits a sin. What sin?

Pate quoted this, dozens of times, in his "argument:"

1 Timothy 1:9 KJV

Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

Pate:The law was made for sinners, John W., not Christians. Apparently, you need the law, being a sinner!!!!!!!!!!!

Other/me, to Pate: You said Christians are still considered sinners, Pate. How can that be, since, if there is no law, according to you, by which they can be judged to commit a sin/transgression? .Remember....Your "argument"....Where there is no law there is no transgression, no sin!!!!That is why the law had to be abolished, according to your premise.

Pate: Well, urr, uh,....You need the law....I am led by the Holy Spirit, you see, uh, urr....

Go ahead, Pate. Spin, lie, change biblical words, delete words, re-invent the meaning of words, to get yourself out of this ditch you are in.

Go ahead, Pate.

He was caught, in another lie, exposing his demonic, diminished capacity "logic."

Hence, his crafty dismissal, punt. He knows that I exposed his satanic "argument," for the con job, that it is, from the pits of hell.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You have a law based theology. This is why you don't want to believe that the law has been abolished. If the law has been abolished you have nothing.

If the law is allegedly abolished for you, Pate, and thus, no sin/transgression can be charged to your account, as "where there is no law there is no transgression"(your words), your premise("supporting walls" of an argument) as to why you assert that "Jesus abolished the law," how can you say that you sin, are a sinner? There is no law for you, according to you, so you cannot be charged with committing a sin/transgression.

Well, POPE Pate?

Caught....Picked apart....

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Pate, today:

Wakeup Jacob! You are a sinner saved by grace. Your obedience counts for nothing.

Again, he calls a fellow Christian a "sinner."

Tell us, Pate, what defines these sins/transgressions, that Jacob committed? Can't be the law, Pate, as, according to you, it no longer exists, for any Christian, including Jacob.

Well, Pate?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Pate, today:

Again, he calls a fellow Christian a "sinner."

Tell us, Pate, what defines these sins/transgressions, that Jacob committed? Can't be the law, Pate, as, according to you, it no longer exists, for any Christian, including Jacob.

Well, Pate?

Christ is our righteousness. Not the law, Philippians 3:9.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Christ is our righteousness. Not the law, Philippians 3:9.

Non responsive-we told you that.

Pate, today:

Wakeup Jacob! You are a sinner saved by grace. Your obedience counts for nothing.

Again, he calls a fellow Christian a "sinner."

Tell us, Pate, what defines these sins/transgressions, that Jacob committed? Can't be the law, Pate, as, according to you, it no longer exists, for any Christian, including Jacob.

Well, Pate?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Christ is our righteousness. Not the law, Philippians 3:9.

You said you are a sinner, committing sins.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

You have a law based theology. This is why you don't want to believe that the law has been abolished. If the law has been abolished you have nothing.

If the law is allegedly abolished for you, Pate, and thus, no sin/transgression can be charged to your account, as "where there is no law there is no transgression"(your words), your premise("supporting walls" of an argument) as to why you assert that "Jesus abolished the law," how can you say that you sin, are a sinner? There is no law for you, according to you, so you cannot be charged with committing a sin/transgression.

Well, POPE Pate?

Caught....Picked apart....

What defines sins, that you commit, Pate? Sin is the transgression of the law. You said that you sin. If there is no law, what defines these sins that you admit that you commit. Again, the bible says that sin is the transgression of the law. How can you commit a sin, if, according to you, there is no law to transgress?

Well, Pate?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Christ is our righteousness. Not the law, Philippians 3:9.


You said you commit sins. What law did you transgress, since sin is the transgression of the law?

Well, Pate? You assert that the law that defines what sin is, to be able to be transgressed, no longer exists for you/Christians.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

You said you commit sins. What law did you transgress, since sin is the transgression of the law?

Well, Pate? You assert that the law that defines what sin is, to be able to be transgressed, no longer exists for you/Christians.

Seems to be the crux of the matter to which I hope Robert will actually respond with some substance in defense of his position.


God's Truth

New member

You said you commit sins. What law did you transgress, since sin is the transgression of the law?

Well, Pate? You assert that the law that defines what sin is, to be able to be transgressed, no longer exists for you/Christians.

People sinned apart from the law.